ExpoPlatform: Web based platform for exposure assessment
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- The text on this page is taken from an equivalent page of the IEHIAS-project.
The Exposure Assessment Platform (ExpoPlatform) has been developed to give free and easy access to data and tools related to exposure assessment. Its aim is to provide the type of information that can be used for modeling both environmental concentrations and people’s contact with these concentrations.
The platform is structured in seven parts, covering different steps in, and tools needed to analyse, the source to intake chain. It is also a live database, so is constantly evolving to include new information.
Scope and definition
Data for a wide range of processes and components are needed when performing exposure assessments. These include:
- chemical and physiological information of chemicals;
- information on the sources of chemicals;
- concentrations of chemicals in different media (air, water, food etc.);
- information on the emissions of chemicals and general information on the factors effecting to the exposure levels (e.g. time use patterns, physiological information, consumer behavior, population size data).
The Expoplatform contains its own databases on each of these themes, as well as links to external data, guidance, and modeling tools. The modelling tools include methods and models to estimate emissions, environmental fate and concentrations of chemicals in various situations, and their resulting exposures.
The platform comprises seven sections, as follows:
- Exposure information database (ExpoDb);
- Intake fraction database (iFDb);
- Source attribution database (SADb);
- Exposure modeling tool (ExpoTool);
- Exposure concentration database (ExpoConcDb);
- Exposure scenario developer (ExpoScenario); and
- External databases and other sources (External sources).
These are described in more detailed in the attached Manual for ExpoPlatform.
File Attachments:
Media:Manual for ExpoPlatform.odf