- The text on this page is taken from an equivalent page of the IEHIAS-project.
The dynamiCROP model is an aspatial, dynamic framework for the quantification and valuation of human health impacts caused by the direct application of plant protection products onto agricultural field crops, such as wheat, and subsequent intake by humans via ingestion. The modelling framework is based on a crop-specific multi-compartment system and analyzes the mass evolution in the different compartments of the system over time. The underlying analytical first order differential equations are solved by means of matrix algebra. Despite the fact that the dynamiCROP model domain is aspatial, the assessment of human health impacts can be performed in a spatial differentiated way according to the underlying input parameters, such as application pattern, crop production area, population etc.
Model description
The purpose of dynamiCROP is to dynamically analyze the ingestion pathway of different plant protection products. The dynamiCROP model provides risk and/or impact assessments (based on intake fractions) in the form of effect and/or characterisation factors (EFs/CFs) and/or concentration/exposure-response relationships for human health from indirect exposure via ingestion of food products based on direct application of plant protection products [soon: and indirect emission into the environment].
Field(s) of model: Multimedia; Vegetation; Exposure; Impact Assessment; Integrated Assessment system; Monetary Valuation
Spatial coverage: Aspatial
Spatial resolution: n/a
Temporal coverage: Usually one year
Temporal resolution: Dynamic solution with one day steps (may be defined differently by the user, e.g. minutes)
Pollutants / Stressors / Agents covered: Plant protection products
Health effects: Generic cancer and non-cancer effects (taken from LCIA)
Population subgroups considered: Yes, if defined by user
Source types of emissions / sectors: Releases to all environmental media from agriculture (for plant protection products) and from all sectors, if defined by user
Data type: Daily averages, often based on more or less detailed background information
Data sources: Various
Data format: Various
Database type: ASCII file or CSV file
Data type: Point estimates (with uncertainty ranges)
Data sources: Different modules of the dynamiCROP framework
Data format: ASCII files; CSV files
Description of processes modelled and of technical details
Operating System: WINDOWS
Software requirements: MATLAB; Spreadsheet Link EX Toolbox; MS Excel
Developed by: dynamiCROP is being developed by the dynamiCROP team