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Parts of the Guidance system

Table of Contents for the Guidebook

Guidebook main page

  • short description of what the Guidebook (and Resource Centre) is
  • link to special pages ("menue" pages / interactive guidance) for the different user groups, e.g. policy makers, assessors, public
  • link to the help
  • link to the glossary
  • ...

General assessment framework

  1. Introduction
    1. Aim of the Guidebook WP 4.2
    2. Scope of the Guidebook WP 4.2
  2. General assessment framework | Categories: Assessment frameworks
    1. Purpose and properties of good assessments WP 1.1
    2. Societal context of assessments
    3. Evaluating assessment performance
    4. General assessment processes WP 1.1
      1. Information processing R↻
        1. Observing (actually belongs to basic science but is described here for completeness)
        2. Information collection
        3. Information synthesis
          1. Budding new objects
          2. Forming new classes
      2. Assessment process management
        1. Assessment process phases
        2. Process development
    5. Universal products | Categories: Universal object | Assessment objects
      1. Assessment | Categories: Assessments | Risk assessments
      2. Variable | Categories: Variables
      3. Class | Categories: Classes
      4. Causal network

Intarese framework

  1. Intarese framework | Categories: Assessment methods | Method | Risk assessment methods | Assessment tools WP 1.1
    1. Scientific context
      1. Domain description
        1. Full chain
          1. Emissions
          2. Exposures
          3. Exposure-response function
          4. Health impacts and valuation
    2. Policy context
    3. Societal context
    4. Technical context
  2. Performing an assessment WP 1.1
    1. Issue framing | Tools: Issue framing tool WP 1.1
      1. Scoping an assessment WP 1.1
        1. Defining the purpose of an assessment
        2. Defining the users of an assessment
      2. Applying general information | Tools: Result database
      3. Drawing a causal diagram WP 1.1 and 1.4
    2. Designing variables | Tools: Object design tool WP 1.4
    3. Executing variables and analyses | Tools: Analysis tool | External model tool | Extracted model tool | Uncertainty tool WP 1.1. and WP 1.4
      1. Variable transfer protocol
    4. Reporting an assessment | Tools: Reporting tool WP 1.1 and WP 4.2

General methods

  1. Processes that cover or relate to several phases or steps R↻
    1. Participating in assessments WP 1.1 and 1.4
      The purpose is to allow participation in assessments in a way that ensures an effective distribution of tasks, successful aggregation of task outputs, and scientifically valid outcome.
      1. Mass collaboration
        The purpose is the same as for participation in general, but allowing for open participation. | Tools: Collaborative workspace WP 1.4
        Organizing stakeholder involvement WP 1.1 and 1.4
        The purpose is to collect information and value judgements about issues relevant for the assessment from stakeholders.
        Organizing assessment-policy collaboration
        The purpose is the same as for organizing stakeholder involvement but limited to policy-makers. Does this include reporting to policy-makers?
        Dealing with disputes
        The purpose is to deal with or resolve disputes about scientific or value-based issues that are relevant for the assessment.| Categories: Open discussions WP 1.1 and 1.4
      Expert panel/elicitation
      The purpose is to obtain quantitative data about an important variable in a situation where there are no measurements available. Experts of the area are interviewed and quantitative estimates are obtained from them. This also includes methods to evaluate the goodness of these elicited estimates.
      Multiple-bias modelling
      The purpose is to correct the estimates based on general knowledge about biases that may or are likely to occur in the particular situation.
      GIS and spatial issues (WP 4.2)
      The purpose is...?
      Assessing uncertainty
      The purpose is to quantitatively assess the uncertainties related to the variables of interest. | Tools: Uncertainty tools (Aguila, MNP) D↷ What about the uncertainties of an assessment and error propagation?
      1. Estimating uncertainties WP 1.5
        The purpose is to... what is the difference to assessing uncertainty? Maybe, assessing uncertainties is more like an introductory article and also includes qualitative analyses while estimating uncertainties will include only quantitative analyses?
        Propagating uncertainties WP 1.5 (but will WP 1.5 cover this at all?)
        The purpose is to quantitatively propagate the uncertainties (described as probability distributions) through the model in a way that the uncertainties of all parts of the model are coherently described.
        Value of information analysis WP 1.4
        The purpose is to quantitatively estimate the value of further information (VOI) for decision-making. The VOI is always estimated for a particular set of decision options, using a defined outcome. It may be calculated for the whole decision situation (value of information) or a particular variable (value of partial information).
      Collective structured learning
      The purpose is to utilise existing information from previous assessments directly in new assessments and thus reduce costs of making assessments. This is done using two principles: the information is given freely available, and the information is structured in a uniform way. | Tools: Result database D↷ WP 1.4
      Quality assurance and quality control
      The purpose is to evaluate and ensure that the assessment fulfils the scientific criteria. An assessment is considered quality-controlled if all its parts are acceptably peer-reviewed and found out to fulfil the state-of-the art, or alternatively if a part does not fulfil the state-of-the-art, it is shown that the quality defect does not influence the conclusions. | Categories: Pages of assessed quality WP 1.4

Methods related to a particular step in the full chain

  1. Methods related to a particular step in the full chain | Categories: First level scoping objects D↷ R↻ R↻
    1. Activity modelling | Categories: Policy options | Activities
    2. Emission modelling | Categories: Pollutants | Emission releases | Emission sources | Emission factors and activities WP 4.2 and 2.x (estimation of emissions into different media due to activities / driving forces)
      1. including emission scenario building???
    3. Source-to-exposure modelling / environmental fate modelling | Categories: Fate and transport | Pathway media | Concentrations in the environment WP 1.2
      1. Atmospheric environmental fate models /dispersion models (estimation of concentration in air due to releases into air)
      2. Multimedia environmental fate models (estimation of concentration in env. media due to releases into the media)
      3. Intake fraction (relating intake to emissions)
      4. Source apportionment (for a given concentration find the related pollutant sources)
    4. Exposure modelling | Categories: | Exposures | Population behaviour WP 1.2 (estimation of the exposure of the population, disaggregated by pollutants/stressors, microenvironments, times, ...)
      1. including exposure scenarios
    5. Internal dose modelling | Categories: Doses WP 1.3 and WP 2.2
      1. Pharmacokinetic modelling
      2. Biomonitoring
    6. Exposure-response function modelling | Categories: Health effects | Exposure-response functions WP 1.3 and 2.2 and 2.3
      1. Performing meta-analysis (deriving ERFs from several studies)
      2. Combining toxicological and epidemiological information (deriving better ERFs/DRFs)
    7. Health impact estimation
      1. Burden of disease measures ----#(number):: . Could we accumulate it like this? --Alexandra Kuhn 17:11, 7 March 2008 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)
        1. Disability-adjusted life years (summarized burden of disease adding up increased mortality (years of life lost) and years lived with disability: DALY translates the impacts of diseases into life years based on their severity and duration, so that different diseases can be measured using a single currency, the life year.)
        2. Quality-adjusted life years (QALYs evaluate the quality of life in a certain health state, not disease)
    8. Non-health impact estimation | Categories: Non-health impacts This is outside Intarese framework but should be mentioned
    9. Impact valuation | Categories: Costs and valuations WP 1.4
      1. Risk appraisal framework consists of five panels that are briefly listed here but described in more detail elsewhere | Categories: Appraisal
        • Distance to (regulatory) target (define, if a policy/measures are suitable to fulfill a given target and/or how far the actual/modelled situation is from the target situation)
        • Impact estimation
        • Monetary estimation
        • Risk perception and acceptability
        • Equity estimation
      2. Monetary valuation (Possibility to compare and/or aggregate different impacts (e.g. health endpoints, cancer case, cough day, biodiversity loss). Weighing of impacts; convert everything to one unit (to make it comparable))
        1. Discounting
        2. Transferability of monetary values (making monetary values usable in another context (e.g. country))
        3. Contingent valuation studies (CVS) (Determining the willingness to pay (monet. values) for goods/utility changes that are not traded on the market, e.g. health effects. In principle this is not contrained to ask for WTP, is it???)
          1. WTP (Preference of the population to avoid utility change; weighing, e.g. health effects)
      3. Including value judgements (being able to compare in including judgements about values; preferences)
        1. Risk perception (is this a process or product?; ???)
        2. Equity issues

Related frameworks and issues

  1. Related assessment frameworks
    1. Impact assessment
    2. Chemical risk assessment
    3. Cumulative risk assessment (U.S.EPA)
    4. Cost-benefit analysis R↻ (to overall compare different options, taking into account costs and benefits)
    5. Cost-effectiveness analysis (to compare different options that have the same aim; the effects are not compared in monetary values)
    6. Multi-attribute utility analysis
  2. Other important issues that are outside Intarese framework
    1. Global warming
    2. Accidents
    3. Ecosystems and biodiversity

Pages available for release in Intarese