Energy balance in Stuttgart
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What are the amounts of energy produced, consumed, imported, and exported in Stuttgart?
- Energy balance in Stuttgart Model run 17.5.2015 (based on model from June 2014)
There are several energy transformations that each describe a specific process of energy production or use. Per unit activity, there is a constant amount of different inputs and outputs into and from this process, respectively. These unit processes are used for Stuttgart in such a way that one critical input or output from each relevant energy transformation is listed here; all other inputs and outputs logically follow from the nature of the transformation process.
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Obs | Year | Equation | Dummy | Description |
1 | 2008 | STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating | 1 | Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
2 | 2008 | STP electricity = 0.363636364*STP renewable energy | 1 | Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 8/22 Electricity divided by renewable energy |
3 | 2008 | CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss | 1 | Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
4 | 2008 | CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 0.564814815*CHP gas | 1 | Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (108+14)/216 Others divided by gas |
5 | 2008 | CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 2.12962963*CHP renewable energy | 1 | Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (216+14)/108 Others divided by renewable energy |
6 | 2008 | CHP electricity + CHP loss = 1.770491803*CHP local heating | 1 | Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (84+132)/122 Others divided by local heating. |
7 | 2008 | CHP local heating + CHP loss = 3.023809524*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (122+132)/84 Others divided by electricity |
8 | 2008 | WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity | 1 | Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
9 | 2008 | TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss | 1 | Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
10 | 2008 | TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 23.33333333*TPP electricity input | 1 | Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (43+167)/9 Others divided by electricity input |
11 | 2008 | TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 4.093023256*TPP mineral oil | 1 | Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+167)/43 Others divided by mineral oil |
12 | 2008 | TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.335365854*TPP local heating | 1 | Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (50+5)/164 Others divided by local heating |
13 | 2008 | TPP local heating +TPP loss = 3.38*TPP electricity output | 1 | Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (164+5)/50 Others divided by electricity |
14 | 2008 | TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss | 1 | Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
15 | 2008 | TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 1.04973357*TPE waste | 1 | Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1126 Others divided by waste |
16 | 2008 | TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 13.24691358*TPE gas | 1 | Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1126+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas |
17 | 2008 | TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.264965653*TPE coal | 1 | Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1126+162+1)/1019 Others divided by coal |
18 | 2008 | TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.089709763*TPE electricity | 1 | Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1101+828)/379 Others divided by electricity |
19 | 2008 | TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.096276113*TPE district heating | 1 | Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (379 +828)/1101 Others divided by district heating |
20 | 2008 | Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss | 1 | Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
21 | 2008 | Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss | 1 | Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss |
22 | 2008 | STP local heating = 0.245901639*CHP local heating | 1 | Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 30/122 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating |
23 | 2008 | Ind electricity = 0.007266122*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/1101 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating CORRECTED |
24 | 2008 | WWP electricity = 0.797619048*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 67/84 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity |
25 | 2008 | TPP electricity output = 0.595238095*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 50/84 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity |
26 | 2008 | TPE electricity = 4.511904762*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 379/84 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity |
27 | 2008 | Loss local heating = 0.041139241*STP local heating + 0.041139241*CHP local heating + 0.041139241*TPP local heating | 1 | Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 13/(30+122+164) |
28 | 2008 | Loss electricity = 0.221088435*CHP electricity + 0.221088435*WWP electricity + 0.221088435*TPP electricity output + 0.221088435*TPE electricity + 0.221088435*Ind electricity | 1 | Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 130/(84+67+50+379+8) |
29 | 2008 | Loss district heating = 0.109900091*TPE district heating | 1 | Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 121/1101 |
30 | 2008 | CES local heating = 0.366666667*STP local heating | 1 | Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 11/30 |
31 | 2008 | CES electricity = 1.392857143*CHP electricity | 1 | Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 117/84 |
32 | 2008 | V renewable energy = 0.272727273*STP renewable energy | 1 | Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 6/22 |
33 | 2008 | V coal = 0.103042198*TPE coal | 1 | Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 105/1019 |
34 | 2008 | V electricity = 17.79683377*TPE electricity | 1 | Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 6745/379 |
35 | 2008 | V gas = 2.027777778*CHP gas | 1 | Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 438/216 |
36 | 2008 | V mineral oil = 12.3255814*TPP mineral oil | 1 | Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 530/43 |
37 | 2008 | Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity | 1 | Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
38 | 2008 | STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating | 1 | Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
39 | 2008 | Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating | 1 | District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
40 | 2008 | Cons Ind electricity = 2257 | 1 | Consumed electricity industry |
41 | 2008 | Cons Traffic electricity = 224 | 1 | Consumed electricity traffic |
42 | 2008 | Cons Home electricity = 1077 | 1 | Consumed electricity households |
43 | 2008 | Cons Commerce electricity = 695 | 1 | Consumed electricity commerce |
44 | 2008 | Cons Ind local heating = 35 | 1 | Consumed local heating industry |
45 | 2008 | Cons Home local heating = 54 | 1 | Consumed local heating households |
46 | 2008 | Cons Commerce local heating = 203 | 1 | Consumed local heating commerce |
47 | 2008 | Cons Ind district heating = 513 | 1 | Consumed districit heating industry |
48 | 2008 | Cons Home district heating = 35 | 1 | Consumed districit heating households |
49 | 2008 | Cons Commerce district heating = 851 | 1 | Consumed districit heating commerce |
50 | 2010 | STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating | 1 | Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
51 | 2010 | STP electricity = 0.352941176*STP renewable energy | 1 | Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 12/34 Electricity divided by renewable energy |
52 | 2010 | CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss | 1 | Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
53 | 2010 | CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 3.848484848*CHP gas | 1 | Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (116+11)/33 Others divided by gas |
54 | 2010 | CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 0.379310344*CHP renewable energy | 1 | Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (33+11)/116 Others divided by renewable energy |
55 | 2010 | CHP electricity + CHP loss = 3.324324324*CHP local heating | 1 | Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (27+96)/37 Others divided by local heating. |
56 | 2010 | CHP local heating + CHP loss = 4.925925925*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (37+96)/27 Others divided by electricity |
57 | 2010 | WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity | 1 | Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
58 | 2010 | TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss | 1 | Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
59 | 2010 | TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 26*TPP electricity input | 1 | Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (17+217)/9 Others divided by electricity input |
60 | 2010 | TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 13.294117647*TPP mineral oil | 1 | Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+217)/17 Others divided by mineral oil |
61 | 2010 | TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.380681818*TPP local heating | 1 | Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (61+6)/176 Others divided by local heating |
62 | 2010 | TPP local heating +TPP loss = 2.983606557*TPP electricity output | 1 | Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (176+6)/61 Others divided by electricity |
63 | 2010 | TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss | 1 | Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
64 | 2010 | TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 0.929245283*TPE waste | 1 | Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1272 Others divided by waste |
65 | 2010 | TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 14.148148148*TPE gas | 1 | Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1272+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas |
66 | 2010 | TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.408243376*TPE coal | 1 | Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1272+162+1)/1019 Others divided by coal |
67 | 2010 | TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.104477612*TPE electricity | 1 | Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1171+881)/402 Others divided by electricity |
68 | 2010 | TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.095644748*TPE district heating | 1 | Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (402+881)/1171 Others divided by district heating |
69 | 2010 | Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss | 1 | Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
70 | 2010 | Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss | 1 | Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss |
71 | 2010 | STP local heating = 1.243243243*CHP local heating | 1 | Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 46/37 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating |
72 | 2010 | Ind electricity = 0.006831768*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/1171 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating VトトRIN 2008 sivulla?? |
73 | 2010 | WWP electricity = 1.925925925*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 52/27 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity |
74 | 2010 | TPP electricity output = 2.259259259*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 61/27 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity |
75 | 2010 | TPE electricity = 14.888888888*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 402/27 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity |
76 | 2010 | Loss local heating = 0.057915058*STP local heating + 0.057915058*CHP local heating + 0.057915058*TPP local heating | 1 | Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 15/(46+37+176) |
77 | 2010 | Loss electricity = 0.22*CHP electricity + 0.22*WWP electricity + 0.22*TPP electricity output + 0.22*TPE electricity + 0.22*Ind electricity | 1 | Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 121/(27+52+61+402+8) |
78 | 2010 | Loss district heating = 0.102476516*TPE district heating | 1 | Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 120/1171 |
79 | 2010 | CES local heating = 0.217391304*STP local heating | 1 | Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 10/46 |
80 | 2010 | CES electricity = 4.259259259*CHP electricity | 1 | Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 115/27 |
81 | 2010 | V renewable energy = 0.235294118*STP renewable energy | 1 | Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 8/34 |
82 | 2010 | V coal = 0.103042198*TPE coal | 1 | Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 105/1019 |
83 | 2010 | V electricity = 14.425373134*TPE electricity | 1 | Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 5799/402 |
84 | 2010 | V gas = 14.181818181*CHP gas | 1 | Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 468/33 |
85 | 2010 | V mineral oil = 31.352941176*TPP mineral oil | 1 | Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 533/17 |
86 | 2010 | Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity | 1 | Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
87 | 2010 | STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating | 1 | Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
88 | 2010 | Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating | 1 | District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
89 | 2010 | Cons Ind electricity = 2390 | 1 | Consumed electricity industry |
90 | 2010 | Cons Traffic electricity = 225 | 1 | Consumed electricity traffic |
91 | 2010 | Cons Home electricity = 1047 | 1 | Consumed electricity households |
92 | 2010 | Cons Commerce electricity = 498 | 1 | Consumed electricity commerce |
93 | 2010 | Cons Ind local heating = 6 | 1 | Consumed local heating industry |
94 | 2010 | Cons Home local heating = 34 | 1 | Consumed local heating households |
95 | 2010 | Cons Commerce local heating = 194 | 1 | Consumed local heating commerce |
96 | 2010 | Cons Ind district heating = 394 | 1 | Consumed districit heating industry |
97 | 2010 | Cons Home district heating = 73 | 1 | Consumed districit heating households |
98 | 2010 | Cons Commerce district heating = 927 | 1 | Consumed districit heating commerce |
99 | 2025 | STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating | 1 | Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
100 | 2025 | STP electricity = 0.352941176*STP renewable energy | 1 | Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 12/34 Electricity divided by renewable energy |
101 | 2025 | CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss | 1 | Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
102 | 2025 | CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 3.848484848*CHP gas | 1 | Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (116+11)/33 Others divided by gas |
103 | 2025 | CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 0.379310344*CHP renewable energy | 1 | Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (33+11)/116 Others divided by renewable energy |
104 | 2025 | CHP electricity + CHP loss = 3.324324324*CHP local heating | 1 | Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (27+96)/37 Others divided by local heating. |
105 | 2025 | CHP local heating + CHP loss = 4.925925925*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (37+96)/27 Others divided by electricity |
106 | 2025 | WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity | 1 | Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
107 | 2025 | TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss | 1 | Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
108 | 2025 | TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 26*TPP electricity input | 1 | Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (17+217)/9 Others divided by electricity input |
109 | 2025 | TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 13.294117647*TPP mineral oil | 1 | Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+217)/17 Others divided by mineral oil |
110 | 2025 | TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.380681818*TPP local heating | 1 | Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (61+6)/176 Others divided by local heating |
111 | 2025 | TPP local heating +TPP loss = 2.983606557*TPP electricity output | 1 | Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (176+6)/61 Others divided by electricity |
112 | 2025 | TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss | 1 | Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
113 | 2025 | TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 0.929245283*TPE waste | 1 | Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1272 Others divided by waste |
114 | 2025 | TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 14.148148148*TPE gas | 1 | Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1272+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas |
115 | 2025 | TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.408243376*TPE coal | 1 | Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1272+162+1)/1019 Others divided by coal |
116 | 2025 | TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.104477612*TPE electricity | 1 | Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1171+881)/402 Others divided by electricity |
117 | 2025 | TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.095644748*TPE district heating | 1 | Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (402+881)/1171 Others divided by district heating |
118 | 2025 | Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss | 1 | Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
119 | 2025 | Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss | 1 | Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss |
120 | 2025 | STP local heating = 1.243243243*CHP local heating | 1 | Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 46/37 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating |
121 | 2025 | Ind electricity = 0.006831768*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/1171 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating VトトRIN 2008 sivulla?? |
122 | 2025 | WWP electricity = 1.925925925*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 52/27 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity |
123 | 2025 | TPP electricity output = 2.259259259*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 61/27 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity |
124 | 2025 | TPE electricity = 14.888888888*CHP electricity | 1 | Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 402/27 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity |
125 | 2025 | Loss local heating = 0.057915058*STP local heating + 0.057915058*CHP local heating + 0.057915058*TPP local heating | 1 | Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 15/(46+37+176) |
126 | 2025 | Loss electricity = 0.22*CHP electricity + 0.22*WWP electricity + 0.22*TPP electricity output + 0.22*TPE electricity + 0.22*Ind electricity | 1 | Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 121/(27+52+61+402+8) |
127 | 2025 | Loss district heating = 0.102476516*TPE district heating | 1 | Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 120/1171 |
128 | 2025 | CES local heating = 0.217391304*STP local heating | 1 | Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 10/46 |
129 | 2025 | CES electricity = 4.259259259*CHP electricity | 1 | Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 115/27 |
130 | 2025 | V renewable energy = 0.235294118*STP renewable energy | 1 | Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 8/34 |
131 | 2025 | V coal = 0.161923454*TPE coal | 1 | Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 165/1019 |
132 | 2025 | V electricity = 14.425373134*TPE electricity | 1 | Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 5799/402 |
133 | 2025 | V gas = 14.181818181*CHP gas | 1 | Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 468/33 |
134 | 2025 | V mineral oil = 31.352941176*TPP mineral oil | 1 | Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 533/17 |
135 | 2025 | Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity | 1 | Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
136 | 2025 | STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating | 1 | Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
137 | 2025 | Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating | 1 | District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out |
138 | 2025 | Cons Ind electricity = 2499 | 1 | Consumed electricity industry |
139 | 2025 | Cons Traffic electricity = 268 | 1 | Consumed electricity traffic |
140 | 2025 | Cons Home electricity = 1137 | 1 | Consumed electricity households |
141 | 2025 | Cons Commerce electricity = 485 | 1 | Consumed electricity commerce |
142 | 2025 | Cons Ind local heating = 6 | 1 | Consumed local heating industry |
143 | 2025 | Cons Home local heating = 38 | 1 | Consumed local heating households |
144 | 2025 | Cons Commerce local heating = 162 | 1 | Consumed local heating commerce |
145 | 2025 | Cons Ind district heating = 400 | 1 | Consumed districit heating industry |
146 | 2025 | Cons Home district heating = 74 | 1 | Consumed districit heating households |
147 | 2025 | Cons Commerce district heating = 941 | 1 | Consumed districit heating commerce |
There are no nonlinearities.
- See Energy balance.
- Model version for ISEE 2013 results. Model run
- Old code available here. Unfortunately it does not run any more, because input data has been reformatted.
See also
- Previous way of presenting energy balances in Stuttgart: consumption, transformations, supply
- About large systems of non-linear equations: BB package in R