Climate change policies in Kuopio

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Plausible policies to the city of Kuopio to mitigate and adapt to climate change with focus on mitigation . It is based on the programme of climate politics in Kuopio 2009-2020, focused on six different goals:

  • greenhouse gas emissions have decreased by at least 40% of the 1990 levels before 2020
  • energy use of the city's own actions has decreased by at least 9% of the 2005 levels before 2016
  • greenhouse gas emissions from traffic and transport have decreased
  • use of renewable energy sources has grown in energy production
  • effect of the climate change on the functions of the city of Kuopio have been identified and they're being prepared for
  • everyone acknowledges the effects of their actions and choices on the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


What are plausible policies to the city of Kuopio to mitigate and adapt to climate change? The emphasis is on mitigation policies.


For an assessment related to climate change policies in Kuopio, see Climate change policies and health in Kuopio.


Urgenche questions:[1]

  • Intervention title
  • Description of GHG reduction action, its time frame and target variable
  • Status during "reference scenario 2007"
  • Expected status "BAU 2020"
  • Expected status "URGENCHE scenario 2020"
  • Expected reduction of GHG (in %) in the BAU2020 compared to the reference scenario
  • Expected reduction of GHG (in %) in the URGENCHE2020 compared to the reference scenario
  • What data exist to describe the spatial distribution of the effects of the GHG reduction actions?
  • What data exist to describe social or socioeconomic distribution of the effects of the GHG reduction actions?


Climate change policies in Kuopio(-)
1City of KuopioEmission policyReducing greenhouse gas emissions.Greenhouse gas emissions in KuopioYear: 2020; Sector: TotalReplacekton620.7Greenhouse gas emissions have decreased by at least 40% of the 1990 levels (1034.5 kton) before 2020, i.e. the emissions are below 620.7 kton CO2e. (Pöyry 2011) NOTE! Industry is missing from the variable Greenhouse gas emissions in Kuopio.
2City of KuopioCity energy efficiency planEnergy use decreasedEnergy balance in KuopioYear: 2016; Sector: CityMultiply0.91The energy use of the city's own actions has decreased by at least 9% of the 2005 levels before 2016. NOTE! This should be an absolute value based on 2005.
3City of KuopioActive transport planDecreasing greenhouse gas emissions.Greenhouse gas emissions in KuopioYear: 2020; Sector: TrafficAddktonThe greenhouse gas emissions from traffic and transport have decreased. Public transport, walking and using a bike are alluring ways of transport.
4City of KuopioRenewable energy planIncreased use of renewable energy sources.Energy balance in KuopioYear: 2020; Sector: Energy productionMultiplyThe use of renewable energy sources has grown in energy production.
5City of KuopioAwareness in cityKnowledge of the climate change is better.Climate education in KuopioYear: 2020; Sector: AllReplace-Good knowledge.The effect of the climate change on the functions of the city of Kuopio have been identified and they're being prepared for.
6City of KuopioGeneral awarenessKnowledge of effects of actions is better.Climate education in KuopioYear: 2020; Sector: PeopleReplace-Good knowledge.Everyone acknowledges the effects of their actions and choices on the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
7Kuopion EnergiaHaapaniemi 4Maximum use of biofuels in district heatingFuels used by Haapaniemi energy plantFuel: BiomassReplace%70Pöyry 2011
8Kuopion EnergiaHaapaniemi 4Maximum use of biofuels in district heatingFuels used by Haapaniemi energy plantFuel: OilReplace%10Estimate
9Kuopion EnergiaHaapaniemi 4Maximum use of biofuels in district heatingFuels used by Haapaniemi energy plantFuel: PeatReplace%20Estimate
10Building ownersEnergy efficiency of buildingsMaximum increase in energy efficiency of buildings using district heatHeat consumptionYear: 2020; Sector: BuildingsAddGWh/a-79Pöyry 2011
11Building ownersEnergy efficiency of buildingsMaximum increase in energy efficiency of buildings using oilLight oil consumptionYear: 2020; Sector: BuildingsAddGWh/a-13.8Pöyry 2011

Pöyry 2011. [2]

Obligatory spelling:


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The basis of the politics

Main article: Greenhouse gas emissions in Kuopio.

The programme of climate politics in Kuopio 2009-2020

The climate political vision of the city of Kuopio is:

In Kuopio everyone has done their share to bring down the greenhouse gas emissions and get prepared to climate change by 2020.

This will be carried out by the following goals. [3]

1. Greenhouse gas emissions have decreased by at least 40% of the 1990 levels before 2020[3]

Goal Responsibility
The energy efficiency of the city is promoted by uniting and replenishing Technical post
The energy efficiency and effects on greenhouse gas emissions of projects and decisions about constructions of the community and it's services, as well as other important projects and decisions, will be researched during the planning stage. All lines of activities

Agency of management and developement

Technical post

The basic services requiring a lot of transportation will be focused in the center of the municipality during the mergers. The distributed service resources are meant to be preserved at the old habitats also. All lines of activities

Agency of management and developement

Technical post

The amount and the quality of the greenhouse gas emissions will be systematically observed and emission records will be actively utilized. Environment agency

The carrying out of the goals are monitored by the following indicators:

  • the total number of effect assessments (annually)
  • greenhouse gas emissions (total and per resident / year CDE every 5th year)

2. The energy use of the city's own actions has decreased by at least 9% of the 2005 levels before 2016.[3]

Goal Responsibility
The actions in the energy efficiency agreement ofthe city of Kuopio are carried out All lines of activities

Real estate department

The consumption of energy (electricity, water, heat) are systematically monitored using the newest technology and this information is actively used to optimize the use of energy. All lines of activities

Real estate department

Kuopion Opiskelija-asunnot Oy

Niiralan Kulma Oy

Kuopion Matkailupalvelu Oy

The energy efficiency of old buildings is improved during renovations and repairs, and the use of low-energy options are encouraged to when building new. Real estate department

Construction control

Kuopion Opuskelija-asunnot Oy

Niiralan Kulma Oy

The carrying out of the goals are monitored by the following indicators:

  • the actions in the strategy are carried out (annually)
  • the specific energy consumption of the buildings owned by the city, Niiralan Kulma Oy, Kuopion Opiskelija-asunnot Oy and Matkailupalvelu Oy(kWh/m^3/a)

3. The greenhouse gas emissions from traffic and transport have derceased. Public transport, walking and using a bike are alluring ways of transport.[3]

Goal Responsibility
The conditions of public transport and walking and biking are improved and the level of service, fluency and attractiveness increased. Technical post
The traffic emissions from actions of the city itself are decreased. All lines of activities
The emissions from goods acquisition transport are decreased by improving the regional transport system. All lines of activities

Regional acquisition office

The usage of less emitting vehicles is promoted in the city's own actions and by service providers. All lines of activities

Regional acquisition office

The carrying out of the goals are monitored by the following indicators:

  • the greenhouse gas emissions of traffic (portion of total emissions and per resident / a CDE, every 5 years)
  • increasing amount of cars (cars/1000 residents, every 2 years)
  • well organized bus traffic (number and percentage of people living within 250 meters from the bus stop, every 2 years)
  • the number of local traffic trips (trips/resident/d, annually)
  • the length of walking and biking routes (m/resident, annually)
  • the fuel consumption of the vehicles owned or used by the city (l/a, annually)

4. The use of renewable energy sources has grown in energy production[3]

Goal Responsibility
The usage of biofuels is increased in the energy production of Kuopio. Kuopion Energia Oy

Real estate department

In all actions of the city the commissioning of renewable energy sources is promoted. Real estate department

Kuopion opiskelija-asunnot Oy

Niiralan Kulma Oy

Kuopion Matkailupalvelu Oy

Construction control

Technical post

Countryside services

Investigation to get a waste incinerator to eastern Finland is begun The city of Kuopio

The carrying out of the goals are monitored by the following indicators:

  • the portion of renewable energy sources in energy production (energy balance, every 5 years)
  • The portion of biogas collected from Lehtoniemi wastewater

treatment plant from the total energy consumption of Kuopion Vesi (%, annual)

  • the amount of energy investments on farms (annual)

5. The effect of the climate change on the functions of the city of Kuopio have been identified and they're being prepared for.[3]

Goal Responsibility
The knowledge and know-how of local science and research communities are used when anticipating the climate change. All lines of activities
The risks caused by the climate change are investigated during land use planning and are taken into account in the planning process. Technical post
Extreme weather conditions are prepared for when building and repairing traffic routes. Technical post
Water services are secured also during extreme conditions. Kuopion Vesi
Changes in heat regulation of buildings and preventing damp damage are prepared for. Real estate department

Kuopion Opiskelija-asunnot Oy

Niiralan Kulma Oy

Kuopion Matkailupalvelu Oy

Effects of extreme weather conditions are taken into account when making the preparedness plans and risk survey of the city and other sectors. Social services department

All deciding organs

Health risks of the climate change are recognized and prepared for. The social and health department

Kallaveden työterveys

The effects of the climate change are taken into account when planning parks and wood industry of the city. Technical post

Measuring department

Extreme weather conditions are taken into account when developing tourism and free time activities. Kuopion Matkailupalvelu Oy

Free time center

The carrying out of the goals are seen in the indicators concerning other goals.

6. Everyone acknowledges the effects of their actions and choises on the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.[3]

Goal Responsibility
Decreasing of greenhouse gas emissions is taken into account in the corporate governance of the city's companies. Highest post and board management

The members of boards of companies

The interaction with the most important companies and stakeholders having to do with the climate change is increased. Social services department

All deciding organs

The city personnels and residents are adviced and guided to efficient and reasonable energy use and the control of climate change. Real estate department


Environment agency

Agricultural services

Free time center

Climate change, its control and the efficient use of energy is included in teaching on all educational levels as a part of environmental education. Education department

Environment agency

The carrying out of the goals are monitored by the following indicators:

  • The number of "Green Flag"- schools and kindergartens (annually)
  • A questionnaire of the attitudes towards environment for the personnels of the city (every 4 years)
  • The number of energy efficiency agreements of the companies in the city (statistics (Motiva Oy) every 4 years)
  • The outcomes of environmental goals of companies and communities (every 4 years)

See also

Urgenche research project 2011 - 2014: city-level climate change mitigation
Urgenche pages

Urgenche main page · Category:Urgenche · Urgenche project page (password-protected)

Relevant data
Building stock data in Urgenche‎ · Building regulations in Finland · Concentration-response to PM2.5 · Emission factors for burning processes · ERF of indoor dampness on respiratory health effects · ERF of several environmental pollutions · General criteria for land use · Indoor environment quality (IEQ) factors · Intake fractions of PM · Land use in Urgenche · Land use and boundary in Urgenche · Energy use of buildings

Relevant methods
Building model · Energy balance · Health impact assessment · Opasnet map · Help:Drawing graphs · OpasnetUtils‎ · Recommended R functions‎ · Using summary tables‎

City Kuopio
Climate change policies and health in Kuopio (assessment) · Climate change policies in Kuopio (plausible city-level climate policies) · Health impacts of energy consumption in Kuopio · Building stock in Kuopio · Cost curves for energy (prioritization of options) · Energy balance in Kuopio (energy data) · Energy consumption and GHG emissions in Kuopio by sector · Energy consumption classes (categorisation) · Energy consumption of heating of buildings in Kuopio · Energy transformations (energy production and use processes) · Fuels used by Haapaniemi energy plant · Greenhouse gas emissions in Kuopio · Haapaniemi energy plant in Kuopio · Land use in Kuopio · Building data availability in Kuopio · Password-protected pages: File:Heat use in Kuopio.csv · Kuopio housing

City Basel
Buildings in Basel (password-protected)

Energy balances
Energy balance in Basel · Energy balance in Kuopio · Energy balance in Stuttgart · Energy balance in Suzhou

Key words

The climate change, Politics, Kuopio, Urgenche


  1. email from Clive, 26 March 2013
  2. Pöyry 2011: Kuopion kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähentämismahdollisuudet v 2020 mennessä. Table 3.2. [1]
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Kuopion ilmastopoliittinen ohjelma 2009-2020, The programme of climate politics in Kuopio 2009-2020 (in Finnish) [2]

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