Climate change policies in Helsinki

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This assessment was used for training in Decision analysis and risk management 2015 course. To see student contributions, see a previous version.



What is the energy need of buildings in Helsinki and the related greenhouse gas emissions and health impacts? How can these be affected by renovation of buildings and fuel changes in district heating?

Intended use and users

A problem in the climate policy practices in the City of Helsinki is that there is not enough information about different costs and impacts of different climate change mitigation measures, especially in the long term. This is slowing down the decision-making process. The results of this course will be used at the City of Helsinki Environment Centre to assess the outcomes of different ways to reduce GHG emissions. The results will help in identifying the most favourable ways to cut GHG emissions.



  • Time: 2010-2060
  • Spatial: the city of Helsinki

Decisions and scenarios

Energy saving policy: Relates to the shares of efficiency types when new buildings are built (ovariable efficiencyShares).

  • BAU: Business as usual, no change to the energy efficiency of buildings.
  • Energy saving moderate: No change to the energy efficiency of buildings.
  • Energy saving total: Starting from the year 2020 buildings are built to be more energy efficient. 25 percentage points of production shifts from low-energy buildings to passive buildings. Starting from the year 2040 another 10 percentage points of production shifts from low-energy to passive.

Fuel policy: Helen increases the share of wood-based biofuels used in Hanasaari and Salmisaari power plants to 40 % of fuels used. Both burn 40 % wood pellets and 60 % coal. (ovariable fuelShares)

  • BAU: Business and usual, both power plants continue burning only 5-10 % biofuel.
  • 40 bio: Shift to biofuels, starting from the year 2020 the share of wood-based fuels increase by 24 percentage points and coal's share decrease by the same amount.

Energy saving policy (ovariable renovationRate)

  • BAU: Business as usual, every year 1 % of all buildings over 30 years old are renovated to increase their energy efficiency.
  • Energy saving moderate: Increased energy renovation, every year 2 % of all buildings over 30 years old are renovated to increase their energy efficiency.
  • Energy saving total: Greatly increased energy renovation, every year 3 % of all buildings over 30 years old are renovated to increase their energy efficiency.

See also decisions in Climate change policies and health in Kuopio.


The data will be collected before the end of the Decision analysis and risk management 2015 course (12th May, 2015). The model runs will be finalised soon after that. Results will be available before September 2015.





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Causal diagram of climate change policies in Helsinki. This assessment only relates to the building stock part of the diagram.


  • City of Helsinki


Data files


These are some resolutions of discussions within the assessment.

  • City level climate change mitigation is not useless although international treaties are important for success.D↷
  • Climate change adaptation is not more important than mitigation on city level.R↻
  • Citizens may have a key role in implementing city climate policies.D↷
  • Food issues are underrepresented in climate discussions although food is a major emission source.R↻
  • The role of district heating by nuclear energy in Helsinki is unclear.D↷
  • There may be large uncertainty in CO2 emission factors of biofuels.D↷



The data will be classified according to these indices:

  • Building: Residential, Public, Industrial, Other. For separating different use purposes of buildings.
  • Constructed: Years of construction of the buildings in the format 1990-1999, 2000-2009, 2010-2013.
  • Heating: District, Electricity, Geothermal, Oil, Wood,

The results of each ovariable will be measuring these things:

  • buildings: total floor area in m2.


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⇤--#: . In the results the graph "Energy used in heating in Helsinki" shows a twice or thrice bigger energy use for Oil and Other than the table "Total energy consumption in Helsinki in 2013 (GWh)" on Helsinki energy consumption would suggest. --Heta (talk) 08:18, 11 June 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)

⇤--#: . Effective floor area of buildings by building type -table on page Building stock in Helsinki has the current building stock at 7 million m2 more than the graphs in the result, and the future estimates are even more higher than the code result estimates --Heta (talk) 10:49, 11 June 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)

See also

Other related assessments
Helsinki energy decision 2015
In English
Assessment Main page | Helsinki energy decision options 2015
Helsinki data Building stock in Helsinki | Helsinki energy production | Helsinki energy consumption | Energy use of buildings | Emission factors for burning processes | Prices of fuels in heat production | External cost
Models Building model | Energy balance | Health impact assessment | Economic impacts
Related assessments Climate change policies in Helsinki | Climate change policies and health in Kuopio | Climate change policies in Basel
In Finnish
Yhteenveto Helsingin energiapäätös 2015 | Helsingin energiapäätöksen vaihtoehdot 2015 | Helsingin energiapäätökseen liittyviä arvoja | Helsingin energiapäätös 2015.pptx

Other variables and pages to look at

Possibly useful variables
Almost empty pages that should be removed


Helsinki, energy, building stock, heating, renovation.


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