Asthma prevalence
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What is the prevalence of asthma in the world now?
Country | prevalence (%) |
Scotland | 18.4 |
Jersey | 17.6 |
Guernsey | 17.5 |
Wales | 16.8 |
Isle of Man | 16.7 |
England | 15.3 |
New Zealand | 15.1 |
Australia | 14.7 |
Republic of Ireland | 14.6 |
Canada | 14.1 |
Peru | 13.0 |
Trinidad & Tobago | 12.6 |
Costa Rica | 11.9 |
Brazil | 11.4 |
United States of America | 10.9 |
Fiji | 10.5 |
Paraguay | 9.7 |
Uruguay | 9.5 |
Israel | 9.0 |
Barbados | 8.9 |
Panama | 8.8 |
Kuwait | 8.5 |
Ukraine | 8.3 |
Ecuador | 8.2 |
South Africa | 8.1 |
Czech Republic | 8.0 |
Finland | 8.0 |
Malta | 8.0 |
Ivory Coast | 7.8 |
Colombia | 7.4 |
Turkey | 7.4 |
Lebanon | 7.2 |
Kenya | 7.0 |
Germany | 6.9 |
France | 6.8 |
Norway | 6.8 |
Japan | 6.7 |
Sweden | 6.5 |
Thailand | 6.5 |
Hong Kong | 6.2 |
Philippines | 6.2 |
United Arab Emirates | 6.2 |
Belgium | 6.0 |
Austria | 5.8 |
Spain | 5.7 |
Saudi Arabia | 5.6 |
Argentina | 5.5 |
Iran | 5.5 |
Estonia | 5.4 |
Nigeria | 5.4 |
Chile | 5.1 |
Singapore | 4.9 |
Malaysia | 4.8 |
Portugal | 4.8 |
Uzbekistan | 4.6 |
FYR Macedonia | 4.5 |
Italy | 4.5 |
Oman | 4.5 |
Pakistan | 4.3 |
Tunisia | 4.3 |
Cape Verde | 4.2 |
Latvia | 4.2 |
Poland | 4.1 |
Algeria | 3.9 |
South Korea | 3.9 |
Bangladesh | 3.8 |
Morocco | 3.8 |
Occupied Territory of Palestine | 3.6 |
Mexico | 3.3 |
Ethiopia | 3.1 |
Denmark | 3.0 |
India | 3.0 |
Taiwan | 2.6 |
Cyprus | 2.4 |
Switzerland | 2.3 |
Russia | 2.2 |
China | 2.1 |
Greece | 1.9 |
Georgia | 1.8 |
Nepal | 1.5 |
Romania | 1.5 |
Albania | 1.3 |
Indonesia | 1.1 |
Macau | 0.7 |
- Beta distribution assumed, variance for distribution parameter determination obtained by assuming normal distribution where 95% confidence interval is ± 50% of the mean.
asthma <- data.frame(Country=c('Scotland','Jersey','Guernsey','Wales','Isle of Man','England','New Zealand','Australia','Republic of Ireland', 'Canada','Peru','Trinidad & Tobago','Costa Rica','Brazil','United States of America','Fiji','Paraguay','Uruguay','Israel','Barbados','Panama', 'Kuwait','Ukraine','Ecuador','South Africa','Czech Republic','Finland','Malta','Ivory Coast','Colombia','Turkey','Lebanon','Kenya','Germany', 'France','Norway','Japan','Sweden','Thailand','Hong Kong','Philippines','United Arab Emirates','Belgium','Austria','Spain','Saudi Arabia', 'Argentina','Iran','Estonia','Nigeria','Chile','Singapore','Malaysia','Portugal','Uzbekistan','FYR Macedonia','Italy','Oman','Pakistan', 'Tunisia','Cape Verde','Latvia','Poland','Algeria','South Korea','Bangladesh','Morocco','Occupied Territory of Palestine','Mexico','Ethiopia', 'Denmark','India','Taiwan','Cyprus','Switzerland','Russia','China','Greece','Georgia','Nepal','Romania','Albania','Indonesia','Macau'), InitialPrevalence=c(18.4,17.6,17.5,16.8,16.7,15.3,15.1,14.7,14.6,14.1,13,12.6,11.9,11.4,10.9,10.5,9.7,9.5,9,8.9,8.8,8.5,8.3,8.2,8.1,8,8,8,7.8, 7.4,7.4,7.2,7,6.9,6.8,6.8,6.7,6.5,6.5,6.2,6.2,6.2,6,5.8,5.7,5.6,5.5,5.5,5.4,5.4,5.1,4.9,4.8,4.8,4.6,4.5,4.5,4.5,4.3,4.3,4.2,4.2,4.1,3.9,3.9, 3.8,3.8,3.6,3.3,3.1,3,3,2.6,2.4,2.3,2.2,2.1,1.9,1.8,1.5,1.5,1.3,1.1,0.7)) n <- 10000 #number of iterations asthmaarray <- array(NA, dim = c(n, nrow(asthma)), dimnames = list(obs = 1:n, Country = asthma[,"Country"])) #Below: functions for determining the alpha and beta parameters for the beta distribution from mean and var. paralpha <- function(parmean, parvar) parmean * (parmean * (1 - parmean) / parvar - 1) parbeta <- function(parmean, parvar) (1 - parmean) * (parmean * (1 - parmean) / parvar - 1) for(i in 1:nrow(asthma)) {asthmaarray[,i] <- 100*rbeta(n, paralpha(asthma[i,"InitialPrevalence"] / 100, (asthma[i,"InitialPrevalence"] * 0.5 / 1.96 / 100)^2), parbeta(asthma[i,"InitialPrevalence"] / 100, (asthma[i,"InitialPrevalence"] * 0.5 / 1.96 / 100)^2))} asthma <-
See also
asthma, prevalence
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