District heating production units in Helsinki metropolitan area
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District heating
District heating energy production in Helsinki metropolitan area is divided by three energy companies in 2007; Fortum Power and Heat Oy, Helsingin Energia and Vantaan Energia Oy. These companies energy production units are listed in following table.[1]
. | . | . | . | . | . | HEAT OUTPUT | HEAT OUTPUT | HEAT OUTPUT | . | . | . |
DISTRICT HEATING COMPANY AND NAME OF THE PRODUCTION UNIT | Type of production unit | Connected to a CHP | Year started up | Number of boilers | Type of the boiler v/h | Via turbines | Direct from boilers | Total | Power output | Main fuel | Capacity of heat pump |
. | 4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.9 | 4.10 | 4.11 |
. | . | . | . | . | . | MW | MW | MW | MW | . | MW |
Fortum Power and Heat Oy, Espoo | |||||||||||
Kivenlahti | klk | - | 1974 | 2 | v | - | - | 130,0 | - | bio | - |
Suomenoja 4 | klk | 1 | 1989 | 1 | v | - | - | 35,0 | - | maka | - |
Tapiola | klk | - | 2002 | 2 | v | - | - | 160,0 | - | rpö | - |
Suomenoja 1 | klk | 1 | 1977 | 1 | h | - | - | 160,0 | - | rpö | - |
Suomenoja 3 | klk | 1 | 1986 | 1 | v | - | - | 70,0 | - | kihi | - |
Vermo | klk | - | 1985 | 2 | v | - | - | 80,0 | - | rpö | - |
Kaupunginkallio | klk | - | 1991 | 2 | v | - | - | 80,0 | - | rpö | - |
Otaniemi | klk | - | 2001 | 3 | v | - | - | 120,0 | - | rpö | - |
Auroranportti | klk | - | 1998 | 1 | v | - | - | 15,0 | - | kpö | - |
Juvanmalmi | klk | - | 2000 | 1 | v | - | - | 15,0 | - | maka | - |
Kalajärvi | klk | - | 2000 | 2 | v | - | - | 5,0 | - | maka | - |
Vermo | klk | - | 2007 | 2 | v | - | - | 90,0 | - | rpö | - |
Masala | klk | - | .. | 5 | v | - | - | 18,0 | - | maka | - |
Kirkkonummi (keskusta) | klk | - | .. | .. | v | - | - | 31,0 | - | maka | - |
Suomenoja 1 | lvl 1 | - | 1977 | 1 | - | 162,0 | - | 162,0 | 75,0 | kihi | - |
Suomenoja 2 | mlvl 2 | - | 1989 | 1 | - | - | - | 80,0 | 49,0 | maka | - |
Helsingin Energia | |||||||||||
Alppila | klk | - | 1964 | 4 | v | - | - | 164,0 | - | rpö | - |
Munkkisaari | klk | - | 1969 | 5 | v | - | - | 235,0 | - | rpö | - |
Ruskeasuo | klk | - | 1972 | 4 | v | - | - | 280,0 | - | rpö | - |
Lassila | klk | - | 1977 | 4 | v | - | - | 334,0 | - | maka | - |
Patola | klk | - | 1982 | 6 | v | - | - | 240,0 | - | rpö | - |
Salmisaari | klk | 1 | 1978 | 3 | v | - | - | 120,0 | - | rpö | - |
Salmisaari | klk | 1 | 1986 | 1 | v | - | - | 180,0 | - | kihi | - |
Salmisaari | klk | 1 | 1977 | 1 | h | - | - | 8,0 | - | rpö | - |
Jakomäki | klk | - | 1968 | 2 | v | - | - | 56,0 | - | rpö | - |
Myllypuro | klk | - | 1978 | 2 | v | - | - | 240,0 | - | rpö | - |
Vuosaari | klk | 3 | 1989 | 3 | v | - | - | 120,0 | - | maka | - |
Hanasaari | klk | 2 | 1977 | 1 | h | - | - | 56,0 | - | rpö | - |
Katri Vala | lp | - | 2006 | 5 | - | - | - | 90,0 | - | muu | 30,0 |
Salmisaari | lvl 1 | - | 1984 | 1 | - | 300,0 | - | 300,0 | 160,0 | kihi | - |
Hanasaari | lvl 2 | - | 1973 | 2 | - | 420,0 | - | 420,0 | 228,0 | kihi | - |
Vuosaari | lvl 3 | - | 1991 | 4 | - | 580,0 | - | 580,0 | 630,0 | maka | - |
Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema | |||||||||||
Lämpökeskus | klk | - | 1976 | 4 | v | - | - | 32,0 | - | rpö | - |
Vantaan Energia Oy | |||||||||||
Pähkinärinne | klk | - | 1974 | 2 | v | - | - | 46,6 | - | rpö | - |
Koivukylä | klk | - | 1972 | 4 | v | - | - | 145,0 | - | maka | - |
Hakunila | klk | - | 1972 | 2 | v | - | - | 80,0 | - | maka | - |
Martinlaakso | klk | 1 | 1976 | 1 | v | - | - | 60,1 | - | rpö | - |
Metsola | klk | - | 1977 | 2 | v | - | - | 17,4 | - | rpö | - |
Katriina | klk | - | 1990 | 2 | v | - | - | 3,6 | - | bio | - |
Maarinkunnas | klk | - | 2002 | 5 | v | - | - | 200,0 | - | maka | - |
Martinlaakso 2 | lvl 1 | - | 1982 | 1 | - | 135,0 | - | 135,0 | 80,0 | kihi | - |
Martinlaakso 1 | lvl 2 | - | 1975 | 1 | - | 120,0 | - | 120,0 | 60,0 | maka | - |
Martinlaakso Gt | mlvl 3 | - | 1995 | 1 | - | - | - | 75,0 | 58,0 | maka | - |
Katriina | mlvl 4 | - | 1994 | 1 | - | - | - | 0,6 | 0,4 | bio | - |
Col. 4.2 | Col. 4.10 | ||||||||||
klk | = stationary heating plant | kihi | = coal | ||||||||
lp | = heating pump | rpö | = heavy fuel oil | ||||||||
lvl | = steam power station | kpö | = light fuel oil | ||||||||
mlvl | = other power station | jtu | = milled peat | ||||||||
ptu | = sod peat | ||||||||||
Col. 4.5 | maka | = natural gas | |||||||||
popu | = forest fuel | ||||||||||
v | = water | tept | = industrial wood residues | ||||||||
h | = steam | pjät | = black liquour | ||||||||
bio | = biogas | ||||||||||
kipa | = recovered fuels | ||||||||||
sek | = Industrial reaction heat | ||||||||||
säh | = electricity | ||||||||||
muu | = other |
Note! Masala and Kirkkonummi production units are located in Kirkkonummi and not in Helsinki metropolitan area.
Basic idea and need for district heating
District heating is efficient method to produce thermal energy in cities and population centrals. Base idea is to produce centrally needed thermal energy for the area. This means customers and energy production plants are connected to each other with a grid.
Single apartment need of thermal energy could be determined by a warm tap water condenser, because the amount of energy, which is needed to increase houses indoor temperature, is negligible compared to energy, which is needed to heat tap water. Thermal energy, which is needed to increase indoor temperature, fraction of needed thermal energy increases, when an apartment multiplies in numbers, for example like in an apartment house. Multiple apartments’ need of thermal energy is less than sum of single apartments. The difference is caused by desynchronized use of warm tap water.
Customer’s connection to a district heating network can be done two ways: 1) open cycle and 2) closed cycle systems. In open cycle system fraction or all the water, which flows in district heating network, flow in thermal energy transferring system and it will be consumed in the destination. This means that needed warm tap water will be taken directly from district heating network and dumped to the sewers after use.
In closed circle system different water flows in thermal energy transferring system than in district heating network and the networks water won’t be consumed in destination and will return to the network. This means there’s condenser between the customer and district heating network, which will transfer needed energy to customer. Closed circle connections are mainly used in Finland.
Factors to consider in building a district heat network
Need of thermal energy in district heating network has to be specified in the building phase. Need of thermal energy can be calculated or estimated. Usually it is based on estimations, because often there is no accurate information about number of incoming apartments or how much energy will customers consume.
Transferred thermal energy is controlled mainly by controlling outgoing water temperature in thermal energy production units. This outgoing water temperature is often set to be dependent of outdoors temperature. Pipes heat durability defines limit-value for outgoing water temperature. Also pressure differences and static pressure have to be in control in district heating network. These adjustments and their execution methods are dependent of each others.
The main district heating network adjustment factor is consumer’s need of thermal energy. Thermal energy provider has to guarantee specific pressure difference and thermal energy output in the network that customer can get needed thermal energy from the network. Unnecessary high pressure difference or thermal energy output in the network will cause higher energy losses in the network and thus have to be avoided. Pressure difference in whole network has to be adjusted also, so machines break downs won’t happen. This way flowing water temperature will not go under the boiling temperature and vaporization will not occur in the network. Static pressure in the network has to be adjusted so it won’t go under vaporization pressure.
How it works
Temperature of outgoing water adjusting is done by mixing hot water from a boiler with flowing water in the network until the wanted water temperature is reached in heat-only boiler station. Adjustments of pressure differences and static pressure are mainly done by pumps. These pumps are controlled two ways: by throttles or by adjusting pumps tacks. Regulators are not needed if throttles are used in the heat-only boiling stations, because consumers just need to adjust the warm water flow to get needed thermal energy. By throttling most of the thermal energy is committed to the water. Adjusting pump tacks is significantly cheaper than throttling.
Thermal energy production plants connection to the district heating network can be done simplified in two ways; direct and indirect. Direct connection means, that the same water flows in district heating network as in boiler. This method is mostly used in small scale energy production plants. It is quite cheap to make, but in other hand it will put some restrictions to fuels and boiler temperatures for example.
Indirect connection means that in thermal energy production plant boiler flows different water than in district heating network. The plant and district heating network are connected by a condenser. There’s many kind of condensers, but the main idea is that the two water flows doesn’t physically mix together. Indirect connection is mostly used in larger steam turbine plants, but it can be used in small scale plants too.
Regulations for district heating plants in Finland
Directive for protecting environment and lowering emissions, so called IPPC – directive, requires information exchange between countries and industry of best available technique (BAT). Based on this information exchange BAT-correlation documents are formed, so called BREF- documents (BAT Reference Documents), which were made for large scale energy production plants in year 2004. BREFs for small scale energy production plants are not determined yet. Finnish environmental law requires use of best technique available. Old air pollution law has implied in small scale energy production plant cases, which is from year 1987. Emissions caps do not imply to current techniques, so permission policy for small scale energy production plants have been diverse in last years.
National assessment for BAT-technique for Finnish 5-50 MW energy production plants was made for uniting the permission policy in year 2003. BAT-levels are not emission caps; they are only for help authorities to set emission caps when the local conditions are taken into account.
Finnish environmental law (86/2000) 20 § requires that action, which is or may be dangerous to environment, must have a permission for it. Actions that require permission are described more closely in the Finnish environmental regulation 1 § (169/2000), where energy production is mentioned in part three. Part three divides in two parts; to nuclear plants and to oil, mineral coal, wood, peat, gas or other flammable material using combustion plants, of which total potential fuel energy output is over 5 MW or which used total potential fuel energy output in a year is at least 54 terajoules (TJ). Energy production plant may have more than one boiler and permission will be given applying combined total potential fuel energy output of the boilers. If the total potential fuel energy output is less than mentioned above, but the plant is located in ground water area, it will require permission as well.
Environmental regulation third moment mentions also, that landfill and disposal plants such as incineration plants requires a permission also.
Authorities permit jurisdiction is regulated in environmental protection regulation second moment. It says that community council will handle permissions, if energy production plant total fuel energy output potential is over 5 MW but less than 50 MW. Over 50 and less than 300 MW plants permissions handles the aerial environmental administrations. Over 300 MW plants permissions will be handled in environmental permission agency.
In 41 § of environmental protection regulation are closer regulations for already exiting 5-50 MW plants and in 43 § for large scale energy production units statutory permission procedure. For small scale plants there is only one emission norm (Finnish government decision 157-1987), which is for particle emission and does not fulfill the BAT- requirements.
- Small scale district heating units
Fuel consumption in energy production
Total fuel consumption of energy production plants was 580 PJ in Finland in year 2001 and 13 % of it were used in less than 50 MW energy production plants. Numerically there are energy productions plants, which fuel energy output less than 50 MW, about 1400 and larger plants roughly 200 in Finland. Significant part of these small scale energy production plants is backup and peak heating units, which are not constantly in use during a year. In table 1 is fuels used in small scale plants.
Table 1. Fuels consumption in less than 50 MW plants in year 2001.
. | Mineral coal | Heavy fuel oil | Light fuel oil | Natural gas | Peat | Wood | other | Total |
TWh | 0,8 | 5,1 | 0,2 | 4,4 | 2,0 | 4,6 | 3,3 | 20,4 |
% | 4 | 25 | 1 | 22 | 10 | 23 | 16 | 100 |
Other fuels in table 1 are mostly fuels from industries processes, like waste- and bigas, coke, pine oil, hydrogen and solid fuels. These can be burned as main or supplementary fuel.
Small or mediocre scale energy production plants are either heat-only and vapor production stations or back pressure power plants, which produce combined electricity and heat or vapor. Among the small scale energy production plants there are technically none electricity-only production plants.
Most of the fuel consumption is done in large scale energy production plants in energy production and most of them also got efficient flue gas cleaning system, so emissions per produced energy are lower than in small scale plants. Small scale plants potential to reduce emissions are then higher, because authorities haven’t required as efficient emission reduction systems as in bigger plants.
Fine particle assessment for energy production was made and possibility to reduce fine particle (PM2.5) emissions was evaluated in year 2007. In the report is calculated that less than 5 MW plants affects almost half the fine particles emissions of energy production in Finland, even though they use only 4 % of the sectors total fuel. In that assessment PM2,5-emission of small scale plants reduction potential is estimated to be 40 % of whole energy production potential.
Most used boiler-types in small scale energy production plants are burner, grate and bubbling fluidized bed boilers. Burners can be used also in Grate boilers, which allow an additional fuel use, like natural gas or heavy/light fuel oil for example.
Heat-only or vapor production stations does not produce electricity and their operation efficiency in these plants are high, even 85-93 %. Flue gas losses cause the biggest efficiency loss in these stations. These are the most common small scale energy production plant types in Finland and in Helsinki Metropolitan area.
Back pressure power plants are traditionally industry- and district heating plants, which produce heat and electricity. These power plants are adjusted so they produce needed thermal energy and electricity is produced on a side. Operation efficiency is typically 80-85 % in industry and 85-90 % in district heating plants. Ratio between produced thermal energy and electricity is about 0,2-0,3 for industry and 0,45-0,55 for district heating plants
Gas turbine-/gas motor-/ diesel motor boilers are also a solution for a small scale plant. These plants produce thermal energy, vapor for a process or both. Ratio between produced thermal energy and electricity often is 0,5-0,6 and total operation efficiency 80-85 % for gas turbine boiler, if it is linked with incineration plant. For similar motor boiler plant the ratio is 0,9 and total operation efficiency is 90 %.
Wood chip and peat are the most used main fuels in small scale energy production plants in Finland. Many plants use mineral coal, refined municipal waste, heavy fuel oil or different waste- and production gases. Boilers type defines fuels which can be used in the plant.
Solid fuels consist roughly three different parts; water, flammable and inflammable inorganic material. Flammable material is most important part and the two others parts are weakening factors for combustion vise. Flammable material components are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen. Energy, which is released in the combustion, depends of carbon and hydrogen fractions in fuel. Sulfur and nitrogen, which the fuel contains, are significant origin of greenhouse emissions. Fuel contain trace elements also, which fractions are less than 0,1 % of the fuel in mass. Typical thermal values for fuels are listed in table 2.
Table 2. Typical thermal values for different fuels.
Fuel | Thermal value | Unit | Dampness % | Ash content |
Heavy oil | 41,1 | MJ/kg | 0,5 | 0,04 |
Light oil | 42,7 | MJ/kg | 0,02 | 0,01 |
Mineral coal | 24,8 | MJ/kg | 10 | 14 |
Shred peat | 9,66 | MJ/kg | 48,5 | 5,1 |
Industrial wood ship | 8 | MJ/kg | 55 | 2 |
Saw dust | 8 | MJ/kg | 53 | 0,5 |
Bark of softwood | 7 | MJ/kg | 58 | 2 |
Natural gas | 35,6 | MJ/kg | - | - |
Biogas | 15,8 | MJ/kg | 2 | |
Recycling fuel | 16 | MJ/kg | 25 | 5 |
Plants, which use solid fuels, often use supplementary fuels, because accessibility or/and price of the supplementary fuel. Most commonly used supplementary fuels are mineral coal, recycling fuels and heavy fuel oil.
Mineral coal is not used as a main fuel in small scale energy production plants in Finland usually, but often it is used as a supplementary fuel, because coal use would require efficient flue gas cleaning system. Sulfur content of coal varies by the origin. In Finland is specified that sulfur content cap of coal is 1 % (96/61/EY). Because of high ash content, about 10 % of the coal mass, coal burning creates high particle emissions. Because ash contains heavy metals also, heavy metal emissions are high too.
Municipal waste and fuels made of the municipal waste in recycling process are also used mainly as a supplementary fuel in small scale energy production plants in Finland. REF (REcovered Fuel) and RDF (Refuse-Derived Fuel) are the main fuels made out of municipal waste. Use of REF or RDF sets curtain demands for the flue gas cleaning system. Incineration directive came into effect end of year 2005, which restricts incineration plant emission caps to the same low level. This has restricted exclusively use of municipal waste fuels in small scale energy production plants, where flue gas measurement and cleaning commitments would increase expenses too high.
Heavy fuel oil is most suitable for solid fuel boilers as a backup or a supplementary fuel, because it got good accessibility and high thermal value. Oil burning in grate boiler plant requires separate burner. Oil has quite low ash content, so particle emissions are mainly from unburned carbon hydrogen compounds and coke. Emissions are mainly fine particles.
Emission factors
In tables 3 and 4 are listed fuel characteristic and typical emission factors for less than 50 MW plants in Finland. Some of the factors have emission reduction technique like Electro-static precipitator (ESP), cyclones or Low-NOx-burners.
Table 3. Typical carbon dioxide factors for fuels
Fuel | Carbon dioxide factor |
[g CO2/MJfuel] | |
Mineral coal | 94 |
Natural gas | 45 |
Heavy fuel oil | 77 |
Light fuel oil | 74 |
Shred peat | 106 |
Woodchip | 114 |
Table 4. Typical emission factors for small scale energy production plants in Finland
Boiler type / Fuel | Fuels thermal energy output in the plant | NOx | SO2 | Dust |
[MW] | [mg/MJ] | [mg/MJ] | [mg/MJ] | |
Burner | ||||
Heavy fuel oil | <5 | 150-250 | 350-500 | 20-90 |
(some of the plants have Low-Nox burners | 5-15 | 150-250 | 350-500 | 10-70 |
15-50 | 120-200 | 350-500 | 5-40 | |
Light fuel Oil | <5 | 100-150 | 50-70 | <10 |
(some of the plants have Low-Nox burners | 5-15 | 100-150 | 50-70 | <10 |
15-50 | 60-120 | 50-70 | <10 | |
Natural gas | <5 | 60-100 | 0 | 0 |
(some of the plants have Low-Nox burners | 5-15 | 60-100 | 0 | 0 |
15-50 | 40-80 | 0 | 0 | |
Fluidized bed boiler (ESP) | ||||
Peat | 5-10 | 150-200 | 150-250 | 10-50 |
10-50 | 130-200 | 150-250 | 5-20 | |
Wood | 5-0 | 80-150 | <30 | 10-70 |
10-50 | 80-150 | <30 | 5-30 | |
Circulation fluidized bed boiler (ESP) | ||||
Peat | 20-50 | 80-150 | 150-250 | 5-20 |
Wood | 20-40 | 70-120 | <30 | 5-30 |
Grate (ESP + Cyclone) | ||||
Peat | <5 | 150-250 | 150-250 | 20-150 |
5-10 | 150-250 | 150-250 | 5-120 | |
10-50 | 140-220 | 150-250 | 5-100 | |
Wood | <5 | 80-200 | <30 | 20-150 |
5-10 | 80-200 | <30 | 20-150 | |
10-50 | 70-150 | <30 | 10-150 | |
Coal | 5-10 | 70-150 | 400-600 | 400-600 |
25-40 | 80-200 | 5-50 | 5-50 |
Small scale district heating plants In Helsinki metropolitan area are mainly burner type heat-only stations, which use heavy fuel oil or natural gas. Some of them have cyclones and emulators, but some does not have flue gas cleaning system at all, because particle emissions are low in natural gas burn.
- Large scale district heating units
In this study district heating units, which thermal output of fuel is over 50 MW, are estimated to be large scale district heating units. District heating produced 31,9 TWh thermal energy in 2008, of which 74 % was produced in combined power and heat (CHP) plants. Larger thermal energy production plants are usually CHP-plants, because they are more efficient than separate energy production plants. 95 % of Finnish CHP-plants are listed in District Heating statistics. In Helsinki Metropolitan area large scale district heating units power and thermal energy production potential is presented in table 5.
Table 5 Capacity of large scale energy production units in Helsinki Metropolitan area.
Capacity of large scale energy production units in Helsinki Metropolitan area | CHP-plants | Separate heat production units | ||
Thermal energy output via turbines | Thermal energy output | Total thermal energy output | Power output | |
[MW] | [MW] | [MW] | [MW] | |
District heating companies | 1 717,0 | 3 645,1 | 5 362,1 | 1 340,0 |
CHP-production is mainly done in a large coal or peat using steam turbine and combined cycle gas turbine power (CCGT) plant now days in Finland. About half of power capacity and two thirds of thermal capacity is based on counter pressure steam turbine technology by division of EU CHP directive. Combined cycle gas turbines are used in electricity production and their electricity output is higher than extracting steam turbines capacity. In thermal energy production extracting steam turbines are second-highest production technology by capacity. CHP-technologies and production in Finland 2005 are listed in table 6.
Table 6. Capacity and production of CHP-technologies in Finland 2005[Vehviläinen et all 2007].
Capacity and production of CHP-technologies in 2005 | Capacity | Production | ||
[MW] | [TWh] | |||
Thermal energy | Electricity | Thermal energy | Electricity | |
Combined cycle gas turbines | 1 857 | 1 538 | 10,5 | 9,5 |
Back pressure turbines | 10 593 | 2 830 | 46,6 | 11,9 |
Extracting turbines | 2 572 | 1 102 | 11,2 | 5,3 |
Combined cycle gas turbines with modifications | 537 | 292 | 1 | 0,6 |
Combustion motors | 91 | 70 | 0,1 | 0,1 |
Total | 15 650 | 5 832 | 69 | 27 |
In Helsinki Metropolitan area there are two natural gas and four coal using CHP-units. Used turbine types in these plants are back pressure turbines in coal units and combined cycle gas turbine turbines in natural gas units.
CHP-plants produced 93 % of district heating in Helsinki, 60-70 % in Espoo and 87,7 % in Vantaa. Large scale energy production plants produced over 99 % of district heating in Helsinki, 97 % in Espoo and 93,1 % in Vantaa.
Fuel | gCO2/MJ | tCO2/MWh |
Peat | 103 | 0.3708 |
Coal | 95 | 0.342 |
Natural gas | 55 | 0.198 |
Oil | 77 | 0.2772 |
Cost component | A | B | C | D |
Capital cost | 23,7 | 15,9 | 3,1 | 37,1 |
Running & maintenance | 0,8 | 2,2, | 8,0 | 26,2 |
Fuel | 28,4 | 28,9 | 34,2 | 16,0 |
Emission trade | 6,7 | 8,3 | 10,6 | - |
Lämpöhyvitys | -24,7 | -82,1 | -17,3 | -74,8 |
Total €/MWh | 35,0 | -26,9 | 38,6 | 4,5 |
Cost component | Nuclear | Gas | Coal | Peat | Wood | Wind |
Capital costs | 20,0 | 6,2 | 11,5 | 13,3 | 23,9 | 41,9 |
Running and upkeep | 10,0 | 5,0 | 8,0 | 8,0 | 9,0 | 11,0 |
Fuel | 13,51 | 50,6 | 34,9 | 26,0 | 56,3 | - |
Emission trade | - | 4,4 | 10,6 | 12,1 | - | - |
Total | 43,5 | 66,2 | 65,0 | 59,3 | 89,3 | 52,9 |
Vuosaari A&B
Fuels used per total thermal energy (each fuel separately) (kg/MJ)
- Gas, ~900 million m3/a (2008)[4]
- Kombivoimalaitoksia, hyötysuhde parhaimmillaan 93%
- Gas consumption
Fixed costs (construction and maintenance) (€/a)
Operational costs (costs to run) (€/MJ)
Other inputs (chemicals etc.)
Heat produced (MJ/MJ): 580 MW
- Vuosaari A 162 MW[4] (2008)
- 13,4% of total energy produced in A+B
- 28,8% of total heat produced in A+B
- 49,5% of total energy produced in A
- Vuosaari B 400 MW [4] (2008)
- 33,1% of total energy produced in A+B
- 71,2% of total heat produced in A+B
- 46,0% of total energy produced in B
- +varalämpökeskus 120 MW
Power (electricity) produced (MJ/MJ): 630 MW
- Vuosaari A: 165 MW [4] (2008)
- 13,6% of total energy produced in A+B
- 26,0% of total electricity produced in A+B
- 50,5% of total energy produced in A
- Vuosaari B: 470 MW [4] (2008)
- 38,8% of total energy produced in A+B
- 74,0% of total electricity produced in A+B
- 54,0% of total energy produced in B
Total energy produced 1210 MW=38158,56 TJ/a
Other energy produced (e.g. steam or other products going to somethin useful) (MJ/MJ)
Energy loss (MJ/MJ)
PM2.5 emissions (kg/MJ)
CO2 emissions (kg/MJ)
2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | |
Vuosaari A | 399 334 | 344 193 | 371 812 | 275 526 | 247 723 | 240 041 | 233 787 |
Vuosaari B | 1 403 097 | 1 305 449 | 1 417 154 | 1 281 533 | 1 291 753 | 1 266 786 | 1 150 480 |
Total | 1 802 431 | 1 649 642 | 1 788 966 | 1 557 059 | 1 539 476 | 1 506 827 | 1 384 268 |
Other emissions (e.g. ash, P etc.) (kg/MJ)
- NO2: 550 t/a
- 0,014 g/MJ
Other info
Maximum capacity of the energy plant (MW)
Description on how the plant is run (at what demand level it is started, is the plant run up and down based on need)
Other info
Vuosaari C
Fuels used per total thermal energy (each fuel separately) (kg/MJ)
- If Vuosaari C used 100% biofuels (90 % wood chips, 10 % pellets), it would mean annually [6]
- 1,8 million tons of wood chips (0,139 kg/MJ)
- 103 000 tons of pellets. (0,072 kg/MJ)
- If Vuosaari used 80% biofuels (90% wood chips, 10% pellets), it would mean annually[6]
- 1,46 million tons of wood chips (0,141 kg/MJ)
- 82 000 tons of pellets (0,071 kg/MJ)
- 140 000 tons coal. (0,049 kg/MJ)
- If Vuosaari C used only coal, it would mean annually 660 000 tons of coal.[6] (0,046 kg/MJ)
- Annual fuel consumption would be approximately 4 TWh (=14 400 TJ), depending on the year and laitoksen ajotavasta.[6]
- Wikipedia says energy density for coal is ~24 MJ/kg (or 0,042 kg/MJ)
Fixed costs (construction and maintenance) (€/a)
- The power plant is estimated to cost about 650 million euros and the energy tunnel 180 million. The total cost has been estimated to be around 1,2 billion euros (vuodelta 2011).[7]
Operational costs (costs to run) (€/MJ)
Other inputs (chemicals etc.)
Heat produced (MJ/MJ): 350 MW[8]
- 63,6% of total energy produced
Power (electricity) produced (MJ/MJ): 200 MW[8]
- 36,4% of total energy produced
- Newest estimates (28.3.2014) say the efficiency of heat and electricity combined will be 90% = 0.9[9]
- The electricity + heat sums up to a total of 17 345 TJ in a year, which is more than the 14 400 TJ going in per year. I'm guessing these numbers are all rounded so much the numbers don't exactly add up...
Other energy produced (e.g. steam or other products going to somethin useful) (MJ/MJ)
Energy loss (MJ/MJ): 10% = 0.1
PM2.5 emissions (kg/MJ):' Particle emissions 57 t/a, see the table below in Other emissions.
- 0,003g/MJ
CO2 emissions (kg/MJ)
- VE1.1: 80% biofuels, 20% coal in Vuosaari C
- VE1.2: 100% biomass in Vuosaari C
- VE1.3: 100% coal in Vuosaari C
- In all options Salmisaari burning 40% bio and 60% coal
CO2, kt/a | CO2-ekv, kt/a (incl. fossilfuel ghg emissions) | CO2-ekv, kt/a (incl. fossilfuel and buifuel emissions) | CO2 kg/MJ produced | |
VE1.1 powerplant emissions | 1 468 | 1 402 | 3 061 | 0,086 |
VE1.2 powerplant emissions | 1 073 | 1 114 | 3 090 | 0,062 |
VE1.3 powerplant emissions | 2 722 | 2 882 | 2 947 | 0,157 |
VE1.1 fuel transport emissions | 15 | 0,00086 | ||
VE1.2 fuel transport emissions | 23 | 0,00137 | ||
VE1.3 fuel transport emissions | 6 | 0,00035 | ||
VE1.1 total emissions | 1 480 | 3 080 | ||
VE1.2 total emissions | 1 140 | 3 110 | ||
VE1.3 total emissions | 2 890 | 2 950 |
Other emissions (e.g. ash, P etc.) (kg/MJ)
Emission component | t/a | g/MJ |
SO2 | 853 | 0,049 |
NO2 | 853 | 0,049 |
Particles | 57 | 0,003 |
Fly ash (t) | Fly ash kg/MJ | Bottom ash (t) | Bottom ash kg/MJ | Total (t) | |
a) 80 % bio, 20 % coal | 59 000 | 0,0034 | 10 000 | 0,0006 | 69 000 |
b) 100 % bio (10 % pellet, 90 % hake) | 52 000 | 0,0030 | 9 800 | 0,0006 | 62 000 |
c) 100 % coal | 82 000 | 0,0047 | 52 000 | 0,0030 | 134 000 |
Other info
Maximum capacity of the energy plant (MW) : 550 WM? The estimates (as said above) are 350 MW of heat and 200 MW of electricity.
Description on how the plant is run (at what demand level it is started, is the plant run up and down based on need)
- The plant will be able to burn 100% biofuel, 100% coal, or any mix of the two. The general ide while making plans has been that the plant will at least initially burn 80% biofuels and 20% coal if taken into use.[6]
Other info
Fuels used per total thermal energy (each fuel separately)
- coal: 0,042 kg/MJ
- pellets: 0,072 kg/MJ
Fixed costs (construction and maintenance) (€/a)
- The construction costs were 350 million Finnish marks, which would be 338 million euros today (calculated using inflation coefficient 0,9644 [10] ).
Maintenance & Operational costs (costs to run) (€/MJ)
- Running and maintenance costs of a coal burning CHP power plant are approximately 8,0 €/MWh. Fuel costs are around 34 €/MWh. Given electricity production costs were in total 38 €/MWh[3].
- Since Total fuel costs for Helsingin Energia were 282,109,000 € in 2014 and Hanasaari produces approximately 10-20% of total energy of Helsingin Energia, Hanasaari power plant’s fuel costs are somewhere between 24-53 M€/a.
Other inputs (chemicals etc.)
- Heat produced (MJ/MJ): 420 MW / 640 MW = 65,6%
- 13 245 TJ/a
- Power (electricity) produced (MJ/MJ): 220 MW / 640 MW = 34,4%
- 6 938 TJ/a
- Other energy produced (e.g. steam or other products going to somethin useful) (MJ/MJ)
- Energy loss (MJ/MJ): 10%
- PM2.5 emissions (kg/MJ)
- Found no direct data, but in relation to Salmisaari, Hanasaari probably produces around 23% more PM2.5 emissions, which puts Hanasaari's emissions at 4,48816*10-6 - 5,52043*10-6 kg/MJ
- CO2 emissions (kg/MJ): 2 524 (CO2 kt/a), total emissions incl. fossil and biofuel emissions 2 687 (CO2-eqv kt/a)
Plant | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
Hanasaari heat production | - | 4624 | 7593 | 7026 | 2568 | 103 | 26 |
Hanasaari B power plant | 774612 | 846980 | 1046316 | 983340 | 1176261 | 912810 | 1061223 |
Other emissions (e.g. ash, P etc.) (kg/MJ)
Fly ash (t/a) | Bottom ash (t/a) | Sulfur removal endproduct (t/a) | Total (t/a) | |
Hanasaari power plant: biofuels 10 % | 59 000 | 12 000 | 8 000 | 79 000 |
CO2 | SO2 | Nitrogen oxides NOx | Dust | CO |
388 | 0,462 | 0,720 | 0,026 | 0,022 |
Other info
- Maximum capacity of the energy plant (MW)
- Description on how the plant is run (at what demand level it is started, is the plant run up and down based on need)
- The Hanasaari power plant has been modified four times through the years. [12]
- The Helsinki Energy Company’s Hanasaari B power plant has been in operation since 1974. It uses coal as its main fuel and produces both electricity and district heat. It has two coal-heated boilers and one oil-heated reserve boiler.
- When Hanasaari and Salmisaari both burn a 5-7% share of pellets, they will use almost 100.000 tons of pellets per year. The Hanasaari pellet-system consists of two 500 m³ pellet silos, transfer mechanisms and pellet feeders. Both boilers have their own pellet-systems. The silos and parts of the transfer systems will be built outside the plant, but the feeders, which will mix and grind the pellets with the coal for burning, will be built inside.
- Total fuel costs for Helsingin Energia were 248,143,000 € in 2013 and 282,109,000 € in 2014. Total energy, material and supplies costs were 94,842,000 € in 2013 and 96,862,000 € in 2014.
- The plant uses 617 500 tons coal per year, and 47 500 tons of pellets per year.
Salmisaari A&B
Fuels used per total thermal energy (each fuel separately)
The amount of fuel used to generate electricity depends on the efficiency or heat rate of the generator (or power plant) and the heat content of the fuel. Power plant efficiencies (heat rates) vary by types of generators, power plant emission controls, and other factors. Fuel heat contents also vary. The the amount of fuel used to generate a kilowatthour (kWh) of electricity can be calculated:
Amount of fuel used per kWh = Heat rate (in Btu per kWh) / Fuel heat content (in Btu per physical unit)[13]
Amount of coal used to generate 1 kWh of power varies from (using the lowest and highest averages from U.S. Energy Information Administration 2003-2013 data):
10297 Btu/kWh[14] / 4382 Btu/kg[15] = 2,34984 kg/kWh
10459 Btu/kWh[14] / 4598 Btu/kg[15] = 2.27468 kg/kWh
Fixed costs (construction and maintenance) (€/a)
- Running and maintenance costs of a coal burning power plant are approximately 8,0 €/MWh[3]
Operational costs (costs to run) (€/MJ)
Other inputs (chemicals etc.)
Heat produced (MW):
Power (electricity) produced (MW):
Other energy produced (e.g. steam or other products going to something useful) (MJ/MJ)
Energy loss (MJ/MJ): max 90% efficiency
PM2.5 emissions (kg/MJ)
Particulate matter emissions from European coal plants vary between 1 203 g/GJ and 3 254 g/GJ.[17]
Derived from official heat and energy production values[16] and annual emissions[6]:
- PM2.5 emissions from Salmisaari A and B: 4,48816*10-6 kg/MJ
CO2 emissions (kg/MJ):
CO2 emissions from European coal plants vary between 94 600 g/GJ and 101 000 g/GJ.[17]
Derived from official heat and energy production values[16] and 2014 emission values[5]:
- CO2 emissions from Salmisaari A: 1.06341*10-2 kg/MJ
- CO2 emissions from Salmisaari B: 3,70645*10-2 kg/MJ
- Total CO2 emissions: 4,76987*10-2 kg/MJ
Laitos | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
Salmisaari A | 24 812 | 83 832 | 13 2739 | 56 609 | 109 799 | 96 032 | 60 364 |
Salmisaari B | 578 014 | 856 873 | 617 236 | 606 792 | 467 357 | 671 910 | 549 367 |
Other emissions (e.g. ash, P etc.) (kg/MJ):
SO2 emissions from European coal plants vary between 765 g/GJ and 1 361 g/GJ.[17]
NOx emissions from European coal plants vary between 183 g/GJ and 292 g/GJ.[17]
CO emissions from European coal plants vary between 89.1 g/GJ and 89.1 g/GJ.[17]
Non methane organic compounds emissions from European coal plants vary between 4.92 g/GJ and 7.78 g/GJ.[17]
Flue gas emissions from European coal plants vary between 360 m3/GJ and 444 m3/GJ.[17]
Derived from official heat and energy production values[16] and annual emissions[6]:
- NO2 emissions from Salmisaari A and B: 4.61499*10-5 kg/MJ.
- SO2 emissions from Salmisaari A and B: 4.85892*10-5 kg/MJ.
Other info
Maximum capacity of the energy plant (MW)
- 770MW.[16]
Description on how the plant is run (at what demand level it is started, is the plant run up and down based on need)
- Salmisaari B (170 MW power, 300 MW heat) is the most energy-efficient plant and sees the most use. Salmisaari A (180 MW heat, no power) is used during increased needs of heat. Backup heating (120 MW heat, no power) runs if needed.[16]
- When some energy but no heat is needed, the heat from Salmisaari B can be partially or completely discarded in the sea.[16]
- Salmisaari A and B run on coal with oil as a backup fuel. The backup heating plant works on oil.[16]
See also
[18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]
- ↑ Adato Energia Oy, 2008. District heating in Finland 2007. Kaukolämpötilastot 2007
- ↑ Energiatekniikan laitos. Sähkön tuotantokustannusvertailu. Available at https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/bitstream/handle/123456789/4969/isbn9789526041353.pdf?sequence=1. Last visited 3.6.2015
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Energiatekniikan laitos. Sähkön tuotantokustannusvertailu. Available at https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/bitstream/handle/123456789/4969/isbn9789526041353.pdf?sequence=1. Last visited 3.6.2015
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Helsingin Energia: Maakaasu kaukolämmön ja sähkön tuotannossa
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Energiavirasto: laitoskohtaiset todennetut päästöt (t/CO2) vuosilta 2008-2014
- ↑ Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 YVA-report for Helsinki energy decision
- ↑ Helsingin Sanomat: Näistä isoista investoinneista päätetään
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 Helsingin Energia
- ↑ Helsingin Sanomat: Vuosaaren voimala pieneni ja ympäristövaikutukset tarkentuivat
- ↑ Tilastokeskus: Tilastokeskus http://www.stat.fi/til/khi/2014/khi_2014_2015-01-19_tau_001.html
- ↑ Yle uutiset. Hanasaari selättää Puolan jättivoimalan päästövertailussa (21.11.2013). Available at http://yle.fi/uutiset/hanasaari_selattaa_puolan_jattivoimalan_paastovertailussa/6946104. Last visited 4.6.2015
- ↑ Helen: [1]
- ↑ Frequently asked questions, U.S. Energy Information Administration http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=667&t=3
- ↑ Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 http://www.eia.gov/electricity/annual/html/epa_08_01.html
- ↑ Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 http://www.eia.gov/electricity/annual/html/epa_07_03.html
- ↑ Jump up to: 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 Turvallisuustiedote Helsingin Energian Salmisaaren voimalaitosten ympäristön asukkaille https://www.helen.fi/globalassets/ymparisto/salmisaari_turvallisuusesite_2011pdf
- ↑ Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 European Environment Agency: Air pollution from electricity-generating large combustion plants http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/technical_report_2008_4/at_download/file>
- ↑ Vantaan Energia 2008. Social responsibility report (in Finnish). Available at http://www.vantaanenergia.fi/tietoa_konsernista/vuosiraportit/fi_FI/vuosiraportit/. Last visit 11.5.2009.
- ↑ Helsingin energia 2008. Vuosikertomus 2007 (In Finnish). Edita Prima Oy. 2008. Available at http://www.helen.fi/vuosi2007/Helsingin_Energia_vuosikertomus_PDF.pdf. Last visit 11.5.2009.
- ↑ Fortum Heat and Power oy 2008. Heat production. Available at http://www.fortum.com/dropdown_document.asp?path=14022;14024;14026;14043;14070;14071;41962;41967. Last visit 11.5.2009.
- ↑ Statistics of Finland 2009. Rakennukset (lkm, m2) käyttötarkoituksen ja lämmitysaineen mukaan 31.12.2007 (in Finnish). Available in http://pxweb2.stat.fi/Dialog/Saveshow.asp. Last visit made in 13.3.2009.
- ↑ Huovilainen, R. T.; Koskelainen L. Kaukolämmitys (in Finnish). Lappeenranta’s university of technology. Lappeenranta 1982. ISBN 951-763-209-6
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- ↑ Kara M. 1999. Energia Suomessa (in Finnish). VTT Energia. Edita. 367s.
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- ↑ Strand M. 2004. Particle formation and emission in moving grate boilers operating on woody biofuels. Växjö University. Ph.D Thesis
- ↑ Ohlström M. 1998. Energiantuotannon pienhiukkaspäästöt Suomessa. VTT tiedotteita 1934. 114s.
- ↑ Adato Energia Oy. 2009. District Heating in Finland 2007 (S).
- ↑ Karvosenoja N., Zbigniew K., Tohka A. & Johansson M. 2007. Costeffective reduction of fine primary particulate matter emissions in Finland. IOP Publishing. Environmental Research Letters. 8s.
- ↑ Statistics Finland 2005. Energy Statistics 2004. Energy 2005:2. Helsinki, Finland.
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