Climate change policies and health in Kuopio

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What are potential climate policies that reach the greenhouse emission targets in the city of Kuopio for years 2010-2030? What are their effects on health and well-being, and what recommendations can be given based on this? The national greenhouse emission target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % between 1990 and 2020; the city of Kuopio has its own, more ambitious target of 40 % for the same time period.


  • Time: Year 2010 - 2030
  • Spatial: Activities in Kuopio, Finland. Health and well-being effects due to policies anywhere, e.g. fine particle emissions in Kuopio increase cardiovascular mortality all over Finland.

Intended users

  • The city of Kuopio.
  • Other cities in Urgenche.
  • Urgenche researchers are users from the methodological point of view.


  • Main participants:
    • City of Kuopio: Erkki Pärjälä, Mikko Savastola
    • THL: Marjo Niittynen, Jouni Tuomisto, Matti Jantunen.
  • Other participants:
    • University of Exeter
    • Universität Stuttgart
    • Other Urgenche research groups
    • Other Urgenche cities




The target of 40 % GHG reduction seems realistic due to reforms in Haapaniemi power plant, expecting that GHG emissions for biomass = 0.


This diagram is just a placeholder. A new file should be uploaded, because this is about another assessment.


  • Plausible climate change policies in Kuopio can be found in detail at Climate change policies in Kuopio
    • Major policies/aims
      • Compared to 1990, 40% reduction in total GHG emissions in Kuopio by 2020.
      • Compared to 2005, 9% reduction in city´s own energy use by 2016.
  • Specific actions
    • Energy production
      • New power plant unit in Haapaniemi: ability to use significantly more biomass in the production of district heat (2014)
    • Building stock
      • Energy efficiency of buildings is increased: new stricter building regulations in Finland (2/2013)
      • Education to building owners and managers: semblance of best practicies in heating and other use of energy. Possible reduction in energy use of building stock is about 10%, and mere beneficial health effects are expected.
    • Land use and transport
      • If possible, PM emissions and noise are calculated based on updated version of Kuopio´s traffic network
      • Alternatively, the effect of increased use of biofuels on GHG and CO2 emissions is evaluated.


  • Cardiovascular mortality
  • Pulmonar mortality
  • Well-being...

Assessment-specific data

  • Building registry data
  • Use of electricity by building type
  • Use of district heat by contract
  • Data on fuels and emissions of Haapaniemi power plant
  • Traffic data
  • Regional plan on public transport

See also

Urgenche research project 2011 - 2014: city-level climate change mitigation
Urgenche pages

Urgenche main page · Category:Urgenche · Urgenche project page (password-protected)

Relevant data
Building stock data in Urgenche‎ · Building regulations in Finland · Concentration-response to PM2.5 · Emission factors for burning processes · ERF of indoor dampness on respiratory health effects · ERF of several environmental pollutions · General criteria for land use · Indoor environment quality (IEQ) factors · Intake fractions of PM · Land use in Urgenche · Land use and boundary in Urgenche · Energy use of buildings

Relevant methods
Building model · Energy balance · Health impact assessment · Opasnet map · Help:Drawing graphs · OpasnetUtils‎ · Recommended R functions‎ · Using summary tables‎

City Kuopio
Climate change policies and health in Kuopio (assessment) · Climate change policies in Kuopio (plausible city-level climate policies) · Health impacts of energy consumption in Kuopio · Building stock in Kuopio · Cost curves for energy (prioritization of options) · Energy balance in Kuopio (energy data) · Energy consumption and GHG emissions in Kuopio by sector · Energy consumption classes (categorisation) · Energy consumption of heating of buildings in Kuopio · Energy transformations (energy production and use processes) · Fuels used by Haapaniemi energy plant · Greenhouse gas emissions in Kuopio · Haapaniemi energy plant in Kuopio · Land use in Kuopio · Building data availability in Kuopio · Password-protected pages: File:Heat use in Kuopio.csv · Kuopio housing

City Basel
Buildings in Basel (password-protected)

Energy balances
Energy balance in Basel · Energy balance in Kuopio · Energy balance in Stuttgart · Energy balance in Suzhou


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