Energy balance in Stuttgart

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What are the amounts of energy produced, consumed, imported, and exported in Stuttgart?



There are several energy transformations that each describe a specific process of energy production or use. Per unit activity, there is a constant amount of different inputs and outputs into and from this process, respectively. These unit processes are used for Stuttgart in such a way that one critical input or output from each relevant energy transformation is listed here; all other inputs and outputs logically follow from the nature of the transformation process.


Energy balance in Stuttgart(-)
1Balance Solar Thermal PumpSTP renewable energy-1In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2Balance Solar Thermal PumpSTP electricity-1
3Balance Solar Thermal PumpSTP local heating1
4Fraction STP renewable energySTP electricity-1Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy
5Fraction STP renewable energySTP renewable energy0.3636363648/22 Electricity divided by renewable energy
6Balance CHP PlantsCHP gas-1In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
7Balance CHP PlantsCHP renewable energy-1
8Balance CHP PlantsCHP mineral oil-1
9Balance CHP PlantsCHP local heating1
10Balance CHP PlantsCHP electricity1
11Balance CHP PlantsCHP loss1
12Fraction CHP gasCHP renewable energy-1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas
13Fraction CHP gasCHP mineral oil-1
14Fraction CHP gasCHP gas0.564814815(108+14)/216 Others divided by gas
15Fraction CHP renewable energyCHP gas-1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy
16Fraction CHP renewable energyCHP mineral oil-1
17Fraction CHP renewable energyCHP renewable energy2.12962963(216+14)/108 Others divided by renewable energy
18Fraction CHP local heatingCHP electricity-1Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating
19Fraction CHP local heatingCHP loss-1
20Fraction CHP local heatingCHP local heating1.770491803(84+132)/122 Others divided by local heating
21Fraction CHP electricityCHP local heating-1Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity
22Fraction CHP electricityCHP loss-1
23Fraction CHP electricityCHP electricity3.023809524(122+132)/84 Others divided by electricity
24Balance Water, Wind, PhotovlotaicsWWP renewable energy-1In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
25Balance Water, Wind, PhotovlotaicsWWP electricity1
26Balance Thermal Power Plant PfaffenwaldTPP electricity input-1In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
27Balance Thermal Power Plant PfaffenwaldTPP mineral oil-1
28Balance Thermal Power Plant PfaffenwaldTPP gas-1
29Balance Thermal Power Plant PfaffenwaldTPP local heating1
30Balance Thermal Power Plant PfaffenwaldTPP electricity output1
31Balance Thermal Power Plant PfaffenwaldTPP loss1
32Fraction TPP electricity inputTPP mineral oil-1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input
33Fraction TPP electricity inputTPP gas-1
34Fraction TPP electricity inputTPP electricity input23.33333333(43+167)/9 Others divided by electricity input
35Fraction TPP mineral oilTPP electricity input-1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil
36Fraction TPP mineral oilTPP gas-1
37Fraction TPP mineral oilTPP mineral oil4.093023256(9+167)/43 Others divided by mineral oil
38Fraction TPP local heatingTPP electricity output-1Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating
39Fraction TPP local heatingTPP loss-1
40Fraction TPP local heatingTPP local heating0.335365854(50+5)/164 Others divided by local heating
41Fraction TPP electricity outputTPP local heating-1Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity
42Fraction TPP electricity outputTPP loss-1
43Fraction TPP electricity outputTPP electricity output3.38(164+5)/50 Others divided by electricity
44Balance Thermal Power Plant EVUTPE waste-1In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
45Balance Thermal Power Plant EVUTPE gas-1
46Balance Thermal Power Plant EVUTPE coal-1
47Balance Thermal Power Plant EVUTPE mineral oil-1
48Balance Thermal Power Plant EVUTPE electricity1
49Balance Thermal Power Plant EVUTPE district heating1
50Balance Thermal Power Plant EVUTPE loss1
51Fraction TPE wasteTPE gas-1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste
52Fraction TPE wasteTPE coal-1
53Fraction TPE wasteTPE mineral oil-1
54Fraction TPE wasteTPE waste1.04973357(162+1019+1)/1126 Others divided by waste
55Fraction TPE gasTPE waste-1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas
56Fraction TPE gasTPE coal-1
57Fraction TPE gasTPE mineral oil-1
58Fraction TPE gasTPE gas13.24691358(1126+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas
59Fraction TPE coalTPE waste-1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal
60Fraction TPE coalTPE gas-1
61Fraction TPE coalTPE mineral oil-1
62Fraction TPE coalTPE coal1.264965653(1126+162+1)/1019 Others divided by coal
63Fraction TPE electricityTPE district heating-1Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity
64Fraction TPE electricityTPE loss-1
65Fraction TPE electricityTPE electricity5.089709763(1101+828)/379 Others divided by electricity
66Fraction TPE district heatingTPE electricity-1Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating
67Fraction TPE district heatingTPE loss-1
68Fraction TPE district heatingTPE district heating1.096276113(379 +828)/1101 Others divided by district heating
69Balance Industrial PlantsInd gas-1In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
70Balance Industrial PlantsInd electricity1
71Balance Industrial PlantsInd loss1
72Fraction Ind lossInd electricity-1Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss
73Fraction Ind lossInd loss0.5333333338/15 district heating per loss
74Fraction local heating producersSTP local heating-1CHP local heating production is used as reference
75Fraction local heating producersCHP local heating0.24590163930/122 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating
76Fraction electricity producers 1Ind electricity-1CHP electricity production is used as reference
77Fraction electricity producers 1CHP electricity0.0952380958/84 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating
78Fraction electricity producers 2WWP electricity-1CHP electricity production is used as refernce
79Fraction electricity producers 2CHP electricity0.79761904867/84 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity
80Fraction electricity producers 3TPP electricity output-1CHP electricity production is used as refernce
81Fraction electricity producers 3CHP electricity0.59523809550/84 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity
82Fraction electricity producers 4TPE electricity-1CHP electricity production is used as refernce
83Fraction electricity producers 4CHP electricity4.511904762379/84 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity
84Transmission loss local heatingLoss local heating1Known loss divided by production
85Transmission loss local heatingSTP local heating-0.04113924113/(30+122+164)
86Transmission loss local heatingCHP local heating-0.041139241
87Transmission loss local heatingTPP local heating-0.041139241
88Transmission loss electricityLoss electricity1Known loss divided by production
89Transmission loss electricityCHP electricity-0.221088435130/(84+67+50+379+8)
90Transmission loss electricityWWP electricity-0.221088435
91Transmission loss electricityTPP electricity output-0.221088435
92Transmission loss electricityTPE electricity-0.221088435
93Transmission loss electricityInd electricity-0.221088435
94Transmission loss district heatingLoss district heating1Known loss divided by production
95Transmission loss district heatingTPE district heating-0.109900091121/1101
96Consumption in the Energy Sector local heatingCES local heating1STP local heating is used as reference
97Consumption in the Energy Sector local heatingSTP local heating-0.36666666711/30
98Consumption in the Energy Sector electricityCES electricity1CHP electricity is used as reference
99Consumption in the Energy Sector electricityCHP electricity-1.392857143117/84
100Vorketten renewable energyV renewable energy1STP renewable energy is used as reference
101Vorketten renewable energySTP renewable energy-0.2727272736/22
102Vorketten coalV coal1TPE coal is used as reference
103Vorketten coalTPE coal-0.103042198105/1019
104Vorketten electricityV electricity1TPE electricity is used as reference
105Vorketten electricityTPE electricity-17.796833776745/379
106Vorketten gasV gas1CHP gas is used as reference
107Vorketten gasCHP gas-2.027777778438/216
108Vorketten mineral oilV mineral oil1TPP mineral oil is used as reference
109Vorketten mineral oilTPP mineral oil-12.3255814530/43
110Electricity use balanceBought electricity-1In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
111Electricity use balanceCHP electricity-1
112Electricity use balanceWWP electricity-1
113Electricity use balanceTPP electricity output-1
114Electricity use balanceTPE electricity-1
115Electricity use balanceInd electricity-1
116Electricity use balanceSTP electricity1
117Electricity use balanceTPP electricity input1
118Electricity use balanceLoss electricity1
119Electricity use balanceCES electricity1
120Electricity use balanceV electricity1
121Electricity use balanceCons Ind electricity1
122Electricity use balanceCons Traffic electricity1
123Electricity use balanceCons Home electricity1
124Electricity use balanceCons Commerce electricity1
125Local heating balanceSTP local heating-1In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
126Local heating balanceCHP local heating-1
127Local heating balanceTPP local heating-1
128Local heating balanceLoss local heating1
129Local heating balanceCES local heating1
130Local heating balanceCons Ind local heating1
131Local heating balanceCons Home local heating1
132Local heating balanceCons Commerce local heating1
133District heating balanceBought district heating-1In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
134District heating balanceTPE district heating-1
135District heating balanceLoss district heating1
136District heating balanceCons Ind district heating1
137District heating balanceCons Home district heating1
138District heating balanceCons Commerce district heating1
139Consumed electricity industryCons Ind electricity1This must be given
140Consumed electricity trafficCons Traffic electricity1This must be given
141Consumed electricity householdsCons Home electricity1This must be given
142Consumed electricity commerceCons Commerce electricity1This must be given
143Consumed local heating industryCons Ind local heating1This must be given
144Consumed local heating householdsCons Home local heating1This must be given
145Consumed local heating commerceCons Commerce local heating1This must be given
146Consumed districit heating industryCons Ind district heating1This must be given
147Consumed districit heating householdsCons Home district heating1This must be given
148Consumed districit heating commerceCons Commerce district heating1This must be given

A data table on an Opasnet page is used to enter the matrix data. This is rather user friendly. As a side effect, the table does not look like a matrix so it might be confusing in the beginning. The matrix is created by using the "Equation" as information about the row of the matrix and "Col" as information about the column of the matrix. "Result" is the actual value, and Description is anything useful for a reader (it is not used in calculations).




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The model first creates the matrix and shows it to the user, and then it fills all empty cells with 0 and solves it by using the input values the user has given via the user interface. (The user interface can later be replaced by another model.) All the current input values are final consumptions, and the default values are based on the Kuopio data.

See also

Urgenche research project 2011 - 2014: city-level climate change mitigation
Urgenche pages

Urgenche main page · Category:Urgenche · Urgenche project page (password-protected)

Relevant data
Building stock data in Urgenche‎ · Building regulations in Finland · Concentration-response to PM2.5 · Emission factors for burning processes · ERF of indoor dampness on respiratory health effects · ERF of several environmental pollutions · General criteria for land use · Indoor environment quality (IEQ) factors · Intake fractions of PM · Land use in Urgenche · Land use and boundary in Urgenche · Energy use of buildings

Relevant methods
Building model · Energy balance · Health impact assessment · Opasnet map · Help:Drawing graphs · OpasnetUtils‎ · Recommended R functions‎ · Using summary tables‎

City Kuopio
Climate change policies and health in Kuopio (assessment) · Climate change policies in Kuopio (plausible city-level climate policies) · Health impacts of energy consumption in Kuopio · Building stock in Kuopio · Cost curves for energy (prioritization of options) · Energy balance in Kuopio (energy data) · Energy consumption and GHG emissions in Kuopio by sector · Energy consumption classes (categorisation) · Energy consumption of heating of buildings in Kuopio · Energy transformations (energy production and use processes) · Fuels used by Haapaniemi energy plant · Greenhouse gas emissions in Kuopio · Haapaniemi energy plant in Kuopio · Land use in Kuopio · Building data availability in Kuopio · Password-protected pages: File:Heat use in Kuopio.csv · Kuopio housing

City Basel
Buildings in Basel (password-protected)

Energy balances
Energy balance in Basel · Energy balance in Kuopio · Energy balance in Stuttgart · Energy balance in Suzhou



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