Dose-response function of persistent pollutants

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Benefit-risk assessment on farmed salmon: To the assessment page | To the Analytica model
Decision variables:

Variable:Recommendation for consumption of farmed salmon | Variable:Pollutant concentration limits for fish feed


Variable:Pollutant health risk due to the consumption of salmon | Variable:Net health effects due to the consumption of salmon

Other variables:

Variable:Persistent pollutant concentrations in fish feed | Variable:Persistent pollutant concentrations in salmon | Variable:Salmon intake in the population of the Western Europe | Variable:Exposure to persistent pollutants due to salmon in the population of the Western Europe | Variable:Dose-response function of persistent pollutants | Variable:Omega-3 content in salmon | Variable:Omega-3 intake due to salmon in the population of the Western Europe | Variable:Dose-response function of cardiovascular effects of omega-3 fatty acids | Variable:Total mortality in the Western Europe | Variable:Cardiovascular mortality in the Western Europe | Variable:Cardiovascular effects of omega-3 in salmon in the Western Europe


Dose-response function of persistent pollutants describes the cancer dose-responses of several pollutants in humans (lifetime risk due to lifetime exposure).



Potency of pollutants. Cancer slope factors (CSF) are used for cancer and Reference Dose (RfD) values are used for non-cancer endpoints. The data comes from the U.S.EPA. [1]

The response assessment is restricted to cancer endpoints, because it is the more sensitive endpoint.

Table. Cancer slope factors (CSF) for several pollutants.

Dieldrin 16
Toxaphene 1.1
Dioxin 1.56E+005


Upstream variables

  • None




CSFs are directly used.



Dose-response slope
Dieldrin 16
Toxaphene 1.1
Dioxin 1.56E+005

See also


  1. U.S.EPA. Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisory. Volume 2: Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits, 3rd Edition. 2000. Table 3-1. Open access Internet file Intranet file