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How is knowledge tied to decision making?

Yhtäköyttä (Yhteiset tietokäytännöt tutkimuksessa ja päätöksenteossa, Common knowledge practises in research and decision making) -research project tries to find and try out new methods of evidence-based governance to support decision making. The research plan is described here (in Finnish).

The methods and tools for evidence-based decision making

Task 1. examines the current practises, methods and tools, that support evidence-based decision making.

Development needs for evidence-based decision preparation

Task 2. examines those development and improvement needs that is present in especially Finnish government but also elsewhere in social decision making. The results come mostly through surveying needs.

Agile experiments of evidence-based decision making

Task 3. develops and tries out the practises and development needs found in the previous assignments. The experimenting begins in spring 2016.

Implementation plan of evidence-based policy

Task 4. gives recommendations about how the government should work in order to better use knowledge in decision making. The plan for for sisäänajo is made based on previous work stages in the spring of 2016.

The communication and working plan for Yhtäköyttä-project

Task 5. includes the actual plans and actions for taking the ideas of Yhtäköyttä into use and for carrying out the agile experiments.

The final report of Yhtäköyttä-project

Task 6. is a summary and synthesis of all the information and experiences of the project.

Meeting memos

Project consortium

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The research funding of Prime Minister's Office (in Finnish)

Working principles

  • The project aims to be as open as possible, to make it possible for anyone interested to immediately use information produced by the project.
  • If the project produces of uses information tools (programs, web pages etc.), open source will be used when ever possible. Also methods and tools found literature reviews are checked for the use of open source, and if they are not, also what restrictions the licence they use bring to their use.
  • The literature review does not only aim to find different methods and tools for decision support but also to produce a coherent synthesis. This brings the strengths of as many previous innovations as possible together to form a whole, that is better than any of the nethods on their own.

See also

Project topics

Project main page · Task 1. The methods and tools for evidence-based decision making · Task 2. Development needs for evidence-based decision preparation · Task 3. Agile experiments of evidence-based decision making · Task 4. Implementation plan of evidence-based policy · Task 5. The communication and working plan for Yhtakoytta-project · Task 6. The final report of Yhtakoytta-project

Methods and tools

Open policy practice · Open assessment · Open policy practice municipal pilot (in Finnish) · Assessent of environment-caused health problems (in Finnish) · Tekaisu-project · Category:Tekaisu

Publications and other things useful

Yhtäköyttä (Project introduction in Finnish) · op_fi:Avoin päätöksentekokäytäntö voisi parantaa tiedon hyödyntämistä (in Finnish) · op_fi:Ympäristö- ja terveysvaikutuksia koskeva tieto kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (in Finnish) · All pages in category Yhtakoytta

This page is produced as a part of the Finnish Government's research plan assignment in 2015 (www.vn.fi/teas). The producers of the information are responsible for the contents. The contents do not represent the views of the Government.