The communication and working plan for Yhtakoytta-project

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Acquisition notice

17.12.2015 The bidding competition has ended and we will publish the result as soon as possible.

10.12.2015 We're looking for a graphic designer to design the visual side of Yhtakoytta-project. (in Finnish)


What kind of communication and working plan should the Yhtakoytta-project have to successfully reach its goals? Especially, what should the communication be like to support the Implementation plan of evidence-based policy as efficiently as possible?



What is the central goal that is supported with interaction and communication?

  1. The activation of the Government, ministries and other state administration to improve decision making.
  2. Surveying the needs of mentioned key groups.
  3. The communicating about and promoting of the recommendations of the implementation plan.
  4. Increasing awareness about the increasing needs of performance, i.e. the operation capacity supporting decision making in state administration and research institutions.
  5. Increasing awareness and standards of evidence-based decision making.

Target groups and the users of knowledge

Who should the communication be aimed at? Who should know about research aside from the orderer?

  • All ministries
  • Open science and research -project
  • State's sector research institutes
  • Universities and colleges
  • Finnish Academy strategic research council
  • Local and municipal authorities
  • Ministry of social affairs and health
  • Citizen networks and organisations of open democracy

The means, tools and resources of communication and interaction

What are the ways and channels of communication at different stages of the project?

  • Web-workspace Opasnet. There can be put up the website for the project and maintain a project blog.
  • OKFFI's website and communication channels
  • THL's communication channels
  • Oxford Research's communication channels

The most important communicational resources are the partnets' webtools mentioned above (are usable without further resources) and the work time of the people participating in the project. This has been described in more detail in the budget.

Information management


The project produces a literary review, needs assessment and implementation plan. For these a lot of background information is gathered from literature, stakeholders and possibly through the agile experiments. All knowledge is produced openly online for also others to use.

Ownership, tenure and copyright

All knowledge is produced openly online with an open license, typically CC-BY-SA. This ensures the usability and reuse of the knowledge.

Data protection of material

Because the knowledge is open, no encryption or limitations to reading are needed. For integrity and preservation see next point.

The preservation and access to material

The reports of the project are published electronically in THL's publications, which is a part of the permanent collection of Kansalliskirjasto (public library). Detailed information is also gathered and stored in open Opasnet-web-workspace maintained by THL. THL has committed to maintaining Opasnet for the next few years, and all produced information will remain openly usable online also after the project has ended. Opasnet takes backups daily and according to the plan an archive copy for permanent storage for Kansalliskirjasto.

See also

Project topics

Project main page · Task 1. The methods and tools for evidence-based decision making · Task 2. Development needs for evidence-based decision preparation · Task 3. Agile experiments of evidence-based decision making · Task 4. Implementation plan of evidence-based policy · Task 5. The communication and working plan for Yhtakoytta-project · Task 6. The final report of Yhtakoytta-project

Methods and tools

Open policy practice · Open assessment · Open policy practice municipal pilot (in Finnish) · Assessent of environment-caused health problems (in Finnish) · Tekaisu-project · Category:Tekaisu

Publications and other things useful

Yhtäköyttä (Project introduction in Finnish) · op_fi:Avoin päätöksentekokäytäntö voisi parantaa tiedon hyödyntämistä (in Finnish) · op_fi:Ympäristö- ja terveysvaikutuksia koskeva tieto kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (in Finnish) · All pages in category Yhtakoytta

This page is produced as a part of the Finnish Government's research plan assignment in 2015 ( The producers of the information are responsible for the contents. The contents do not represent the views of the Government.