User:Tamara Gajst

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DARM, 2017 Homework

Homework 1

←--#: . Very good! --Jouni (talk) 08:36, 10 April 2017 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

Homework 1a: Open policy practice

I decided to answer the following three questions, since I found them interesting enough and didn't exactly know what I would answer with my existing knowledge.

Q: What are co-creation skills?

If I understood correctly, co-creation skills represent a set of a variety of skills needed in the process of decision making in order to better organise the information which are the basis for a good decision and are useful in open policy practice. Important skills are, according to the given material, divided into 4 categories:

  • Encouragement (skills, which aid people in decision making, make functional information and skills to learn from other people)
  • Synthesis (skills important to synthesise information in such way, to produce a structured and practical from)
  • Open data (skills that help to manipulate data so that they can be used in models and represent some kind of a variable)
  • Modelling (skills for assessment modelling development by using different tools and methods such as probabilities, R-tools in Opasnet etc.)

Q: What is open assessment?

The so-called open assessment, refers to a methodology of structured information for the decision making in which anyone can participate and comment with the help of internet tools (Opasnet). An understandable structure of information and scientific practice is the basis of this method. The information is structured in a way (I see it as some kind of a flowchart), so that it predicts different outcomes based on certain decisions.

Q: What are the dimensions of openness?

Dimensions of openness include scope of participation, access to information, timing of openness, scope of contribution and impact of contribution, all which are used in the evaluation of an assessment.

Material used in answering the questions:

  1. Open policy practice
  2. Open assessment

Homework 1b: Learn the terms in Quizlet

I checked out the 5 Quizlets and tried different things in each - flashcards, learn, test and gravity (which is actually kind of weird :) ). And I found the "reading out lout" of the learning part quite annoying if I accidentally clicked it. Otherwise, a nice enrichment to otherwise only reading the terms. I like the variability.

Homework 1c: Introduction to critical thinking

I joined the Khan Academy and followed the course of Critical thinking. Even though I only watched a few videos, I did all the practices...the exercises didn't alway work though - sometimes the page just had the question and then only after page reload, the whole question was visible. I also found it confusing, since the questions seem to be in a loop and there's no real end, so I had no idea how many questions I had to answer and stopped answering when the questions started repeating. In this view, I prefer Quizzlet, since I find it easier and it seemed to work better while doing the exercises (all the quizzes worked). I also learned some new concepts, so it was useful :).

Homework 1d: Introduction to probabilities

I checked the materials and did the exercises. I have to say that it was good to refresh the memory, since in some cases, I needed some time to figure out the correct result and had to check out the material.

Homework 3

Task A

Question 1

I didn't really understand the use of templates in Opasnet. What are they for? Can you give an example? ----#: . Templates are used to show such content that repeats itself in the same format on several pages. An example is a navigation box that contains links to all pages of a particular project. It is easy to put on a page with a single call, see an example below. It is also useful in a sense that if some information is updated, you just update the template page and the content is automatically updated in all pages. --Jouni (talk) 09:37, 20 April 2017 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)

If you want to show the contents of the page Template:Goherr here, you just type {{goherr}} and you get:

Goherr Research project 2015-2018: Integrated governance of Baltic herring and salmon stocks involving stakeholders

Goherr public website


WP1 Management · WP2 Sociocultural use, value and goverrnance of Baltic salmon and herring · WP3 Scenarios and management objectives · WP4 Linking fish physiology to food production and bioaccumulation of dioxin · WP5 Linking the health of the Baltic Sea with health of humans: Dioxin · WP6 Building a decision support model for integrated governance · WP7 Dissemination

Other pages in Opasnet

GOHERR assessment · Goherr flyer · Goherr scenarios · Relevant literature: policy · dioxins · values


Exposure- response functions of dioxins · Fish consumption in Sweden · POP concentrations in Baltic sea fish · Exposure-response functions of Omega3 fatty acids

Methods Health impact assessment · OpasnetBaseUtils‎ · Modelling in Opasnet
Other assessments Benefit-risk assessment of Baltic herring · Benefit-risk assessment on farmed salmon · Benefit-risk assessment of methyl mercury and omega-3 fatty acids in fish · Benefit-risk assessment of fish consumption for Beneris · Benefit-risk assessment of Baltic herring (in Finnish)

Question 2

I did read about it, but I still do not understand the purpose of OpasnetBaseUtils and what exactly it is? ----#: . OpasnetBaseUtils is an outdated name of OpasnetUtils. OpasnetUtils is a freely available R package. In other words, it contains several functions that can be used with R software. R is an open source statistical software that is widely used for data management, statistics, and modelling. OpasnetUtils contains functions that can be used within Opasnet or that you can use on your own computer to download data and models from Opasnet. You can download OpasnetUtils from CRAN, the R package repository. --Jouni (talk) 09:37, 20 April 2017 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)

Task B

(What is co-creation? What advantage does it bring compared with more traditional decision support processes? What is the role of a facilitator, and what skills do they need?)

Homework 4

Working with Tine Bizjak; the content is on his user page.

Homework 5

Working with Tine Bizjak, the content is only on my page.

#What are the aims/goals of the strategy/program, i.e. what are the desired impacts and outcomes striven for?
*Who are those that benefit if the aims/goals of the strategy/program are reached?
#What are the actions that are needed/intended to take in order to progress towards the aims/goals?
*Who are those that actually realize these actions?
#What are the decisions that are needed to make in order to enable/promote the actions?
*Who are the decision makers?
#What direct or indirect health impacts, positive or negative, these decisions and actions (may) have?
*Where and how do these impacts take place, who are those that face these health impacts in practice?The community,the citizens,
*Are the health impacts big or small in relation to other impacts (e.g. economical, social, climate, other environmental, ...)?
*Do the intended policies result in win-win, win-lose, lose-win, or lose-lose situations with regard to health and other impacts?
#Formulate a plausible and meaningful specific assessment question that takes account of (some of) the aspects considered in above questions.'
#Extra question: In what ways your answers do or do not represent "shared understanding"? (The climate program/strategy can be considered a compilation of contributions by many experts and attempting to reflect the views and needs of different decision makers and stakeholders).