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[[op_fi:Tietopohjaisen päätösvalmistelun kehitystarpeet]]

Latest revision as of 07:20, 17 February 2016


What are the knowledge needs and improvement needs of social decision making and evidence-based decision preparation in civil government and elsewhere in the society? Especially under examination are things that are important for the work of the Government and help the Implementation plan of evidence-based policy of the Yhtakoytta-project.


Here will be a summary and synthesis of needs assessment.

See also

Project topics

Project main page · Task 1. The methods and tools for evidence-based decision making · Task 2. Development needs for evidence-based decision preparation · Task 3. Agile experiments of evidence-based decision making · Task 4. Implementation plan of evidence-based policy · Task 5. The communication and working plan for Yhtakoytta-project · Task 6. The final report of Yhtakoytta-project

Methods and tools

Open policy practice · Open assessment · Open policy practice municipal pilot (in Finnish) · Assessent of environment-caused health problems (in Finnish) · Tekaisu-project · Category:Tekaisu

Publications and other things useful

Yhtäköyttä (Project introduction in Finnish) · op_fi:Avoin päätöksentekokäytäntö voisi parantaa tiedon hyödyntämistä (in Finnish) · op_fi:Ympäristö- ja terveysvaikutuksia koskeva tieto kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (in Finnish) · All pages in category Yhtakoytta

This page is produced as a part of the Finnish Government's research plan assignment in 2015 ( The producers of the information are responsible for the contents. The contents do not represent the views of the Government.

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