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PCDF, polychlorinated dibenzofuran. See that and PCDF - specific items; since the properties are usually very close, a treatise is usually given under PCDD/F. [1]

Chemical structure

See chemical structures.


Capacity of PCDFs to cause cancer. There are no long-term carcinogenicity studies on PCDFs in animals. Some short-term studies may suggest tumourigenic effects, and animal studies on technical PCBs containing PCDFs as impurities cause liver tumours (see PCB - carcinogenicity). In Japan (Yusho incident, 22 year follow-up) there is some indication on increased liver cancer in men, but in Taiwan (Yu-Cheng incident) after 12 year follow-up there is no increase. Therefore evidence is inadequate to deem PCDFs carcinogenic, but due to the fact that they bind to the AH receptor and the assumption that the carcinogenicity of dioxins is mediated by this receptor, and in addition due to the "precautionary principle", PCDFs are usually considered carcinogens in decision-making (see also PCDD - carcinogenicity).[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Jouko Tuomisto, Terttu Vartiainen and Jouni T. Tuomisto: Dioxin synopsis. Report. National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), ISSN 1798-0089 ; 14/2011 [1]