Dependencies of climate change
Moderator:Mikko Pohjola (see all) |
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This page contains a description of causes and effects of what is commonly referred to as climate using the Pyrkilo method. The data used in this assessment is composed of 10 climate change related articles by 10 invited experts published in Helsingin Sanomat during Summer 2006. This text was previously on the page Climate change.
Focus of the description
- Base-level focus: to describe the causes and effects of climate as a compilation of the contributions of the 10 writers
- Meta-level focus: to try the applicability of pyrkilo method for describing such a complex issue as a net of variables
Scope of the description
All input from all of the 10 writers are accepted as contributions. In addition, the moderator of the exercise has the right to include additonal material where needed to make implicit issues explicit, to fill in important gaps if they shall exist and to make the overall description coherent.
- The spatial scope is primarily global, but some phenomena are also considered on regional and local scopes as well
- The temporal scope of different variables by different contributors varies approximately within the orders of 101 to 105 years
- All causes and effects of climate change mentioned in the articles are considered
Mikko Pohjola --Mikko
Causal chain diagram
(The graph currently only covers the variables upstream from climate variable)
Variable descriptions
Solar activity
Name: Solar activity
Focus and scope: The radiation output of sun. Variations in the output happen in the scope of approximately 101 years. As a source of energy, sun can be considered as continuous within the scope of the whole assessment.
- Matti Saarnisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 1, Helsingin Sanomat 28.6.2006
- Mikko Alestalo, Ilmasto muuttuu 2, Helsingin Sanomat 30.6.2006
Earth's positioning
Name: Earth's positioning in relation to sun
Focus and scope: The distance from sun and alignment of Earth. Temporally in the order of 104-105 years
Description: Based on Milankovich's astronomical theory of climate change, complemented with orbital inclination. The factors include:
- Orbital shape
- Axial tilt
- Axial orientation
- Orbital inclination
- Matti Saarnisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 1, Helsingin Sanomat 28.6.2006
- About Milankovich's astronomical theory of climate change
Solar energy input
Name: Solar energy input
Focus and scope: The amount of energy as solar radiation that enters the Earth's climatic system. Global spatiotemporal distribution.
- Matti Saarnisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 1, Helsingin Sanomat 28.6.2006
Volcanic activity
Name: Volcanic activity
Focus and scope: The heat producing processes that take place inside the Earth's core
Description: Manifestations of volcanic activity are:
- Volcano eruptions
- Tectonic movement
- Matti Saarnisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 1, Helsingin Sanomat 28.6.2006
- Mikko Alestalo, Ilmasto muuttuu 2, Helsingin Sanomat 30.6.2006
Earth surface
Name: Earth surface
Focus and scope: Composition of the surface layer of the Earth. Distribution of land and water areas, vertical variation of the land areas, distribution of biota on the land areas and in the water areas.
Description: Includes:
- Land
- Sea
- Biota
- Matti Saarnisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 1, Helsingin Sanomat 28.6.2006
- Esko Kuusisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 3, Helsingin Sanomat 3.7.2006
Name: Weathering
Focus and scope:
Description: The weathering slowly decreases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
- Matti Saarnisto, Ilmasto muttuu 1, Helsingin Sanomat 28.6.2006
World politics
Name: World politics
Focus and scope:
Human population
Name: Human population
Focus and scope:
Human activity
Name: Human activity
Focus and scope: The human activities that have impact on the climate system. Spatially from local to global.
- Land use
- Emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
- Mikko Alestalo, Ilmasto muuttuu 2, Helsingin Sanomat 30.6.2006
- Esko Kuusisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 3, Helsingin Sanomat 3.7.2006
Atmosphere composition
Name: Composition of the atmosphere
Focus and scope: The gases and airborne particulate matter that affect the greenhouse effect.
- CO2 concentration
- H2O concentration (+cloud formation)
- Other greenhouse gases
- Mikko Alestalo, Ilmasto muuttuu 2, Helsingin Sanomat 30.6.2006
- Esko Kuusisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 3, Helsingin Sanomat 3.7.2006
- Jarl R. Ahlbeck, Ilmasto muttuu 4, Helsingin Sanomat 5.7.2006
Solar radiation reflection
Name: Reflected solar radiation
Focus and scope: The sunlight that is reflected back to the space from the atmosphere and Earth surface.
- Esko Kuusisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 3, Helsingin Sanomat 3.7.2006
- Jarl R. Ahlbeck, Ilmasto muttuu 4, Helsingin Sanomat 5.7.2006
Absorbed energy
Name: Absorbed energy
Focus and scope: The total energy that is absorbed to the climatic system of the Earth in various forms.
- Markku Wilenius, Ilmasto muuttuu 5, Helsingin Sanomat 7.7.2006
Name: Flows
Focus and scope: Air- and waterflows that transfer heat horizontally on the globe.
- Air flows
- Sea currents
- Matti Saarnisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 1, Helsingin Sanomat 28.6.2006
Name: Climate
Focus and scope: The phenomena that are together commonly perceived as climate. Temporal variation from minutes (weather) to > 105 years, spatial variation from very local to global.
Description: Distributions of different factors and especially the extreme phenomena are of greatest interest. Factors include:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Wind (speed and direction)
- Precipitation (amount and type)
- Matti Saarnisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 1, Helsingin Sanomat 28.6.2006
- Mikko Alestalo, Ilmasto muuttuu 2, Helsingin Sanomat 30.6.2006
- Esko kuusisto, Ilmasto muuttuu 3, Helsingin Sanomat 3.7.2006
- Jarl R. Ahlbeck, Ilmasto muttuu 4, Helsingin Sanomat 5.7.2006