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Corshu (CO-cReation of SHared Understanding on climate and air pollution policies) is an application to be sent to the strategic research council of the Academy of Finland on 11th Jan, 2017. It is based on ideas of open assessment, open policy practice, shared understanding and its implementation method, co-creation, and ontological approach to organising self-organised contributions into scientifically valid content. The research plan is an advanced version of what was applied with application Parsha from the Academy in September 2016.

Key links:


Ontologies are systematic languages used to describe topics in a standardised way. In this project, we will specifically use web ontology language (OWL 2) and resource description framework (RDF) databases to support the content described in the the OWL language. Here are some links to descriptions of the methods.


  1. Lalana Kagal and Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly and Daniel Weitzner. Using Semantic Web Technologies for Policy Management on the Web. []