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'''Corshu (CO-cReation of SHared Understanding on climate and air pollution policies)''' is an application to be sent to the strategic research council of the Academy of Finland on 11th Jan, 2017. It is based on ideas of [[open assessment]], [[open policy practice]], [[shared understanding]] and its [[:op_fi:jaetun ymmärryksen menetelmä|implementation method]], co-creation, and ontological approach to organising self-organised contributions into scientifically valid content. The research plan is an advanced version of what was applied with application [[Parsha]] from the Academy in September 2016.
'''Corshu (CO-cReation of SHared Understanding on climate and air pollution policies)''' was an application that was sent to the strategic research council of the Academy of Finland on 11th Jan, 2017. It was based on ideas of [[open assessment]], [[open policy practice]], [[shared understanding]] and its [[:op_fi:jaetun ymmärryksen menetelmä|implementation method]], co-creation, and ontological approach to organising self-organised contributions into scientifically valid content. The research plan is an advanced version of what was applied with application [[Parsha]] from the Academy in September 2016.
The application was not successful and did not proceed to the second phase based on the decision on 13th March, 2017.

'''Key links:
'''Key links:
* {{#l:decision-312104-v1.pdf|Decision by the Academy}}
* {{#l:Tuomisto_Jouni_312104_Paneelilausunto_Valmis_74315.pdf|Evaluation of the application by the Academy}}
* [ Application folder in Google Drive]
** [ Application in Google docs]
** [ Corshu budget in Google sheets]
* [ Corshu in THL project management tool Harava]
* [[:op_fi:Valassafari|Valassafari]] Description of a web-workspace Whale Safari, which utilises and merges several existing web tools into a coherent system for decision support. This idea is central for the application. Useful reading although only small parts could be written into the application text.
* [[Parsha]]: A previous application that is a basis for this application.
* [[Parsha]]: A previous application that is a basis for this application.
* Strategic research call December 2016. [] [ fi] [ en]
* Strategic research call December 2016. [] [ fi] [ en]
* [[:op_fi:Yhtäköyttä-hankkeen loppuraportti]] (a larger description of the method for decision support)
* [[:op_fi:Yhtäköyttä-hankkeen loppuraportti]] (a larger description of the method for decision support)
* [ Strategic resarch in LinkedIn]
kustannusarviossa koko nelivuotiskauden kustannuksista haetaan
noin 5 prosenttia
käytettäväksi vuoden 2017 aikana, noin 25 prosenttia vuonna 2018, noin 30 prosenttia
vuonna 2019, noin 25 vuonna 2020 ja noin 15 prosenttia vuoden 2021 aikana.

== Abstract ==
== Abstract ==

Open data and practices are becoming common in the society. They have also brought problems: new internet tools may distribute malevolent information and distort policy making about e.g. climate change. Scientific policy support practices are not well equipped to tackle this challenge.
Inadequate information flow and use are serious problems for societal decision processes. The research question in this project is how shared understanding may be produced. Shared understanding means a systematic description and linking of all important issues, values, agreements and disagreements raised by decision makers, experts, and stakeholders; understanding rather than consensus.  

Shared understanding is a situation, where important issues, disagreements, valuations and reasonings are systematically documented and available for decision makers. It is hypothesized as an important method to bring science into policy and attenuate disinformation and outrage. The main objective of Corshu is to test and implement methods and technologies for producing shared understanding on pressing environmental and health issues and other policy-relevant problems.
There are crucial development needs and synergistic opportunities in the knowledge work for preparing societal decisions. Many of these are refined in this project, e.g. open scientific information; improved systematic information structures; listening to every viewpoint without consensus requirement; processing information and discussions into comprehensive models; and shared web environments and tools that support such work.

Shared understanding will be produced in several policy-relevant, controversial situations, starting with climate change policies in Helsinki and disease burden disputes about air pollution. New topics will be chosen for the latter part of the project based on future needs. The methods applied are based on open policy practice, which has been developed and successfully used by THL; several modelling techniques such as Monte Carlo (MC), Bayesian belief networks (BBN), and directed acyclic graphs (DAG); and semantic tools such as resource description framework (RDF) database and an ontology to be specifically designed for this purpose.  
Corshu addresses these needs by developing new methods and knowledge through case studies focusing on two interlinked wicked problems: climate change and air pollution. Methodological development is based on the principles of open collaboration, open sharing, and co-creation. We foster interdisciplinary learning within and between science and society. We use experiments and randomized controlled trials to test performance of the new methods: whether the methods actually can collect, synthesise and describe information from participants to their satisfaction; whether the formed synthesis is informative and semantically coherent and usable for partially automated content analysis; whether disputes can be identified and their impacts described; and whether such analyses actually help policymakers use rational and slow (vs. instinctive and fast) thinking .

The focus will be to develop practices, methods, and tools to collect contributions of political processes and systematically describing, analysing and synthesising values and statements into a coherent ontological structure. The input data may anything that is relevant for the policy process, including reports, assessments, previous policy decisions, social media discussions, and personal communications.
The expected research output is a systematic set of practices, methods and open source tools that open up processes; strengthen evidence-based decision making in Finland; and gather international interest. Practical outputs include active user communities of decision makers, experts, and stakeholders collaborating and using the Corshu web-workspace; and guidance for climate and air pollution actions on municipality, regional and national levels. As an outcome, they reduce the probability of making decisions that go against contemporary scientific and societal knowledge. They are also an antidote against fragmentation and polarisation of information between subgroups. If successful, many complex environmental, health, and other policy-relevant problems will come closer to a solution.

An essential part of the project is to tackle real, contemporary wicked problems and seek practical solutions that can be decided and implemented using normal political processes. The topics, namely climate policies and air pollution are major environmental and health issues and complex enough to put the methods into an acid test.
;Keywords: decision support, evidence-based policy making, decision analysis, climate change, air quality, modeling, co-creation, stakeholder, knowledge crystal, web-workspace, shared understanding, case study, citizen science, open science, transdisciplinarity

Corshu is based on i) a social innovation of hearing every viewpoint systematically without consensus requirement; ii) an information science innovation of an ontology and RDF database for documenting, analyzing, synthesizing and disseminating political discourse; and iii) a technological innovation of an interface to facilitate participation, knowledge retrieval, learning, and policy support. Our hypothesis is that scientific knowledge prevails in this process and conclusions are more coherent and robust than with the current political practices.
== Tiivistelmä ==

Corshu will extensively use participation and co-creation in its studies and actively share its results. It will use experiments and randomized controlled trials to test performance of the innovations: whether they actually can collect, synthesise and describe information from participants to their satisfaction; whether the synthesis is informative and semantically coherent and usable for semiautomatic analyses; whether the disputes can be identified and their impacts described; and whether such analyses actually help policy makers avoid emotional, fast thinking. If they do, many complex environmental and health problems will come closer to a solution.
{{attack|# |Suomenkielinen tiivistelmä on vanhempi ja muistuttaa enemmän [[Parsha]]a, jossa ei ole vielä [[:op_fi:Valassafari|Valassafari]]n ideaa. |--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 13:16, 11 January 2017 (UTC)}}
== Tiivistelmä ==

Avoin data ja käytännöt alkavat olla yleisiä yhteiskunnassa. Ne ovat myös tuoneet ongelmia: uudet internet-sovellukset voivat jakaa pahantahtoista tietoa ja vääristää päätöksentekoa esimerkiksi ilmastonmuutoksesta. Tieteelliset päätöstuen käytännöt ovat huonosti varustautuneet näihin haasteisiin.
Avoin data ja käytännöt alkavat olla yleisiä yhteiskunnassa. Ne ovat myös tuoneet ongelmia: uudet internet-sovellukset voivat jakaa pahantahtoista tietoa ja vääristää päätöksentekoa esimerkiksi ilmastonmuutoksesta. Tieteelliset päätöstuen käytännöt ovat huonosti varustautuneet näihin haasteisiin.
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Jouni Tuomisto, THL
Jouni Tuomisto, THL

'''Subprojects {{attack|# |Subprojects and partners are not yet confirmed. These are drafts about what the tasks and roles could be.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 15:35, 15 December 2016 (UTC)}}
'''Subprojects (= partners)
# THL Impact Assessment Unit (leader: Jouni Tuomisto, coordinator. Participants: Arja Asikainen, Otto Hänninen, Päivi Meriläinen)
# '''THL''': National Institute for Health and Welfare, Impact Assessment Unit (leader: Jouni Tuomisto, coordinator. Participants: Arja Asikainen, Otto Hänninen, Päivi Meriläinen)
# Helsinki Environment Centre? (leader: Markus Lukin. Participants: Jari Viinanen, Mira Jarkko, Petteri Huuska, Sonja-Maria Ignatius)
# '''HEL''': Helsinki Environment Centre (leader: Jari Viinanen. Participants: Mira Jarkko, Petteri Huuska, Sonja-Maria Ignatius)
# VTT? (leader: Sami Majaniemi?. Participants: ?)
# '''Heldig''': Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Helsinki (leader: Eero Hyvönen.)
# OKFFI? (leader: Teemu Ropponen?. Participants: ?)
# '''OKFI''': Open Knowledge Finland ry (leader: Pia Adibe. Participants: Heidi Laine)
# CSC Oy? (leader: Jessica Parland-von Essen?. Participants: Totti Mäkelä?)
# '''VTT''': VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (leader: Sami Majaniemi.)
# HIIT? (leader: Kai Kuikkaniemi?. Participants: ?)
# '''HSY''': Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY (leader: Anu Kousa. Participants: Susanna Kankaanpää)
# HSY? (leader: Susanna Kankaanpää?)
# '''ÅA''': Åbo Akademi (leader: Yrsa Neuman)
# Future Earth Finland? (leader: Tanja Suni?)
* '''CSC''': CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd (leader: Jessica Parland-von Essen. Participants: Totti Mäkelä?)
* '''FEF''': Future Earth Finland (leader: Tanja Suni)
* '''Ilmastokumppanit''': (leader: Mira Jarkko)
* '''Ilmastoverkosto''': (leader: Sonja-Maria Ignatius)

|+'''Workpackages {{comment|# |First draft only; radical changes possible.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 15:35, 15 December 2016 (UTC)}}
! Workpackage
! Workpackage
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! Other
! Other
| '''WP1'''. Problem formulation: Defining decisions situations
| '''WP1. Problem formulation''': Defining decisions situations
| What decisions, options, objectives, and issues relate to the decision situations that are to be analysed?
| What decisions, options, objectives, and issues relate to the decision situations that are to be analysed? How to coordinate and prioritise complex policies such as about climate? What does a shared understanding of the policy cases contain?
| '''WP2'''. Ontologies: Development of an ontology for collaborative decision support.  
| '''WP2. Ontologies''': Development of an ontology for collaborative decision support.  
| How to link any contribution to a coherent semantic description of a decision situation?
| How to link any contribution to a coherent semantic description of a decision situation?
| Heldig, VTT, THL, ÅA
| '''WP3'''. Co-creation: Inviting existing networks to co-create
| '''WP3. Co-creation''': Inviting existing networks to co-create and analyse work
| What approaches enable and motivate individuals and existing networks to start collaborate on a semantic web-workspace?
| How to produce shared understanding for WP1 case studies? What approaches enable and motivate individuals and existing networks to start collaborate on a semantic web-workspace? How is information from semantic systems accepted in political discussions? Does shared understanding alleviate disputes?
| FES, Hki, THL, OKFFI, Hki, HSY
| '''WP4'''. Web-workspace: Development of a web-workspace with participation, modelling, and semantic functionalities.
| '''WP4. Fusion models''': Development of interfaces to use many different modelling approaches (MC, BBN, DAG, RDF) in a single system.
| What functionalities are needed in a web-workspace for co-creation of decision descriptions, and how can they be implemented using open source code?
| All other partners using and commenting the web-workspace
| '''WP5'''. Fusion models: Development of interfaces to use many different modelling approaches (MC, BBN, DAG, RDF) in a single system.
| How can different modelling approaches be combined in a coherent way to create knowledge crystals?
| How can different modelling approaches be combined in a coherent way to create knowledge crystals?
| '''WP6'''. Implementation: Participating in policy processes and public discussions.
| '''WP5. Whale safari''': Development of a web-workspace with participation, modelling, and semantic functionalities.
| How is information from semantic systems accepted in political discussions? Does shared understanding alleviate disputes?
| What functionalities are needed in a web-workspace for co-creation of decision descriptions, and how can they be implemented using open source code? What existing software can be used and merged into a coherent system?
| All other partners using and commenting the web-workspace
| '''WP7'''. Project management
| Can the methods and technologies developed be used even for managing the project itself?
| All others participate

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Ontologies are systematic languages used to describe topics in a standardised way. In this project, we will specifically use web ontology language (OWL 2) and resource description framework (RDF) databases to support the content described in the the OWL language. Here are some links to descriptions of the methods.
Ontologies are systematic languages used to describe topics in a standardised way. In this project, we will specifically use web ontology language (OWL 2) and resource description framework (RDF) databases to support the content described in the the OWL language. Here are some links to descriptions of the methods.
* [[:en:Web Ontology Language]] a general description on Wikipedia. On W3C website: [ Overview], [ Primer (syntax and examples], [ Quick reference guide], [ Direct semantics (expressed as logical clauses)],
* [[:en:Web Ontology Language]] a general description on Wikipedia. On W3C website: [ Overview], [ Primer (syntax and examples], [ Quick reference guide], [ Direct semantics (expressed as logical clauses)],
* [[:en:RDF Schema]]
* [ SPARQL language in R],
* [ SPARQL language in R],
* [ Open policy practice ontology described in WebProtégé]
* [ Open policy practice ontology described in WebProtégé]
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* <ref name="kagal2006">Lalana Kagal and Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly and Daniel Weitzner. Using Semantic Web Technologies for Policy Management on the Web. []</ref>
* <ref name="kagal2006">Lalana Kagal and Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly and Daniel Weitzner. Using Semantic Web Technologies for Policy Management on the Web. []</ref>
* Eero Hyvönen, ontology professor []
* Eero Hyvönen, ontology professor []
* [ Simantics wiki] [ Simantics]
== Policy analysis and management ==
* [[:en:Management science]]
* [[:en:Policy analysis]]
* [[:en:Public administration]]
* [[:en:Decision support system]]
* [[:en:Data mart]]
* [[:en:Problem structuring methods]]
* [[:en:Morphological analysis (problem-solving)]]
== Argumentation ==
* [ ARG-Tech at COMMA] (Centre for Argument Technology)
* [ COMMA - Computational models of argument]
* [ Argument & Computation] (journal)
== Other relevant ==
* [ Lauri Tuomi]: Impact of the Finnish Open Science and Research Initiative (ATT)
* Climate: [ Climate-KIC]
* [ FullFact: If you could ask one question]
* [ The State of Automated Factchecking]
* [ VTT (2011): Social media for citizen participation. Report on the Somus project]
* People
** [ Nina Janasik-Honkela]
** [ Johannes Lounasheimo]
* [ HS-säätiö: totuudenjälkeinen aika] (DL 5.3.2017)

== References ==
== References ==


Latest revision as of 13:04, 13 March 2017

Corshu (CO-cReation of SHared Understanding on climate and air pollution policies) was an application that was sent to the strategic research council of the Academy of Finland on 11th Jan, 2017. It was based on ideas of open assessment, open policy practice, shared understanding and its implementation method, co-creation, and ontological approach to organising self-organised contributions into scientifically valid content. The research plan is an advanced version of what was applied with application Parsha from the Academy in September 2016.

The application was not successful and did not proceed to the second phase based on the decision on 13th March, 2017.

Key links:

kustannusarviossa koko nelivuotiskauden kustannuksista haetaan noin 5 prosenttia käytettäväksi vuoden 2017 aikana, noin 25 prosenttia vuonna 2018, noin 30 prosenttia vuonna 2019, noin 25 vuonna 2020 ja noin 15 prosenttia vuoden 2021 aikana.


Inadequate information flow and use are serious problems for societal decision processes. The research question in this project is how shared understanding may be produced. Shared understanding means a systematic description and linking of all important issues, values, agreements and disagreements raised by decision makers, experts, and stakeholders; understanding rather than consensus.

There are crucial development needs and synergistic opportunities in the knowledge work for preparing societal decisions. Many of these are refined in this project, e.g. open scientific information; improved systematic information structures; listening to every viewpoint without consensus requirement; processing information and discussions into comprehensive models; and shared web environments and tools that support such work.

Corshu addresses these needs by developing new methods and knowledge through case studies focusing on two interlinked wicked problems: climate change and air pollution. Methodological development is based on the principles of open collaboration, open sharing, and co-creation. We foster interdisciplinary learning within and between science and society. We use experiments and randomized controlled trials to test performance of the new methods: whether the methods actually can collect, synthesise and describe information from participants to their satisfaction; whether the formed synthesis is informative and semantically coherent and usable for partially automated content analysis; whether disputes can be identified and their impacts described; and whether such analyses actually help policymakers use rational and slow (vs. instinctive and fast) thinking .

The expected research output is a systematic set of practices, methods and open source tools that open up processes; strengthen evidence-based decision making in Finland; and gather international interest. Practical outputs include active user communities of decision makers, experts, and stakeholders collaborating and using the Corshu web-workspace; and guidance for climate and air pollution actions on municipality, regional and national levels. As an outcome, they reduce the probability of making decisions that go against contemporary scientific and societal knowledge. They are also an antidote against fragmentation and polarisation of information between subgroups. If successful, many complex environmental, health, and other policy-relevant problems will come closer to a solution.

decision support, evidence-based policy making, decision analysis, climate change, air quality, modeling, co-creation, stakeholder, knowledge crystal, web-workspace, shared understanding, case study, citizen science, open science, transdisciplinarity


⇤--#: . Suomenkielinen tiivistelmä on vanhempi ja muistuttaa enemmän Parshaa, jossa ei ole vielä Valassafarin ideaa. --Jouni (talk) 13:16, 11 January 2017 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)

Avoin data ja käytännöt alkavat olla yleisiä yhteiskunnassa. Ne ovat myös tuoneet ongelmia: uudet internet-sovellukset voivat jakaa pahantahtoista tietoa ja vääristää päätöksentekoa esimerkiksi ilmastonmuutoksesta. Tieteelliset päätöstuen käytännöt ovat huonosti varustautuneet näihin haasteisiin.

Jaettu ymmärrys on tilanne, jossa tärkeät näkökulmat, erimielisyydet, arvot ja perustelut kuvataan järjestelmällisesti ja tarjotaan päättäjille tiedoksi. Se on oletetusti tärkeä menetelmä tuoda tiedettä päätöksentekoon ja lieventää vääristelyä ja suuttumusta. Corshu-hankkeen tavoite on testata ja soveltaa menetelmiä ja teknologioita jaetun ymmärryksen tuottamiseen polttavista ympäristö- ja terveyskysymyksistä ja muista päätöksenteon kannalta tärkeistä ongelmista.

Jaettua ymmärrystä tuotetaan useista yhteiskunnallisesti tärkeistä, kiistanalaisista kysymyksistä alkaen Helsingin ilmastopolitiikoista ja ilmansaasteiden tautitaakkaan liittyvistä kiistoista. Uusia aiheita otetaan käsittelyyn hankkeen jälkipuoliskolla tulevien tarpeiden perusteella. Käytettäviä menetelmiä ovat avoin päätöksentekokäytäntö, joka on kehitetty ja menestyksellisesti sovellettu THL:ssä; useita mallinnusmenetelmiä kuten Monte Carlo (MC), bayesiläiset uskomusverkot (BBN), ja suunnatut asykliset graafit (DAG); sekä semanttiset työkalut kuten resurssinkuvailuviitekehys (RDF) ja varta vasten tähän tarkoitukseen räätälöitävät ontologiat.

Pääpaino on kehittää käytäntöjä, menetelmiä ja työkaluja keräämään poliittisten prosessien syötteitä ja järjestelmällisesti kuvata, tutkia ja jäsentää arvoja ja väitteitä järjestelmälliseksi semanttiseksi rakenteeksi. Syötteet ovat mitä tahansa, mikä on olennaista poliittisen prosessin kannalta, kuten raportteja, arviointeja, aiempia päätöksiä, sosiaalisen median keskusteluja ja henkilökohtaista tiedonvaihtoa.

Olennaisen tärkeänä osana on pureutua todellisiin, ajankohtaisiin yhteiskunnallisiin ongelmiin ja etsiä niihin käytännöllisiä ratkaisuja, jotka voidaan viedä normaaliin poliittiseen päätösprosessiin ja siten yhteiskunnan toimenpiteinä ratkaista viheliäisiä ongelmia. Siksi aiheena ovat juuri ilmastonmuutospolitiikat ja toisaalta ilmansaasteet, joka on tärkein suomalainen ympäristöterveysongelma. Haasteina ne ovat monimutkaisia ja riittävän vaikeita laittamaan tutkittavat menetelmät happotestiin.

Corshu perustuu 1) sosiaaliseen innovaatioon kaikkien osallistujien systemaattisesta kuulemisesta ilman pakkoa yhteisymmärrykseen; ii) informaatiotieteen innovaatioon ontologiasta ja RDF-tietokannasta, jonka avulla kuvataan, tutkitaan, tehdään päätelmiä ja viestitään poliittista keskustelua; ja iii) teknologiseen innovaatioon teknisestä rajapinnasta, joka edistää osallistumista, tiedonhakua, oppimista ja päätösten tukemista. Hypoteesimme on, että tieteellinen tieto menestyy tässä prosessissa ja että päätelmät ovat johdonmukaisempia ja jämerämpiä kuin nykyisillä poliittisilla käytännöillä toteutettuna.

Corshu käyttää aktiivisesti avointa osallistumista ja yhteistuotantoa tutkimuksissaan ja jakaa tuloksiaan avoimesti. Se käyttää kokeiluja ja satunnaistettuja kokeita testaamaan erilaisten innovaatioiden toimivuutta: kuinka onnistuu tiedonkeruu ja jäsentäminen osallistujien tyydytykseksi; ovatko yhteenvedot rikkaita, johdonmukaisia ja käyttökelpoisia päätöksentekoon ja puoliautomaattisiin analyyseihin; tunnistetaanko ristiriidat ja saadaanko niiden merkitys kuvattua; ja auttavatko tällaiset analyysit käytännössä päättäjiä välttämään nopeaa, tunteellista ajattelua. Jos ne auttavat, moni monimutkainen ympäristö- ja terveysongelma on lähempänä ratkaisuaan.

Tasks, WPs and partners

Coordinator: Jouni Tuomisto, THL

Subprojects (= partners)

  1. THL: National Institute for Health and Welfare, Impact Assessment Unit (leader: Jouni Tuomisto, coordinator. Participants: Arja Asikainen, Otto Hänninen, Päivi Meriläinen)
  2. HEL: Helsinki Environment Centre (leader: Jari Viinanen. Participants: Mira Jarkko, Petteri Huuska, Sonja-Maria Ignatius)
  3. Heldig: Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Helsinki (leader: Eero Hyvönen.)
  4. OKFI: Open Knowledge Finland ry (leader: Pia Adibe. Participants: Heidi Laine)
  5. VTT: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (leader: Sami Majaniemi.)
  6. HSY: Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY (leader: Anu Kousa. Participants: Susanna Kankaanpää)
  7. ÅA: Åbo Akademi (leader: Yrsa Neuman)


  • CSC: CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd (leader: Jessica Parland-von Essen. Participants: Totti Mäkelä?)
  • FEF: Future Earth Finland (leader: Tanja Suni)
  • Ilmastokumppanit: (leader: Mira Jarkko)
  • Ilmastoverkosto: (leader: Sonja-Maria Ignatius)
Workpackage Research question Subprojects involved Other
WP1. Problem formulation: Defining decisions situations What decisions, options, objectives, and issues relate to the decision situations that are to be analysed? How to coordinate and prioritise complex policies such as about climate? What does a shared understanding of the policy cases contain? HEL, HSY, OKFI, ÅA
WP2. Ontologies: Development of an ontology for collaborative decision support. How to link any contribution to a coherent semantic description of a decision situation? Heldig, VTT, THL, ÅA
WP3. Co-creation: Inviting existing networks to co-create and analyse work How to produce shared understanding for WP1 case studies? What approaches enable and motivate individuals and existing networks to start collaborate on a semantic web-workspace? How is information from semantic systems accepted in political discussions? Does shared understanding alleviate disputes? OKFI, HEL
WP4. Fusion models: Development of interfaces to use many different modelling approaches (MC, BBN, DAG, RDF) in a single system. How can different modelling approaches be combined in a coherent way to create knowledge crystals? VTT, THL
WP5. Whale safari: Development of a web-workspace with participation, modelling, and semantic functionalities. What functionalities are needed in a web-workspace for co-creation of decision descriptions, and how can they be implemented using open source code? What existing software can be used and merged into a coherent system? THL, VTT, OKFI All other partners using and commenting the web-workspace

Two critical questions:

  • Use of information in decision making
  • Sustainable growth


Ontologies are systematic languages used to describe topics in a standardised way. In this project, we will specifically use web ontology language (OWL 2) and resource description framework (RDF) databases to support the content described in the the OWL language. Here are some links to descriptions of the methods.

Policy analysis and management


Other relevant


  1. Lalana Kagal and Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly and Daniel Weitzner. Using Semantic Web Technologies for Policy Management on the Web. [1]