UDM-FMI, Urban Dispersion Modelling System

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The urban dispersion modelling system (UDM-FMI) includes:
•    a multiple source Gaussian plume model and
•    the meteorological pre-processor.

The dispersion model is an integrated urban scale model, taking into account all source categories (point, line, area and volume sources). It includes a treatment of chemical transformation (for NO2) and deposition (wet deposition, and dry deposition for SO2 and NO2), plume rise, downwash phenomena and dispersion of inert particles. The model allows also for the influence of a finite mixing height.
The dispersion module of the system utilises input emission data, pre-processed meteorological data and geographical data. The dispersion module computes hourly time series of the concentrations of pollutants.
The system also computes statistical parameters from the time series, which can be compared to air quality guidelines (for instance, various percentile values).

More information:
Ari Karppinen
email: firstname.lastname@fmi.fi