Talk:Building stock in Kuopio
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-- Marjo 13:06, 18 April 2013 (EEST)
Basic calculations of the building stock model (to be done)
- Baseline descriptive statistics such as
- number vs. constructed & type
- AreaHR vs. constructed & type
- VolumeHR vs. constructed & type
- Baseline energy consumption
- Electricity & heating vs. constructed & type
- Heat & heating vs. constructed & type
- Oil & heating vs. constructed & type + emissions
- Wood & heating vs. constructed & type + emissions
- Geothermal & heating vs. constructed & type
- BAU 2020: Heat and electricity consumption
- Baseline modified by
- fraction of houses renovated per year -> the resulting save in heating energy
- new building stock and its heat and electricity consumption, assuming that new buildings are passive houses
- Baseline modified by
Useful links
- heande:Category:Lama
- Intera homepage [1]
- heande:HI Talk:Percentage of Europeans exposed to tobacco smoke at home
- tobacco smoke in homes [2], [3], [4], [5]
- Housing data sources
Relevant miscellanous data
Prevalence of dampness and mold in European housing stock (Haverinen-Shaughnessy, 2012)
- data from 31 European countries
- weighted prevalence estimates
- damp 12.1%
- mold 10.3%
- water damage 10%
- combination of any one or more indicators 16.5%
Some IEQ data of schools (Haverinen-Shaughnessy et al. 2012)
- Prevalence of moisture problems in schools
- Finland 24%
- Netherlands 41 %
- Typical ventilation system of schools
- Finland: mechanical exhaust and support air
- Netherlands: natural ventilation
- School buildings constructed before 1970 have increased risk of moisture problems compared with newer buildings (OR=1.4, 95%CI 0.7-2.8)
Turunen et al. 2010
- random sample of 3000 adults (one per household) from Finnish Population Register Center, response rate 44%.
- mechanical ventilation 39.5% (n=3000)
- of respondents:
- mechanical supply and exhaust 26.2%
- mechanical exhaust 25.5%
- natural ventilation 24.4%
- no ventilation 11%
- ventilation not known 11%
- fireplace 34%
- wood stove 23%
- wood-burning sauna stove 19%
- gas stove 3%
- respondent smoking inside the residence daily 2.5%
- someone else smoking inside the residence daily 2.2%
- block of flats 32%
- detached houses 44%
- row houses 14%
- semi-detached houses 4%
- occurence of moisture and mould damage 5%
Classification of buildings
- Detached houses
- Yhden asunnon talot
- Kahden asunnon talot
- Muut erilliset pientalot
- Row houses
- Rivitalot
- Ketjutalot
- Apartment houses
- Luhtitalot
- Muut kerrostalot
- Leisure houses
- Erilliset vapaa-ajan asunnot
- Vuokrattavat lomamokit ja osakkeet (liiketoiminnallisesti)
- Shops and other commercial buildings
- Myymalahallit
- Liike- ja tavaratalot, kauppakeskukset
- Myymalarakennukset
- Hotellit, motellit, matkustajakodit, kylpylahotellit
- Muut majoitusliikerakennukset
- Asuntolat, vanhusten palvelutalot, asuntolahotellit
- Muut majoitusrakennukset
- Ravintolat, ruokalat ja baarit
- Offices
- Toimistorakennukset
- Health and social sector buildings
- Keskussairaalat
- Muut sairaalat
- Terveyskeskukset
- Terveydenhoidon erityislaitokset (mm. kuntoutuslaitokset)
- Muut terveydenhoitorakennukset
- Vanhainkodit
- Lastenkodit, koulukodit
- Kehitysvammaisten hoitolaitokset
- Muut huoltolaitosrakennukset
- Muut sosiaalitoimen rakennukset
- Public buildings
- Teatterit, konsertti- ja kongressitalot, oopperat
- Kirjastot
- Museot, taidegalleriat
- Seurain-, nuoriso- yms. talot
- Kirkot, kappelit, luostarit, rukoushuoneet
- Seurakuntatalot
- Muut uskonnollisten yhteisojen rakennukset
- Muut kokoontumisrakennukset
- Sports buildings
- Jaahallit
- Uimahallit
- Tennis-, squash- ja sulkapallohallit
- Monitoimi- ja muut urheiluhallit
- Muut urheilu- ja kuntoilurakennukset
- Educational buildings
- Lasten paivakodit
- Peruskoulut, lukiot ja muut
- Ammatilliset oppilaitokset
- Korkeakoulurakennukset
- Tutkimuslaitosrakennukset
- Jarjestojen, liittojen, tyonantajien yms. opetusrakennukset
- Muualla luokittelemattomat opetusrakennukset
- Industrial buildings
- Teollisuushallit
- Teollisuus- ja pienteollisuustalot
- Muut teollisuuden tuotantorakennukset
- Teollisuusvarastot
- Other buildings
- Rautatie- ja linja-autoasemat, lento- ja satamaterminaalit
- Kulkuneuvojen suoja- ja huoltorakennukset
- Pysakointitalot
- Tietoliikenteen rakennukset
- Muut liikenteen rakennukset
- Vankilat
- Voimalaitosrakennukset
- Yhdyskuntatekniikan rakennukset
- Kauppavarastot
- Muut varastorakennukset
- Paloasemat
- Vaestonsuojat
- Muut palo- ja pelastustoimen rakennukset
- Navetat, sikalat, kanalat yms.
- Elainsuojat, ravihevostallit, maneesit
- Viljankuivaamot ja viljan sailytysrakennukset, siilot
- Kasvihuoneet
- Muut maa-, metsa- ja kalatalouden rakennukset
- Saunarakennukset
- Talousrakennukset
- Muut rakennukset
Pseudocode for building stock model -- Jouni 17:07, 4 June 2013 (EEST)
- Ovariables for building stock
- buildings2010 (data from table Building registry data), indexed by
- Building (previously Type)
- Constructed
- Observation (to separate areas, volumes etc)
- heatingTypes (data from table Fractions of houses according heating type), indexed by
- Building
- Heating
- renovation (data from table Fraction of houses renovated per year), indexed by
- Constructed
- Energy.class.from (tells the original energy class of the building. If the default is always "Old building", the column can be omitted.)
- (tells the energy class after renovation. )
- construction (data from table Floor area of new houses and additional construction per year), indexed by
- Building
- Observation (for number, area, volume,...)
- energyClassesFuture (gives fraction of energy classes in different types of new buildings in the future. This must be created, does not exist yet!), indexed by
- Constructed
- buildings (calculated based on the ovariables above)
- Ovariables for energy efficiency
- energyEfficiencyBaseline (data from tables Baseline energy consumption per area unit and Baseline energy consumption per volume unit), indexed by
- Building
- Carrier (for energy carrier; previously Heating. Possible values: District heat, Electricity, Oil, Wood, Geothermal, Solar)
- Energy.use (for final use; previously Energy or Observation. Possible values: Heating, Water heating, Cooling, User electricity)
- Meter (gives the unit that is used. Possible values: Number, Area, Volume)
- energyClasses (data from table Energy saving potential of different renovations and Energy classes of buildings), indexed by
- Building
- Energy.class (Previously Renovation type or Type in the two tables, respectively)
- Columns Save of heating energy (kWh/m2/a), Property and user electricity, and Service water are turned into description columns as they are not used in the model. In addition, the savings are expressed as fractions of heat needed compared with an average old building.
- Pseudocode for calculating dynamic building stock
- Calculate the current building stock: buildings <- buildings2010 * heatingTypes / 100
- Calculate the future buildings by energy class: construction * energyClassesFuture
- Create a new index Year (actually it is decade-long period of observation)
- Make a for loop from the first to last Year.
- Take the building stock in the beginning of the period, and add buildings built on that decade.
- Take the renovation volumes and subtract that from the results matching the Energy.class.from and add them to the results matching the
- Pseudocode for calculating energy consumption
- Calculate energy efficiency for different energy classes: energyEfficiency * energyClasses / 100
- Calculate the energy consumption: buildings * energyEfficiency