Spatial indices in the Helsinki metropolitan area
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The page identifier is Op_en2624 |
This page describes indices that are used for spatial descriptions in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The most detailed division into 129 areas (#1130 is a technical, imaginary location that is not included in the original division) is based on YTV classification and completely covers Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen.
The description of the Hma_area numbering:
Hma_area | Name of the area |
1001 | Kluuvi |
1002 | Kamppi |
1003 | Punavuori |
1004 | Kaartinkaupunki |
1005 | Kruunuhaka |
1006 | Katajanokka |
1007 | Kaivopuisto |
1008 | Munkkisaari |
1009 | Ruoholahti |
1010 | Salmisaari |
1011 | Etu-Töölö |
1012 | Taka-Töölö |
1013 | Meilahti |
1014 | Ruskeasuo |
1015 | Länsi-Pasila |
1016 | Pohjois-Pasila |
1017 | Itä-Pasila |
1018 | Hakaniemi |
1019 | Kallio |
1020 | Sörnäinen |
1021 | Alppila |
1022 | Vallila |
1023 | Hermanni |
1024 | Arabianranta |
1025 | Käpylä |
1026 | Lauttasaari |
1027 | Munkkiniemi |
1028 | Munkkivuori |
1029 | Etelä-Haaga |
1030 | Pohjois-Haaga |
1031 | Pitäjänmäki |
1032 | Konala |
1033 | Malminkartano |
1034 | Kannelmäki |
1035 | Hakuninmaa |
1036 | Maunula |
1037 | Patola |
1038 | Länsi-Pakila |
1039 | Paloheinä |
1040 | Itä-Pakila |
1041 | Pukinmäki |
1042 | Viikki |
1043 | Pihlajamäki |
1044 | Malmi |
1045 | Malmin lentokenttä |
1046 | Tapanila |
1047 | Tapaninvainio |
1048 | Siltamäki |
1049 | Tapulikaupunki |
1050 | Puistola |
1051 | Jakomäki |
1052 | Kulosaari |
1053 | Laajasalo |
1054 | Roihuvuori |
1055 | Herttoniemenranta |
1056 | Herttoniemi |
1057 | Puotila |
1058 | Puotinharju |
1059 | Myllypuro |
1060 | Kontula |
1061 | Vartioharju |
1062 | Mellunmäki |
1063 | Vuosaari |
1064 | Kallahti |
1065 | Niinisaari |
1066 | Suomenlinna |
1067 | Keilaniemi |
1068 | Otaniemi |
1069 | Tapiola |
1070 | Pohjois-Tapiola |
1071 | Niittykumpu |
1072 | Mankkaa |
1073 | Westend |
1074 | Matinkylä |
1075 | Olari |
1076 | Iivisniemi |
1077 | Suvisaaristo |
1078 | Espoonlahti |
1079 | Nöykkiö |
1080 | Saunalahti |
1081 | Mäkkylä |
1082 | Lintuvaara |
1083 | Etelä-Leppävaara |
1084 | Laajalahti |
1085 | Sepänkylä |
1086 | Kuninkainen |
1087 | Karakallio |
1088 | Laaksolahti |
1089 | Viherlaakso |
1090 | Kauniainen |
1091 | Tuomarila |
1092 | Muurala |
1093 | Bemböle |
1094 | Nuuksio |
1095 | Kauklahti |
1096 | Espoonkartano |
1097 | Vanhakartano |
1098 | Röylä |
1099 | Kalajärvi |
1100 | Hämeenkylä |
1101 | Varisto |
1102 | Myyrmäki |
1103 | Martinlaakso |
1104 | Petikko |
1105 | Kivistö |
1106 | Seutula |
1107 | Viinikkala |
1108 | Ylästö |
1109 | Pakkala |
1110 | Veromies |
1111 | Helsinki airport |
1112 | Koivuhaka |
1113 | Tikkurila |
1114 | Ruskeasanta |
1115 | Simonkylä |
1116 | Jokiniemi |
1117 | Kuninkaala |
1118 | Hakkila |
1119 | Päiväkumpu |
1120 | Havukoski |
1121 | Rekola |
1122 | Koivukylä |
1123 | Ilola |
1124 | Korso |
1125 | Metsola |
1126 | Jokivarsi |
1127 | Sotunki |
1128 | Hakunila |
1129 | Länsimäki |
1130 | Vaihtopiste (Exchange point, i.e. the place where extra composite vehicles go) |
<sql-query display="1"> SELECT Dim_name, Dim_title, Dim_unit, Ind_name, `Index`.Ind_id, Group_concat(Location order by row_number separator ', ') as Locations FROM `Index`, Location, Rows, Dimension WHERE `Index`.Ind_id= 2 AND `Index`.ind_id= Rows.ind_id and Rows.loc_id = Location.loc_id and `Index`.dim_id = Dimension.dim_id GROUP BY Ind_name </sql-query>
<sql-query> SELECT Dim_name, Dim_title, Dim_unit, Ind_name, Group_concat(Location order by row_number separator ', ') as Locations FROM `Index`, Location, Rows, Dimension WHERE `Index`.Ind_name= "Hma_area" AND `Index`.ind_id= Rows.ind_id and Rows.loc_id = Location.loc_id and `Index`.dim_id = Dimension.dim_id GROUP BY Ind_name </sql-query>
The relationship between Hma_region and Hma_area (by number):
Hma_region | Hma_areas included in the Hma_region |
+Länsi-Espoo | 1091,1092,1093,1094,1095,1096 |
+Pohjois-Espoo | 1097,1098,1099 |
+Etelä-Espoo | 1067,1068,1069,1070,1071,1073,1074,1075,1076,1077,1078,1079,1080 |
+Keski-Espoo | 1072,1081,1082,1083,1084,1085,1086,1087,1088,1089,1090 |
+Länsi-Vantaa | 1100,1101,1102,1103,1104,1105,1106,1107,1108 |
+Keski-Vantaa | 1109,1110,1111,1112,1113,1114,1115,1116,1123 |
+Pohjois-Vantaa | 1118,1119,1120,1121,1122,1124,1125,1126,1127 |
+Itä-Vantaa | 1117,1128,1129 |
+Kanta-Helsinki | 1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1007,1008,1009,1010,1011,1026,1066 |
+Länsi-Helsinki | 1012,1013,1014,1015,1016,1027,1028,1029 |
+Vanha-Helsinki | 1017,1018,1019,1020,1021,1022,1023,1024,1025 |
+Konalanseutu | 1030,1031,1032,1033,1034,1035 |
+Pakilanseutu | 1036,1037,1038,1039,1040 |
+Malminseutu | 1041,1042,1043,1044,1045,1046,1047,1048,1049,1050,1051 |
+Itä-Helsinki | 1052,1053,1054,1055,1056,1057,1058,1059,1060,1061,1062,1063,1064,1065 |
<sql-query display="1"> SELECT Dim_name, Dim_title, Dim_unit, Ind_name, `Index`.Ind_id, Group_concat(Location order by row_number separator ', ') as Locations FROM `Index`, Location, Rows, Dimension WHERE `Index`.Ind_id= 3 AND `Index`.ind_id= Rows.ind_id and Rows.loc_id = Location.loc_id and `Index`.dim_id = Dimension.dim_id GROUP BY Ind_name </sql-query>
The relationship between indices Guar_1 and Hma_region:
Value 1 means that the Hma_region is included in the area of Guar_1, 0 means that it is not.
This is strange, as I am pretty sure that the analysis for the article was based on guar starting from the downtown, not rejecting areas from the downtown. Maybe this was changed after the analysis. But it must be recorded correctly in the RDB.
Hma_region | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
+Länsi-Espoo | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+Pohjois-Espoo | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+Etelä-Espoo | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
+Keski-Espoo | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
+Länsi-Vantaa | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+Keski-Vantaa | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
+Pohjois-Vantaa | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+Itä-Vantaa | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
+Kanta-Helsinki | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+Länsi-Helsinki | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+Vanha-Helsinki | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+Konalanseutu | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+Pakilanseutu | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+Malminseutu | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+Itä-Helsinki | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The relationship between Hma_area and Hma_zone:
For Hma_zone:
- 1 = Downtown
- 2 = Centre
- 3 = Suburb
Hma_area | Hma_zone |
1001 | 1 |
1002 | 1 |
1003 | 1 |
1004 | 1 |
1005 | 2 |
1006 | 2 |
1007 | 2 |
1008 | 2 |
1009 | 2 |
1010 | 2 |
1011 | 2 |
1012 | 2 |
1013 | 3 |
1014 | 3 |
1015 | 2 |
1016 | 3 |
1017 | 2 |
1018 | 3 |
1019 | 3 |
1020 | 3 |
1021 | 3 |
1022 | 3 |
1023 | 3 |
1024 | 3 |
1025 | 3 |
1026 | 3 |
1027 | 3 |
1028 | 3 |
1029 | 3 |
1030 | 3 |
1031 | 3 |
1032 | 3 |
1033 | 3 |
1034 | 3 |
1035 | 3 |
1036 | 3 |
1037 | 3 |
1038 | 3 |
1039 | 3 |
1040 | 3 |
1041 | 3 |
1042 | 3 |
1043 | 3 |
1044 | 3 |
1045 | 3 |
1046 | 3 |
1047 | 3 |
1048 | 3 |
1049 | 3 |
1050 | 3 |
1051 | 3 |
1052 | 3 |
1053 | 3 |
1054 | 3 |
1055 | 3 |
1056 | 3 |
1057 | 3 |
1058 | 3 |
1059 | 3 |
1060 | 3 |
1061 | 3 |
1062 | 3 |
1063 | 3 |
1064 | 3 |
1065 | 3 |
1066 | 3 |
1067 | 3 |
1068 | 3 |
1069 | 2 |
1070 | 3 |
1071 | 3 |
1072 | 3 |
1073 | 3 |
1074 | 2 |
1075 | 2 |
1076 | 3 |
1077 | 3 |
1078 | 3 |
1079 | 3 |
1080 | 3 |
1081 | 3 |
1082 | 3 |
1083 | 2 |
1084 | 3 |
1085 | 3 |
1086 | 3 |
1087 | 3 |
1088 | 3 |
1089 | 3 |
1090 | 3 |
1091 | 3 |
1092 | 3 |
1093 | 3 |
1094 | 3 |
1095 | 3 |
1096 | 3 |
1097 | 3 |
1098 | 3 |
1099 | 3 |
1100 | 3 |
1101 | 3 |
1102 | 3 |
1103 | 2 |
1104 | 3 |
1105 | 3 |
1106 | 3 |
1107 | 3 |
1108 | 3 |
1109 | 3 |
1110 | 3 |
1111 | 2 |
1112 | 3 |
1113 | 2 |
1114 | 3 |
1115 | 3 |
1116 | 3 |
1117 | 3 |
1118 | 3 |
1119 | 3 |
1120 | 3 |
1121 | 3 |
1122 | 3 |
1123 | 3 |
1124 | 3 |
1125 | 3 |
1126 | 3 |
1127 | 3 |
1128 | 3 |
1129 | 3 |
1130 | 0 |
<sql-query display="1">
SELECT Dim_name, Dim_title, Dim_unit, Ind_name, `Index`.Ind_id, Group_concat(Location order by row_number separator ', ') as Locations
FROM `Index`, Location, Rows, Dimension
WHERE `Index`.Ind_id= 4
AND `Index`.ind_id= Rows.ind_id and Rows.loc_id = Location.loc_id and `Index`.dim_id = Dimension.dim_id
GROUP BY Ind_name