RM analysis oluyemitoyinbo

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This is an after vaccination analysis to show if the decision taken was right. This is useful for all decision in other to know how to prepare for a similar situation in the future.


  • Relevance-Very important to evaluate the result of a decision already taken so as to know what else to add or remove and the decision to make when in a similar situation in the future.
  • Pertinence-It is useful for the intended purpose.
  • Usability-It helps to quantify the effect of the decision already taken and that to be taken later.
  • Acceptability-It is very acceptable for the condition on ground.

Common citizen point of view

  • Relevance-The populace want to know the after effect of the vaccine they took.
  • Pertinence-The populace will like to know if the decision of those in authority about their health is the right one, some may be ready for litigation if the decision was wrong.
  • Usability-Knowing the after effect of the vaccine taken will make one to know if he/she is still at risk or free from any future swine flu pandemic.
  • Acceptability--The final conclusion from the analysis will be in a layman language, there is no need for calculations to be presented.


They assessed what the impact of vaccination on swine flu pandemic in Finland will be, whether to vaccinate the whole population or some selected group (risk group).

Ministry of Social and Health affairs perspective

  • Relevance- This is highly relevant since the pandemic is new and so also is the vaccine to treat it.
  • Pertinence-Knowing the possible impact of the vaccine will help to know what decision to take and the best vaccine to order.
  • Usability-The outcome of the assessment will help in deciding what to expect from any vaccine used.
  • Acceptability-This is acceptable, it will make it possible to choose between two options of vaccinating everyone or the risk group.

Common citizen point of view

  • Relevance-Those in the risk group will know that whatever the decision, they will be vaccinated.
  • pertinence-No reason to worry too much if one will be in the group not to be vaccinated.
  • Usability-Individual would want to know if he is in the risk group or not and this may result in the finding of ailment(s) not yet discovered.
  • Acceptability-A layman will know that there is going to be a particular condition before he/she can be vaccinated.


Their work was mainly on preventing swine flu from entering Finland. Thermal scanners can only detect swine flu when its effect on an individual have started, carriers of the flu virus may not be detected by the scanner. There are very many ways to enter Finland (road, water and air), the number of scanners to be used as well as places to position the scanners will be of utmost important.

Ministry of Social and Health affairs perspective

  • Relevance-Maybe relevant at the international airport but not at the waterports and road borders.
  • Pertinence-There is still need to worry about the virus entering into Finland since the scanner cannot detect the flu at the incubation period and scanners cannot be placed at all entry into Finland from the outside world.
  • Usability-Anyone against quarantine will find other means to enter into the country. The method will only be viable at the airports.
  • Acceptability-Acceptable for use at the airport and maybe some specific seaports with potential traffic.

Common citizen point of view

  • Relevance-There is hope to the citizen that the virus will not reach Finland.
  • Pertinence-There will be a general awareness about the primary symptom of the flu.
  • Usability-The use of the scanner can even make people to purchase household thermometer for personal use (since they know the flu results to increase in temperature).
  • Acceptability-Aceptance level by the populace will be high.


The assessment here is considering the possibility of postponing the vaccination exercise for a detailed research on the vaccine to be done while hygiene campaign will be carried out.

Ministry of Social and Health affairs perspective

  • Relevance-Postponing vaccination for more research and encouraging hygienic living seems reasonable but what will the Ministry of Health tell the populace if death occur during the pandemic.
  • Pertinence-The effect of hygiene campaign was not elucidated in the analysis.
  • Usability-The analysis seems usable if complications from swine flu will not result to loss of lives.
  • Acceptability-Considering the alert level by W.H.O, this may not be accepted by the Health Ministry.

Common citizen point of view

  • Relevance-Not relevant. The populace will not understand the need to postpone vaccination when more than 30 other countries ordered the same vaccine that is to be used in Finland and nearly all affected nations approves vaccination.
  • Pertinence-All complications will be blamed on M.S.H.A and there will be fear among the population.
  • Usability-Its use will depend on how well appropriate authorities can convince the populace about there decision to postpone the vaccination.
  • Acceptability-To a lay man, this cannot be acceptable.

Overall Statement

All the analysis are useful and may be employed at different stages of swine flu pandemic. Group 3 analysis can be uesd to prevent the influx of the disease into Finland, Group 4 analysis can be used to know the possibility of postponing possible vaccination and encourage hygiene campaign since all entry into Finland cannot be properly monitored with a scanner. If postponing vaccination is unpopular, Group 2 analysis on those to receive vaccination then becomes very important so that vaccination can be properly monitored for possible side effects. Group 1 anlysis is inevitable in any vaccine campaign, it gives an insight into what to do in case of future re-occurrence.