Qalibra (project)
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QALIBRA is a research project supported by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme on Food Quality and Safety. The project began April 1st 2006 and will run until 2009. The aim is to assess the balance between the risks and benefits associated with a particular food. To do this the risk and benefits must be converted into a common measure of net health impact. Uncertainties affecting the risks and benefits cause uncertainty about the magnitude and even the direction of the net health impact. QALIBRA will develop methods that can take account of multiple risks, benefits and uncertainties and implement them in web-based software for assessing and communicating net health impacts. The full name of the project is Quality of life - integrated benefit and risk analysis. Web-based tool for assesing food safety and health benefits.
- MATÍS - Food Research, Innovation & Safety: Dr. Helga Gunnlaugsdottir, IFL
- Central Science Laboratory: Dr. Andy Hart, CSL
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment: Dr. Nynke de Jong, RIVM
- Wageningen University: Prof. Lynn Frewer, WU
- University of Patras: Prof. Nykos Avoris, Upatras
- Altagra Business Services and Travel Agency: Mrs. Klara Biszkupne Nanasi, Altagra
- Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e das Pescas: Dr. Maria Lenor Nunes, Ipimar
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