Publishing plan of the risk research group, KTL (YTOS)

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Publishing plan of the risk research group presents the current plan of articles that are under preparation in the risk research group, Department of Environmental Health, KTL, Finland. The actual published articles are on the page Publications of the risk research group, KTL (YTOS).


The purpose of the publishing process is to

  • publish new scientific information in the form of peer-reviewed scientific articles
  • publish new scientific information also in non-peer reviewed and popular media
  • make the information produced in the group as widely available as possible
  • target the information production into areas that maximally benefit societal decision-making in terms of public health
  • increase the scientific merits of the researchers involved.

Structure of the process

Input format

The publications are produced in the following categories:

  1. Scientific, peer-reviewed publications
    1. in international scientific journals (in English)
    2. in international scientific journals (in other languages)
    3. in international proceedings
    4. in Finnish scientific journals or proceedings
  2. Scientific, non-peer-reviewed publications
    1. meeting abstracts, posters, and oral presentations
    2. books, book chapters, reports, and monographs
    3. doctoral and other thesis
    4. other
  3. Non-scientific publications
    1. books
    2. articles in non-scientific journals
    3. audiovisual products (own products)
    4. interviews or news in newspapers or other media


The following manuscripts will be prepared and submitted.

Scientific peer-reviewed articles in international journals

Planned manuscript ideas with unsure realization:

Discarded, previously planned manuscript ideas:

Other scientific articles

  • authors to be specified (Kuusisto E? Lanki T? Björk E?): Short review on the health effects of environmental noise (to be submitted in Ympäristö & Terveys 2010-2011)

Meeting abstracts and presentations

  • Päivi Meriläinen, Jouni Tuomisto, Mikko Pohjola: Open risk assessment of drinking water contaminants – Involving stakeholders. Stockholm water conference, 2008.
  • Pohjola MV, Ahtoniemi P, Kollanus V, Jantunen M, Tuomisto JT: Open assessment in assessing impacts of greenhouse gas trade options. Climate change: Global risks, challenges & decisions, Copenhagen 10-12 March 2009.

Doctoral theses

  • Marko Tainio: Integrated assessment of fine particulate matter risks: Quest for optimal model structure. (Working title, end of year 2008)
  • Marjo Niittynen: TCDD-induced hepatic biliverdin accumulation in rats (working title, 2009)
  • Olli Leino:
  • Mikko Pohjola: Environmental health assessments as mediated processes of collective knowledge creation (2010-2011)
  • Virpi Kollanus:



The actual published articles are on the page Publications of the risk research group, KTL (YTOS).


The planned publications are based on the work done in the following research projects:

  • Beneris
  • Erac
  • Finmerac
  • Heimtsa
  • Hiwate
  • Intarese
  • Kopra
  • Piltti
  • Bioher
  • Claih