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Metadata for this index (please use these attributes in Analytica and Result database)
Ind_name (identifier in Analytica) Wik_id
Op_en3677 1


Pollutant: PPM 10; PPM2.5; PPMco (co=coarse 2.5 - 10 µm); PPM2.5; PPMco; PPM2.5; PPMco; SO2; NOx; NMVOC; NH3 (from Matrix 5 from USTUTT)

GHG: CO2; CH4; N2O (from Matrix 5 from STUTT)

Pollutant 1
(link shows other indices using the same location)

SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "NOx"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "SOx"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "VOC"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "NH3"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "CO2"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "PM2.5"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "PM10"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "CH4"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "CO"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "N2O"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "SF6"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "HFC"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "As"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Cd"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Cr"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Cu"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Hg"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Ni"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Pb"




SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "POPs"




Name Description
Not specified Not specified
1. Environmental Themes 1. Environmental Themes
CH4 Methane, CH4
CO Carbon monoxide, CO
CO2 Carbon dioxide, CO2
HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
N2O Nitrous oxide (N2O)
NH3 Ammonia, NH3
NMVOC Non methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC)
NOx Nitrogen oxides, NOx
PFCs Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
SOx Sulphur oxides (SOx)
Total - Nitrogen Nitrogen, total
Total - Phosphorus Phosphorus, total
2. Metals and compounds 2. Metals and compounds
As and compounds Arsenic and its compounds
Cd and compounds Cadmium and its compounds
Cr and compounds Chromium and its compounds
Cu and compounds Copper and its compounds
Hg and compounds Mercury and its compounds
Ni and compounds Nickel and its compounds
Pb and compounds Lead and its compounds
Zn and compounds Zinc and its compounds
3. Chlorinated organic substances 3. Chlorinated organic substances
Dichloroethane-1,2 (DCE) Dichloroethane-1,2 (DCE)
Dichloromethane (DCM) Dichloromethane (DCM)
Chloroalkanes (C10-13) Chloro-alkanes (C10-13)
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)
Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD)
Hexachlorocyclohexane(HCH) Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)
Halogenated organic compounds Halogenated Organic Compounds (AOX)
PCDD+PCDF (dioxins+furans) Dioxines and furans (PCDDs and PCDFs)
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
Tetrachloroethylene (PER) Tetrachloroethylene (PER)
Tetrachloromethane (TCM) Tetrachloromethane (TCM)
Trichlorobenzenes (TCB) Trichlorobenzenes (TCBs)
Trichloroethane-1,1,1 (TCE) Trichloroethane-1,1,1 (TCE)
Trichloroethylene (TRI) Trichloroethylene (TRI)
Trichloromethane Trichloromethane (Chloroform)
4. Other organic compounds 4. Other organic compounds
Benzene Benzene
Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (as BTEX)
Brominated diphenylether Brominated diphenylethers
Organotin - compounds Organotin compounds
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)
Phenols Phenols
Total organic carbon (TOC) Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
5. Other compounds 5. Other compounds
Chlorides Chlorides
Chlorine and inorganic compounds Chlorine and inorganic compounds (as HCl)
Cyanides Cyanides, total CN
Fluorides Fluorides
Fluorine and inorganic compounds Fluorine and inorganic compounds (as hydrogen fluoride)
HCN Hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
PM10 PM10 (Particulate matter less than 10 μm)
C8H10; Ethylbenzene Ethylbenzene
C8H10; Xylene Xylene
C7H8; Toluene Toluene

See also