Metadata for this index (please use these attributes in Analytica and Result database) | |
Ind_name (identifier in Analytica) | Wik_id |
Op_en3677 | 1 |
Pollutant: PPM 10; PPM2.5; PPMco (co=coarse 2.5 - 10 µm); PPM2.5; PPMco; PPM2.5; PPMco; SO2; NOx; NMVOC; NH3 (from Matrix 5 from USTUTT)
(from Matrix 5 from STUTT)
Pollutant 1 (link shows other indices using the same location) | |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "NOx" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "SOx" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "VOC" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "NH3" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "CO2" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "PM2.5" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "PM10" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "CH4" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "CO" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "N2O" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "SF6" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "HFC" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "As" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Cd" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Cr" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Cu" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Hg" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Ni" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "Pb" |
}} |
SELECT Ind.Ident, Ind.Name, Dim.Name as Dimension_name, Loct as Location FROM Obj as Ind, Obj as Dim, Loc, Roww WHERE Ind.id = Roww.Obj_id_i AND Loc.id = Roww.Loc_id AND Dim.id = Loc.Obj_id_d AND Loct= "POPs" |
}} |
Dieldrin |
Toxaphene |
Dioxin |
Name | Description |
Not specified | Not specified |
1. Environmental Themes | 1. Environmental Themes |
CH4 | Methane, CH4 |
CO | Carbon monoxide, CO |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide, CO2 |
HFCs | Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) |
N2O | Nitrous oxide (N2O) |
NH3 | Ammonia, NH3 |
NMVOC | Non methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) |
NOx | Nitrogen oxides, NOx |
PFCs | Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) |
SF6 | Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) |
SOx | Sulphur oxides (SOx) |
Total - Nitrogen | Nitrogen, total |
Total - Phosphorus | Phosphorus, total |
2. Metals and compounds | 2. Metals and compounds |
As and compounds | Arsenic and its compounds |
Cd and compounds | Cadmium and its compounds |
Cr and compounds | Chromium and its compounds |
Cu and compounds | Copper and its compounds |
Hg and compounds | Mercury and its compounds |
Ni and compounds | Nickel and its compounds |
Pb and compounds | Lead and its compounds |
Zn and compounds | Zinc and its compounds |
3. Chlorinated organic substances | 3. Chlorinated organic substances |
Dichloroethane-1,2 (DCE) | Dichloroethane-1,2 (DCE) |
Dichloromethane (DCM) | Dichloromethane (DCM) |
Chloroalkanes (C10-13) | Chloro-alkanes (C10-13) |
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) | Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) |
Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) | Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) |
Hexachlorocyclohexane(HCH) | Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) |
Halogenated organic compounds | Halogenated Organic Compounds (AOX) |
PCDD+PCDF (dioxins+furans) | Dioxines and furans (PCDDs and PCDFs) |
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) | Pentachlorophenol (PCP) |
Tetrachloroethylene (PER) | Tetrachloroethylene (PER) |
Tetrachloromethane (TCM) | Tetrachloromethane (TCM) |
Trichlorobenzenes (TCB) | Trichlorobenzenes (TCBs) |
Trichloroethane-1,1,1 (TCE) | Trichloroethane-1,1,1 (TCE) |
Trichloroethylene (TRI) | Trichloroethylene (TRI) |
Trichloromethane | Trichloromethane (Chloroform) |
4. Other organic compounds | 4. Other organic compounds |
Benzene | Benzene |
Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes | Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (as BTEX) |
Brominated diphenylether | Brominated diphenylethers |
Organotin - compounds | Organotin compounds |
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) |
Phenols | Phenols |
Total organic carbon (TOC) | Total Organic Carbon (TOC) |
5. Other compounds | 5. Other compounds |
Chlorides | Chlorides |
Chlorine and inorganic compounds | Chlorine and inorganic compounds (as HCl) |
Cyanides | Cyanides, total CN |
Fluorides | Fluorides |
Fluorine and inorganic compounds | Fluorine and inorganic compounds (as hydrogen fluoride) |
HCN | Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) |
PM10 | PM10 (Particulate matter less than 10 μm) |
C8H10; Ethylbenzene | Ethylbenzene |
C8H10; Xylene | Xylene |
C7H8; Toluene | Toluene |