PDE Population Projection Software
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PDE Population Projection Software can be used as a Population Module in a multi-sector Population-Development-Environment (PDE) analysis. This tool can also be used independently of PDE analysis for simple and multi-state population projections for several states that interact with each other. [1]
The states can all be defined by the user. They can be regions, educational categories, ethnic or language groups, or other user-defined dimensions. The computer’s memory is the only limit to the number of states that can be dealt with by the software. It can easily handle 8-10 distinct states (for 5-year age groups) depending on the length of the projection period and the number of age groups.
PDE is a product of the Population Project, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). The software was last updated in 2000.
See also
- IIASA homepage
- Software webpage
- Software download
- Contact person Anne Goujon