Open scientific data

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Open scientific data means open data that can be scientifically criticised and updated.


How can scientific data be created, updated, and used?



Data is open scientific data when it is...

  1. Legally reusable
    The data is licensed openly, which means that its use is not restricted due to the user group or use purpose.
  2. Technically reusable
    The data is in a structured, machine-readable format in an open file format, and it can be downloaded without registration.
  3. Reusable free of charge
    There is no fee for downloading data. In addition to these three traditional criteria of open data, it is ...
  4. Purpose-driven and based on a research question
    The data attempts to answer a clear and specific question called the research question.
  5. Freely and openly criticisable
    The data can be criticised on the same site from where it can be downloaded, and the criticism is published for anyone to see.
  6. Adjustable and updateable
    When better answers to the research question are found based on the criticism, the data are updated accordingly.


Open scientific data it the interface between scientific work and its practical use. It synthesises everything that is relevant for the user, while all things that are important for researcher to be able to come to a conclusion can be made available but are shown only when requested for.

Open scientific data should be the main product of government research institutes.


See also


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