Nicotine concentrations in Europe

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Measured Nicotine concentrations in various countries in Europe. Measurements in homes and in public places.



Data is collected from the published articles and reports.







See also



  1. Gehring, U. et al. 2006. Comparison of parental reports of smoking and residential air nicotine concentrations in children. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 63:766-72.
  2. Brunekreef, B. et al. 2000. Using Nicotine Measurements and Parental Reports to Assess Indoor Air: The Piama Birth Cohort Study. Epidemiology 11:350-352.
  3. Phillips, K. et al. 1996. Assessment of air quality in Stockholm by personal monitoring of nonsmokers for respirable suspended particles and environmental tobacco smoke. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 22:1-24.
  4. Precioso et al. 2007. Indoor air pollution caused by cigarette smoke in public places in Portugal. REVISTA DE SAUDE PUBLICA 41:808-813.
  5. Moshammer et al. 2004. Nicotine and surface of particulates as indicators of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in public places in Austria. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 207:337-343.
  6. Phillips et al. 1999. Assessment of environmental tobacco smoke and respirable suspended particle exposures for nonsmokers in Basel by personal monitoring. Atmospheric Environment 33:1889-1904.
  7. Phillips et al. 1998. Assessment of environmental tobacco smoke and respirable suspended particle exposures for nonsmokers in Prague by personal monitoring.. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 71:379-390.

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Nicotine concentrations in Europe. Opasnet . [1]. Accessed 26 Dec 2024.