News about environmental health

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The Baltic Sea is severely polluted, but the situation is stable. This is what the researchers from the research ship Aranda said in June, 2007.

  • The worst problem in the Baltic Sea are the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. The second worst problem are the pollutants such as dioxins.
  • The most polluted area is the Gulf of Finland, where the nutrient load is three times higher than in other areas.
  • Waste waters, agriculture, and air pollution are the three main sources of nutrient pollution. [1]

The cultivation of "rypsi" (Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera) for energy production has increased in Finland. The subsidies for energy production are 45 € per hectare higher than for food production. The world market price was 250 € per ton in 2006, and the expectation is the same for 2007. There are more than 100 000 hectares of rypsi fields in Finland. The highest possible amount is 200 000 hectares, because rypsi can only be cultivated every five years in the same field due to plant diseases. [2]


  1. Helsingin Sanomat 11.7.2007
  2. Helsingin Sanomat 11.7.2007