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National Human Exposure Assessment Survey (NHEXAS): distributions and associations of lead, arsenic, and volatile organic compounds in EPA Region 5 [1]


  • id: study5
  • Abbreviation:


id obj_type obj_id name data_table study_id desc add_info location
231 P 79-01-6 trichloroethene VOC_P_5 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of trichloroethylene in personal air from the Great lakes region EPA5
232 P 127-18-4 tetrachloroethene VOC_P_5 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of tetrachloroethylene in personal air from the Great lakes region EPA5
233 P 67-66-3 chloroform VOC_P_5 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of chloroform in personal air from the Great lakes region EPA5
234 P 71-43-2 benzene VOC_P_5 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of benzene in personal air from the Great lakes region EPA5
235 I 79-01-6 trichloroethene VOC_I_1 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of trichloroethylene in indoor air from the Great lakes region EPA5
236 I 127-18-4 tetrachloroethene VOC_I_1 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of tetrachloroethylene in indoor air from the Great lakes region EPA5
237 I 67-66-3 chloroform VOC_I_1 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of chloroform in indoor air from the Great lakes region EPA5
238 I 71-43-2 benzene VOC_I_1 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of benzene in indoor air from the Great lakes region EPA5
239 O 79-01-6 trichloroethene VOC_O_1 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of trichloroethylene in outdoor air from the Great lakes region EPA5
240 O 127-18-4 tetrachloroethene VOC_O_1 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of tetrachloroethylene in outdoor air from the Great lakes region EPA5
241 O 67-66-3 chloroform VOC_O_1 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of chloroform in outdoor air from the Great lakes region EPA5
242 O 71-43-2 benzene VOC_O_1 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/m3) of benzene in outdoor air from the Great lakes region EPA5
243 DW 67-66-3 chloroform VOC_DW_1 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/l) of chloroform in drinking water from the Great lakes region EPA5
244 H 79-01-6 trichloroethene VOC_H_5 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/l) of trichloroethene in blood in the Great lakes region EPA5
245 H 127-18-4 tetrachloroethene VOC_H_5 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/l) of tetrachloroethene in blood in the Great lakes region EPA5
246 H 67-66-3 chloroform VOC_H_5 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/l) of chloroform in blood in the Great lakes region EPA5
247 H 71-43-2 benzene VOC_H_5 study5 NHEXAS study. Concentrations (µg/l) of benzene in blood in the Great lakes region EPA5


NOTE! Currently the variable only contains test data, not real results from NHEXAS.


See also


  1. Clayton et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 9 (1999), 381-392

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