Multinational time use study

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This page provides a description and a link to a "Multinational time use study" database that provides information needed when modeling exposure levels or performing exposure assessment.

Short description

Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) was first developed in the early 1980s at the University of Bath, when Professor Jonathan Gershuny, then working with Sally Jones, observed the potential to harmonise time use datasets collected in the early 1960s through the mid 1980s into a single dataset with common series of background variables and total time spent per day in 41 activities for analysis with the 1965 Szalai Multinational Time Budget Study. The MTUS has grown to encompass over 50 datasets from 19 countries, and is now incorporating recent data from the HETUS, ATUS, and other national level time use projects. Data included is available from EU and U.S. Data is provided in SPSS form and there is free registration demanded. Some of the data is restricted and use of it may be prohibited.

Regional coverage

USA, Europe



time activity, time use, MTUS, Multinational Time Budget Study