Mortality effects of heat exposure in large European cities
Moderator:Virpi Kollanus (see all) |
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What is the annual number of deaths caused by summertime (April-September) heat exposure in large European cities?
- Country/other geographic area (differences in heat exposure/effects due to climate, physiological, cultural or behavioral factors)
- Age
- Cause of death
- Year
- European climate scenarios
- Heat exposure in Europe
- ERF of ambient temperature on mortality
- Population of Europe
- Mortality in Europe
Methodology for modelling health impacts of heat exposure in the assessment Health impacts of urban heat island mitigation in Europe:
For each city (i.e. grid cell representing a large city), the number of days when the region-specific AT threshold was exceeded was determined for different scenarios. These days were then classified into different exposure classes based on the level of threshold exceedance on 1°C accuracy.
Mortality caused by current heat exposure
Adjusted relative risk (RR’) and population attributable fraction (PAF) for each exposure class (ec) and age-category were calculated as follows:
RR’ec = exp(β*Eec) where β = Percent change in mortality associated with a 1°C increase in maximum apparent temperature above the region specific threshold in different age categories Eec = AT threshold exceedance in a given exposure class (0, 1, 2, … , 20 ºC)
PAFec = (RR’ec -1)/ RR’ec
Annual number of deaths attributable to heat exposure was calculated as follows:
Attributable deaths = PAFec * MR * Pop * Nec where MR = Daily risk of mortality from natural causes in different countries and age- categories Pop = Number of population in a city in a given age-category in 2010 Nec = Number of days in a given exposure class in 2010
Mortality caused by heat exposure in the future
For each country, the daily risk of natural mortality in the absence of heat exposure (MRbg) was calculated as follows:
MRbg = MR – (Mheat/Pop/183) where MR = Daily risk of mortality from natural causes in different countries and age- categories Mheat = Total number of deaths attributable to heat exposure in a given age-category in 2010 Pop = Number of population in a city in a given age-category in 2010 183 = Number of days in April-September
Annual number of deaths attributable to heat exposure was calculated as follows:
Attributable deaths = MRbg * (RR’ec - 1) * Pop * Nec where RR’ec = Adjusted relative risk for a given exposure class (see above) MRbg = Daily risk of mortality from natural causes in different age- categories in the absence of heat exposure Pop = Number of population in a city in a given age-category and year Nec = Number of days in a given exposure class in a given year
No. of deaths/year
Annual deaths (all natural causes, mean and 95% confidence limits) attributable to heat exposure in large cities based on the methodology and data used in the assessment Health impacts of urban heat island mitigation in Europe.
Year | Climate scenario A1B | Climate scenario B1 |
2010 | 14 639 (8142-22847) | 14 639 (8142-22847) |
2050 | 78357 (42046-123275) | 46341 (24366-77494) |
- Countries included in the assessment: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain.
- These estimates do consider population aging but not the possible behavioural and physiological adaptation to increasing temperatures in the future.