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This page contains some useful ideas of learning.
Ten rules for lifelong learning
Ten Simple Rules for Lifelong Learning, According to Hamming by Thomas C. Erren, Tracy E. Slanger, J. Valérie Groß, Philip E. Bourne, Paul Cullen.
PLOS: February 26, 2015. PLoS Comput Biol 11(2): e1004020 doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004020 . Featured in PLOS Collections [1]
- Rule 1. Cultivate Lifelong Learning as a “Style of Thinking” That Concentrates on Fundamental Principles Rather Than on Facts
- Rule 2. Structure Your Learning to Ride the Information Tsunami Rather Than Drown in It
- Rule 3. Be Prepared to Compete and Interact with a Greater and More Rapidly Increasing Number of Scientists Than at Any Time in the Past
- Rule 4. Focus on the Future but Don’t Ignore the Past
- Rule 5. Look for the Personal Angle
- Rule 6. Learn from the Successes of Others
- Rule 7. Use Trial and Error to Find the Style of Learning That Suits You
- Rule 8. No Matter How Much Advice You Get and How Much Talent You Possess, It Is Still You Who Must Do the Learning and Put in the Time
- Rule 9. Have a Vision to Give You a General Direction
- Rule 10. Make Your Life Count: Struggle for Excellence
The seven secrets of doctoral success
“The Seven Secrets of Doctoral Success”. Based on research by Hugh Kearns and Maria Gardiner of Flinders University, the seven secrets of doctoral success are:
- 1. Confidence that “you can do it”
- 2. Being realistic on the quality of the PhD. (It doesn’t have to be Nobel Prize winning stuff!)
- 3. Saying “no” to distractions
- 4. Keeping office hours
- 5. Writing up as you go along, showing your work and meeting short term deadlines
- 6. Maintaining a close relationship with a supervisor
- 7. Seeking help when needed