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Health Effects of Air Pollution on Susceptible Subpopulations – traditional air pollutants, ultrafine particles and myocardial infarction: database and health assessment (HEAPSS)
Research team at KTL
- Juha Pekkanen, D.Med.Sc., Docent
- Timo Lanki, M.Sc.
- Esa Kokki, Ph.Lic.
- Pekka Tiittanen M.Sc.
Finnish collaboration
- Veikko Salomaa, D.Med.Sc., Docent, Dept. of Epidemiology and Health Promotion
- Prof. Markku Kulmala
- Pasi Aalto, Ph.D
- Pentti Paatero, Ph.D., docent, Dept. of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland
International collaboration
- Stockholm County Council, Sweden
- Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
- ASLRME-Local Health Authority, Rome, Italy
- GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Germany
- IMIM-Municipal Institute for Medical Research, Barcelona, Spain
- European Commission (QLK4-2000-00708)
Contact person
- Timo Lanki
Patients once hospitalized after a myocardial infarction (MI) are at high risk of readmission for MI or other cardiac events. However, the short-term health effects of exposure to particulate matter, especially ultrafine particles, have never been quantified in this susceptible subgroup.
To determine dose-response relationships between air pollution and incidence of 1. myocardial infarction, and hospitalisation and death because of 2. MI or other cardiac events among survivors of the 1. MI.
The study is part of a multicenter study carried out in 5 European cities. Hospital admissions and mortality are studied longitudinally in cohorts of post MI patients. In addition, risk of a new MI in general population is studied using the data of the subjects when they enter the cohort. Daily levels of ambient air pollution for each city are quantified, and a model to retrospectively estimate the concentrations of ultrafine particles during the whole follow-up period will be developed.
Key words