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GovLab or The Governance Lab @ NYU is a project to develop more open practices in governance.
Functionalities at GovLab
GovLab Academy organises training to improve governance. It is practically-oriented, hand-on work and learning with close collaboration with the GovLab in workshops. Ask more from Dinorah. Topics include
- Problem definition ←--#: . Especially interesting. --Jouni (talk) 14:06, 25 January 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
- User segmentation and analysis
- Open data
⇤--#: . Old team page: tell them to update. --Jouni (talk) 14:06, 25 January 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)
OpenData500 global network about studying the use of open government data by companies. Finland could join the network, as there are probably a lot of open data use, and this information would be useful. ←--#: . Inform Jogi, Katju, Teemu R, Sami knows people interested. --Jouni (talk) 14:06, 25 January 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
Useful reading from the GovLab:
Harvard Catalyst is a virtual network for people to make expertise and challenges meet. It was developed in Harvard and used in several institutes. It is based on specific data structure called VIVO, which is also used in other projects such as FDA Profiles.
Aristotle was a previous expert networking tool that was used by the US Air Force in the early 2010's. It was abandoned but VIVO continues its work. More description about this is in Beth Noveck's book Smart citizens, smarter state.
EuroCRIS is a similar project but not related to the GovLab. It maintains CERIF: the Common European Research Information Format. See also en:EuroCRIS. CERIF is:
- A concept about research entities and their relationships – Specification (Conceptual Level)
- A description of research entities and their relationships – Model (Logical Level)
- A formalization of research entities and their relationships – Database Scripts (Physical Level) ----#: . CERIF is not so useful, as it focuses on organisations rather than skills. --Jouni (talk) 14:06, 25 January 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)
The Govlab Network of Innovators is similar but based on a different data structure: the main aim is to ...⇤--#: . CHECK --Jouni (talk) 14:06, 25 January 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack) ←--#: . This is useful in Finland. Tell people in THL, Soterko, OKFFI,... about this. --Jouni (talk) 14:06, 25 January 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
Omidyar Network is a funding organisation for philantropic work and innovation. See also en:Omidyar Network. ←--#: . Did it have common projects with the GovLab? --Jouni (talk) 14:06, 25 January 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
EU Policy Lab in an interesting idea but little was found about it: [1] [2]. This requires more scrutiny, but no immediate project ideas came up in January, 2016.
Open Proposal is an idea to chop the research application phase into smaller pieces to facilitate collaboration and development of new networks. University of California San Francisco has one example. ←--#: . The concept is worth developing, nothing specific was discussed about UCSF. --Jouni (talk) 14:06, 25 January 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
Wikipedia could be used as the main site for public health info, rather than THL or other institute website. This would bring more readers to the site from wider areas. It would also facilitate translating the text into other languages. Important pages related to this:
- Ownership and stewardship
- en:Good articles/Natural sciences#Biology and medicine. There are not too many Good Articles about Medicine. This could be improved by THL. One example from the area of Department of Health Protection: en:Polio vaccine
- Wikipedia article traffic statistics: check traffic for any Wikipedia and page for up to recent 90 days or a specific month. This can be downloaded in JSON which helps making comparisons. We could use an R function to collect data. Code in Github
- THL could maintain its own web page where it lists all Wikipedia pages that it moderates. This could be used as a THL quality assurance. Could these pages be added to the Health Quality assurance web system or whatever that is called.
- For ideas related to Wikidata, see its own page.
- en:Wikipedia:Meetup/NYC/Wikipedia Day 2016 The meeting at Tisch School of the Arts in the New York University, 15th Jan 2016.