Global land cover 2000 - Europe (GLC2000)

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This page provides a description and a link to a "Global land cover 2000 - Europe (GLC2000)" database that provides information needed when modeling exposure levels or performing exposure assessment.

Short description

Global land cover 2000 - Europe (GLC2000), a pan-European classification, does not represent a perfect reproduction of Corine land cover in areas where CLC2000 and GLC2000 overlap. It does, however, represent a consistent and improved classification for the whole of the European continent, with respect to the data derived from the VEGETATION instrument. Includes land cover divided to 23 classess with 1km grid. Information available for year 2000 in EU25 countires.

Long description

This pan-European classification does not represent a perfect reproduction of Corine land cover in areas where CLC2000 and GLC2000 overlap. It does, however, represent a consistent and improved classification for the whole of the European continent, with respect to the data derived from the VEGETATION instrument. This is essential not only for management and monitoring of European ecosystems, but also, in being directly related to a global land cover product, is valuable for putting the land cover of Europe in a global context.

Compared to the Global land cover (GLC) 2000 ver 1 (in which quality checks of the classification for the European continent revealed large discrepancies when compared to existing high resolution European land cover databases) this new European window of the GLC2000, mapped to the global legend in order to maintain pan-European consistency, represents significant improvements in the mapping accuracy, especially in areas such as the Iberian peninsula, the UK, and Eastern Europe. A window of the GLC2000 global dataset was extracted, and an analysis of agreement with other European land cover datasets, such as CORINE and PELCOM was conducted. This identified classes within bioclimatic zones in which the GLC2000 could be improved. The land cover was remapped in these areas using a time series of NDVI and an averaged multi-spectral image, both from 2000, derived from the VEGETATION satellite system.

GLC2000 summary

Data source: The Joint Research Centre

Reference Year: 2000

Last update: 2006

Horizontal spatial resolution: ~1km

Table 3. GLC2000 land cover classes

Code Class name
1 Tree Cover, broadleaved, evergreen
2 Tree Cover, broadleaved, deciduous, closed
3 Tree Cover, broadleaved, deciduous, open
4 Tree Cover, needle-leaved, evergreen
5 Tree Cover, needle-leaved, deciduous
6 Tree Cover, mixed leaf type
7 Tree Cover, regularly flooded, fresh water
8 Tree Cover, regularly flooded, saline water
9 Mosaic: Tree Cover / Other natural vegetation
10 Tree Cover, burnt
11 Shrub Cover, closed-open, evergreen
12 Shrub Cover, closed-open, deciduous
13 Herbaceous Cover, closed-open
14 Sparse herbaceous or sparse shrub cover
15 Regularly flooded shrub and/or herbaceous cover
16 Cultivated and managed areas
17 Mosaic: Cropland / Tree Cover / Other natural vegetation
18 Mosaic: Cropland / Shrub and/or grass cover
19 Bare Areas
20 Water Bodies
21 Snow and Ice
22 Artificial surfaces and associated areas
23 Irrigated Agriculture
24 Outside data coverage
25 No data


Key words

Land cover, corine, ecosystem, built environment, urban development, water