Evaluating market processes

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Are the proposed actions necessary to correct undesirable outcomes of market processes in European markets?[1]


This key question is related to the functioning of the Internal Market, one of the Union's most important and continuing priorities. DG Internal Market and Services defines and co-ordinates the overall Community policy for the Internal Market, aimed to secure - for the benefit of the Union's citizens and businesses - ever greater European market integration and to seek the removal of obstacles to the free movement of services and capital and to the freedom of establishment. DG MARKT designs and delivers policies of economic reform that make the Union's economy dynamic and competitive.[1]

In this context, DG MARKT is directly responsible for proposing and - once laws are adopted by the European Parliament and Council - controlling the implementing of a European legal framework in the following specific areas: regulated professions, services, company law and corporate governance, public procurement, intellectual and industrial property and postal services. In the area of financial services, it aims at establishing the legal framework for the integration of the Union's capital markets and the creation of a single market for financial services.

One of the key objectives in this area is the removal of barriers, to simplify life for consumers and for businesses, to stimulating competition, to reduce prices and to widen choice. This involves not only making it easier for goods and services to circulate, but also making it easier for EU citizens to work and to live in other EU countries. Another key objective is to ensure that the opportunities offered by the Internal Market are fully exploited, by ensuring the full and timely respect of Community law in co-operation with the Member States.[1]



The following Eurostat Structural Indicators (Economic Reform) are relevant to address the key question:

Comparative price levels

Price convergence between EU Member States

Prices in the network industries:

  • -Price of telecommunication (local, national, international calls)
  • -Electricity prices (industrial users, households)
  • -Gas prices (industrial users, households)[1]

Business demography

-Market structure in the network industries:

  • -Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market
  • -Market share of the incumbent in fixed telecommunications
  • -Market share of the leading operator in mobile telecommunication[1]

Public procurement

State aid by type of aid

Convergence in interest rates by type of loan

Trade integration of goods and services[1]

See also


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 JRC: IA TOOLS. Supporting inpact assessment in the European Commission.[1]
