Evaluating impacts on research and development

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Does the option stimulate or hinder research and development?[1]


Technical innovation, as an economic activity, consists in the ability of firms and institutions to generate and utilise new knowledge and equipment, to introduce new saleable products and services, as well as to improve existing ones. The introduction and adoption of new or improved products is strongly influenced by, albeit not determined exclusively by, R&D investments, which usually refer to the costs of researchers, facilities and instrumentation needed to carry out activities aimed to the increase of technical and scientific knowledge.

Public and private expenditures of this kind are considered a form of investment because they contribute to increasing the productivity of production factors and to the generation of future income flows. Aspects to be considered in order to assess the likely effects of policies on this impact area include: the level and composition of R&D expenditures, distinguished mainly according to their generic or specific purposes, which represent a necessary condition for carrying out research activities; the extent and geographic distribution of R&D plants and facilities, which are the material locus in which R&D activities are performed; the extent and mobility of researchers, that is the human capital specifically devoted to research activity; and the extent to which R&D is associated to some scientific and technological attainment, i.e. a recognisable output of research efforts, which can be adequately protected from imitation and economically exploited.[1]


Further information

EC related information:

Overview of European Research and Innovation Activities

Other information:


The following Eurostat Structural Indicators (Innovation and Research) are relevant to address the key question:

  • Spending on Human Resources
  • Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D (% of GDP)
  • Gross Domestic Expenditute on R&D by source of funds
  • Level of household Internet access
  • Science and technology graduates
  • EPO patents
  • USPTO patents
  • Venture capital investments
  • ICT expenditure by type of product
  • E-Commerce: Percentage of enterprises' total turnover from E-commerce
  • Youth education attainment level[1]

The following Eurostat Sustainable Development Indicators (Economic Development) are relevant to address the key question:

Relevant data is also available in the OECD database under the headings:

See also



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 JRC: IA TOOLS. Supporting inpact assessment in the European Commission.[http://iatools.jrc.ec.europa.eu/bin/view/IQTool/ResearchStimulation.html

This text is for information only and is not designed to interpret or replace any reference documents. The text is adapted from IAstar, European Commission internal report