Evaluating impact on public authorities in different times
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Does the option have budgetary consequences for public authorities at different levels of government, both immediately and in the long run?[1]
This key question is related to consequences both for the European budget and for the budgets of national authorities at various levels, both in the short term (one-off expenditure items, for instance) and in the long run (policy requiring long-term budgetary commitment such as social security schemes, education, national security and defence, etc.)
Important expenditure items under the responsibility of national and local authorities also include infrastructures, wastewater treatment plants being a policy-relevant example. The Water Framework Directive (WFD), in fact, requires all inland and coastal waters to reach "good status" by 2015. One of the obligations laid down in the EU legislation is for EU countries to collect urban waste water and have it treated to remove suspended solids, dissolved organic matters, nutrients and microbes. Sewage cannot be dumped into the sea untreated.[1]
EC related information:
[Activities of the EU: Budget http://europa.eu.int/pol/financ/index_en.htm]
EC information specifically related to the explanatory case listed in the above introductory text:
European Commission -Water Policy- the Water Framework Directive[1]
Other information:
The following Eurostat Structural Indicators (General Economic Background) are relevant to address the key question:
There are no Eurostat Sustainable Development Indicators directly linked to this key question.
Eurostat Indicators for Environmental protection expenditure by EU institutions can be downloaded under the theme Environment and Energy through the following path:[1]
-Environment and Energy/ Environment/ Environmental expenditure and environmental taxes/ Environmental protection expenditure in Europe/ Environmental protection expenditure by EU institutions[1]
See also
This text is for information only and is not designed to interpret or replace any reference documents.