Evaluating impact on option's affect on emmission of gases
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Does the option affect the emission of ozone-depleting substances (CFCs, HCFCs, etc.) and greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane etc) into the atmosphere?[1]
Since the industrial revolution, the concentration of various greenhouse gases has increased, CO2 -for example- by more than 30% since pre-industrial times and currently increasing about 0.4% per year, which is mainly due to the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation. The concentrations of methane and nitrous oxide are increasing as well due to human activities (industrial, agricultural). The concentrations of the nitrogen oxides NO and NO2 and carbon monoxide (CO) are also increasing, leading to an increase in tropospheric ozone.[1]
Stratospheric ozone depletion on the other hand remains one of the main threats to ecosystems. Stratospheric ozone protects the Earth's surface from high levels of biologically damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is known to be a significant risk factor for skin cancers, eye cataracts, and immune system suppression. Due to the current downward trends in total column ozone at mid- and high-latitudes, the expected increase in UV exposure as a result of this ozone loss may pose a significant health risk in the future.
Halogen GHGs do not occur naturally in the atmosphere but have been introduced by human activities. They are strong greenhouse gases and have long atmospheric lifetimes. (CFCs and HCFCs also deplete the stratospheric ozone layer.)[1]
The following Eurostat Structural Indicators are relevant to address the key question:
The following Eurostat Sustainable Development Indicators are relevant to address the key question:
Climate change is one of the main themes of the Sustainable Development Indicators. Relevant indicators for which data by Eurostat is available are:
- Total greenhouse gas emission
- Greenhouse gas emissions by sector
- Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of energy consumption
- Greenhouse gas emissions from transport activities
- CO2 emissions per capita in EU and in developing countries[1]
Additional Links:
European Environment Agency Indicators
- Global and European temperature assessment
- Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas concentration
- Greenhouse Gas emission projections
- Emission of ozone precursors
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
See also
This text is for information only and is not designed to interpret or replace any reference documents.