Evaluating impact on new job creation

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Does the option facilitate new job creation?[1]


This key question addresses the impact of policy options on job creation, in particular the effects in terms of absolute variations of the number of jobs, distinguishing the anticipated short-term from the anticipated medium-term effects. Employment effects may occur in the sector directly affected by the proposal or in orther sectors. These estimations may be expressed in terms of employment growth rates (Employment growth is the annual percentage change in the total employed population), also with more detailed breakdowns, by sector and type of employment. It is also important to identify which population group will benefit from the creation of new jobs (male, female, young people).[1]



The following Eurostat Structural Indicators (General Economic Background) are relevant to address the key question:

There are no Eurostat Sustainable Development Indicators directly related to this key question

Furthermore, data from other International Organisations could be used where appropriate, in particular the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Labour market statistics database, the OECD Main Industrial Indicators, the OECD Social expenditures database; the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development, notably its DITE database on Foreign Direct Investment; the World Bank, World Development Indicators; the Vienna Institute of International Studies; and the European Restructuring Monitor, from the European Monitoring Centre on Change.[1]

See also


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 JRC: IA TOOLS. Supporting inpact assessment in the European Commission. [1]

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