Evaluating impact on affects on land designated

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Does the option affect land designated as sensitive for ecological reasons? Does it lead to a change in land use (for example, the divide between rural and urban, or change in type of agriculture)?[1]


Human land use often imposes major impacts on the environment, such as the destruction or fragmentation of natural habitats and landscapes, which of course is especially serious if land designated as sensitve for ecological reasons gets affected. Since land use can entail the complete loss of soil functions and constraints of regeneration capabilities of groundwater, land use changes should be planned really carefully and even more so if sensitve areas are touched.[1]

The share of agricultural use in overall land-use has been declining for many years, which poses two major problems: intensive agriculture is concentrated in favoured areas and the environment gets even more strained locally through e.g. greater discharges of pesticides and fertilisers. At the same time, the abandonment of extensive farming leads to a loss of landscapes with rich biodiversity, that are dependent on extensive use. Additionally, crop land is more and more turned into areas for housing and infrastructure, but also for regeneration.[1]



The following Eurostat Structural Indicators are relevant to address the key question:

The amount of protected area which might be affected, is addressed through the Structural Indicator "Protected Areas for biodiversity: Habitats Directive" listed below:

The following Eurostat Sustainable Development Indicators are relevant to address the key question:

Land without human influence is very rare in the EU. Change in land use might therefore even include new availment of land designated as sensitive for ecological reasons (as well as former rural, agricultural or forest land) for human use including sealing, e.g. building activities, addressed by the following Sustainable Development Indicator:

Additional Links:

European Environment Agency Indicators

EEA Biodiversity Indicators

EEA Transport Indicators

covers inter alia

See also



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 JRC: IA TOOLS. Supporting inpact assessment in the European Commission. [1]

This text is for information only and is not designed to interpret or replace any reference documents.