Detection of land, Random sampling in Urgenche

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How to detect different land? Is there any cheap software exist?


The detection and evaluations of land cover changes represent the major task for land use. Moreover, the objective quantitative assessment of land use changes and their typologies in different types of regions can be hardly done by traditional map-interpretation approach. There is no one ideal classification of land use and land cover, and it is unlikely that one could ever be developed. There are different perspectives in the classification process, and the process itself tends to be subjective, even when an objective numerical approach is used. There is, in fact, no logical reason to expect that one detailed inventory should be adequate for more than a short time, since land use and land cover patterns change in keeping with demands for natural resources. Each classification is made to suit the needs of the user, and few users will be satisfied with an inventory that does not meet most of their needs. In attempting to develop a classification system for use with remote sensing techniques that will provide a framework to satisfy the needs of the majority of users, certain guidelines of criteria for evaluation must first be established.

In addition to perfecting new interpretation techniques and procedures for analysis, such as the various types of image enhancement and signature identification, we can assume that the resolution capability of the various remote sensing systems will also improve. Resolution, or resolving power, of an imaging system refers to its ability to separate two objects some distance apart. In most land use applications, we are most interested in the minimum size of an area which can be recognized as having an interpretable land use or land cover type. Obviously, such a minimum area depends not only on the type and characteristics of the imaging system involved, but pragmatically also on the order of "generation" of the imagery, that is, how far the study image is removed in number of reproduction stages from the original record. The user should refer to the most recent information available in determining the resolution parameters of the system. Jump to: navigation, search

A remote sensing application is a software application that processes remote sensing data. Remote sensing applications are similar to graphics software, but they enable generating geographic information from satellite and airborne sensor data. Remote sensing applications read specialized file formats that contain sensor image data, georeferencing information, and sensor metadata. Some of the more popular remote sensing file formats include: GeoTIFF, NITF, JPEG 2000, ECW (file format), MrSID, HDF, and NetCDF.

The kind and amount of land use and land cover information that may be obtained from different sensors depend on the altitude and the resolution of each sensor. There is little likelihood that any one sensor or system will produce good data at all altitudes. It would be desirable to evaluate each source of remote sensing data and its application solely on the basis of the qualities and characteristics of the source. However, it is common practice to transfer the data to a base map, and no matter what the guidelines are, it is difficult to use a base map without extracting some additional data from such maps. Topographic maps, road maps, and detailed city maps will generally contribute detail beyond the capabilities of the remote sensor data. GeoTIFF is a public domain metadata standard which allows georeferencing information to be embedded within a TIFF file. The potential additional information includes map projection, coordinate systems, ellipsoids, datums, and everything else necessary to establish the exact spatial reference for the file. The GeoTIFF format is fully compliant with TIFF 6.0, so software incapable of reading and interpreting the specialized metadata will still be able to open a GeoTIFF format file.




See also



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Detection of land, Random sampling in Urgenche. Opasnet . [1]. Accessed 27 Mar 2025.