Concentration Database

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The Concentration Database is a data storage for exposure information, especially for volatile organic compounds in air. It is maintained by KTL as a part of the Expoplatform.

Usage and links to other databases

Information can be searched from the database using the following types of keywords:

  • Chemical agent as CAS number
  • Exposure route (or environmental compartment)
  • Country of measurement

The Concentration database has connections to the Result database.

Structure of the database

The dimensions used in the database are the following. There are no other dimensions.

  • Chemical agent (CAS#)
  • Geographical location (city or country, sometimes more precise)
  • Study where measurements were made
  • Personal characteristics (such as smoking no/yes)
  • Exposure route
  • Parameter (statistical parameters about the distribution)
  • Period of measurement (typically, the season)
  • Household estim. No (what is this?)

Indices used in the Concentration Database

The environmental compartments used are listed in the Index named Condb_compartment1. <sql-query name="A list with technical details.">

SELECT Location, Description, Ind_name, Dim_name, `Index`.Ind_id, Location.Loc_id, Dimension.Dim_id
FROM `Location` , `Dimension` , `Index`, `Rows`
WHERE `Index`.Ind_id =33
AND Rows.Ind_id=`Index`.Ind_id 
AND Location.Loc_id = Rows.Loc_id
AND `Index`.Dim_id = Dimension.Dim_id


  • (Home) outdoor
  • (Personal) Work
  • Beverage
  • Drinking water
  • Food
  • Home indoor
  • Human
  • In-Vehicle
  • Indoor dust
  • Personal
  • School
  • Soil

<sql-query name="The list of spatial locations considered in the Concentration Database">

SELECT Location, Description, Ind_name, Dim_name, `Index`.Ind_id, Location.Loc_id, Dimension.Dim_id
FROM `Location` , `Dimension` , `Index`, `Rows`
WHERE `Index`.Ind_id =34
AND Rows.Ind_id=`Index`.Ind_id 
AND Location.Loc_id = Rows.Loc_id
AND `Index`.Dim_id = Dimension.Dim_id


<sql-query name="The list of agents (pollutants) considered in the Concentration Database">

SELECT Location, Description, Ind_name, Dim_name, `Index`.Ind_id, Location.Loc_id, Dimension.Dim_id
FROM `Location` , `Dimension` , `Index`, `Rows`
WHERE `Index`.Ind_id =35
AND Rows.Ind_id=`Index`.Ind_id 
AND Location.Loc_id = Rows.Loc_id
AND `Index`.Dim_id = Dimension.Dim_id


Data sources

Studies used in the Concentration Database
Identifier Abbreviation Description Reference
expolis EXPOLIS EXPOLIS is a monitoring study that measured the population exposures to key air pollutants in six European cities
study1 SHIELD SHIELD study: Outdoor, Indoor, and Personal Exposure to VOCs in Children Adgate et al., Environ. Health Perspect. 112 (2004), 1386-1392
study2 Exposure to toxic air contaminants in environmental tobacco smoke: An assessment for California based on personal monitoring data. Miller et al., J. Exposure. Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 8 (1998), 287-311
study3 The 6-day average personal, indoor, and outdoor VOC exposures in Minnesota Children's Pesticide Exposure Study (MNCPES) Adgate et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 14, suppl 1. (2004), 4-13
study4 Ambient, indoor and personal exposure relationships of volatile organic compounds in Mexico City Metropolitan Area Serrano-Trespalacios et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 14, Suppl 1 (2004), s118-s132
study5 NHEXAS National Human Exposure Assessment Survey (NHEXAS): distributions and associations of lead, arsenic, and volatile organic compounds in EPA Region 5 Clayton et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 9 (1999), 381-392
study6 Personal exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons with 55 persons Ilgen et al., Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001), 1265-1279
study7 EXPOLIS VOC concentrations measured in personal samples and residential indoor, outdoor and workplace microenvironments in EXPOLIS-Helsinki, Finland Edwards et al., Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001), 4531-4543
study8 MACBETH MACBETH project: Benzene exposure and the effect of traffic pollution in Copenhagen, Denmark with 50 non-smoking persons Skov et al., Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001), 2463-2471
study9 TEAM TEAM study: Variability of environmental exposures to volatile organic compounds in years 1981-1987 Rappaport and Kupper, J. Exposure. Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 14 (2004), 92-107
study10 GerES The German Environmental Survey 1990/92 (GerES II): Personal exposures to volatile organic compounds Hoffman et al., J. Exposure Assessment & Environ. Epidemiology 10 (2000), 115-125
study11 Indoor air and personal exposure to benzene in Athens, Greece in 1997-1998 with 50 non-smoking persons Chatzis et al., Sci. Total Environ. 349 (2005), 72-80
study12 TEAM Personal air concentrations (ug/m3) of benzene measured in TEAM, Valdez and Woodland studies Wallace, Environ. Health. Perspect. 104, Suppl 6. (1996), 1129-1136
study13 NHEXAS Tap water concentrations for selected elements in the EPA Region V National Human Exposure Assessment Survey (NHEXAS) Thomas et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 9, (1999), 402-413
study14 NHEXAS Evaluations of primary metals from NHEXAS Arizona: distributions and preminary exposures for 179 homes O'Rourke et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 9 (1999), 435-445
study15 SHIELD; NHANES SHIELD study: Children`s exposure to volatile organic compounds as determined by longitudinal measurements in blood in 2000-2001 Sexton et al., Environmental Health Perspectives 113 (2005), 342-349
study16 Blood cadmium concentrations in 334 persons in the general population of Umbria, Central Italy dell`Omo et al., The Science of The Total Environment 226 (1999), 57-64
study17 GerES The German Environmental Survey 1990/92 (GerES II): reference concentrations of selected environmental pollutants in blood, urine, hair, house dust, drinking water and indoor air Seifert et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 10 (2000) 552-565
study18 Internal exposure to acrylamide in 72 smoking and non-smoking adults from Germany Schettgen et al., International Journal of hygiene and environmental health
study19 Aromatic hydrocarbons in indoor and outdoor air and in non-smoking persons blood in Northern Germany in 1995-1997 Ilgen et al., Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001), 1235-1252
study20 NHANES Distribution of personal VOC exposures: A population-based analysis in USA in NHANES study in 1999-2000 Jia et al., Environmental International, Article in press
study21 Personal exposures to volatile organic compounds among 68 outdoor and indoor workers in two mexican cities in 2002 Tovalin-Ahumada et al.,The Science of The Total Environment 376 (2007), 60-71
study22 Exposure to fine particulate matter and VOCs between trasport microenvironments in Dublin: Personal exposure and uptake in 2005-2006 McNabola et al., Atmospheric Environment Article in Press
study23 Determination of volatile organic compounds in 49 smoking and non-smoking homes in 1991 Heavner et al., Environmental International 21 (1995), 3-21
study24 Personal exposures among 50 persons and microenvironment concentrations of PM2.5, VOC, NO2 and CO in Oxford, UK in 1998-2000 Lai et al., Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004), 6399-6410
study26 Personal exposure of children and adults to airborne benzene in four French cities in 2001-2003 Gonzalez-Flesca et al. Atmospheric Environment 41 (2007), 2549-2558
study29 Internal exposure to pollutants measured in blood and urine of 1679 Flemish adolescents in 2003. Schroijen et al., Chemosphere 71 (2008) 1317-1325
study30 Environmental exposure to volatile organic compounds among 45 workers in Mexico City in 1996 Romieu et al., Environmental health perspectives 107 (1999)
study32 Benzene exposure in 67 non-smoking persons residing in a district of Florence, Italy in 2002-2003 Fondelli et al., Science of the Total Environment (2008), 41-49
study33 MACBETH MACBETH programme: Benzene exposure assessment at indoor, outdoor and personal levels of 50 non-smoking persons in France in 1997-1998. Gonzalez-Flesca et al. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 65 (2000), 59-67.
study34 Ambient Air Levels and the Personal Exposure of 98 Children (4 to 12 year old) to Benzene, Toluene, and Xylenes in Denmark in 1995 Raascho-Nielsen et al., Environmetnal research 75 (1997), 149-159
study35 Contribution of tobacco smoke to environmental benzene exposure in Germany Scherer et al., Environmental International 21(1995), 779-789.
study36 Personal exposure to elements in Mexico City air Riveros-Rosas et al., the Science of the Total Environment (1997), 79-96
study37 Personal daily exposures to benzo(a)pyrene of taxi drivers in Genoa, Italy Piccardo et al., Science of the total environment (2004), 39-45
study38 Personal volatile organic compound (VOC) exposure of children attending elementary schools adjacent to industrial complex Park et al., Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004), 1303-1312
study39 Personal carbon monoxide exposures of preschool chilren in Helsinki, Finland: levels and determinants Alm., Atmospheric Environment (2000), 277-285
study40 Symposium Overview : Helath risks associated with prenatal metal exposure Zelikoff et al., Fundamental and applied toxicology (1995), 161-170
study41 No. 27, WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management an Air Pollution Control, Berlin Newsletter, WHO Collaborating centre for air qualtiy management and air pollution control at the federal environmental agency