Concentration Database
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The page identifier is Op_en2555 |
The Concentration Database is a data storage for exposure information, especially for volatile organic compounds in air. It is maintained by KTL as a part of the Expoplatform.
Usage and links to other databases
Information can be searched from the database using the following types of keywords:
- Chemical agent as CAS number
- Exposure route (or environmental compartment)
- Country of measurement
The Concentration database has connections to the Result database.
Structure of the database
The dimensions used in the database are the following. There are no other dimensions.
- Chemical agent (CAS#)
- Geographical location (city or country, sometimes more precise)
- Study where measurements were made
- Personal characteristics (such as smoking no/yes)
- Exposure route
- Parameter (statistical parameters about the distribution)
- Period of measurement (typically, the season)
- Household estim. No (what is this?)
Indices used in the Concentration Database
The environmental compartments used are listed in the Index named Condb_compartment1. <sql-query name="A list with technical details.">
SELECT Location, Description, Ind_name, Dim_name, `Index`.Ind_id, Location.Loc_id, Dimension.Dim_id FROM `Location` , `Dimension` , `Index`, `Rows` WHERE `Index`.Ind_id =33 AND Rows.Ind_id=`Index`.Ind_id AND Location.Loc_id = Rows.Loc_id AND `Index`.Dim_id = Dimension.Dim_id
- (Home) outdoor
- (Personal) Work
- Beverage
- Drinking water
- Food
- Home indoor
- Human
- In-Vehicle
- Indoor dust
- Personal
- School
- Soil
<sql-query name="The list of spatial locations considered in the Concentration Database">
SELECT Location, Description, Ind_name, Dim_name, `Index`.Ind_id, Location.Loc_id, Dimension.Dim_id FROM `Location` , `Dimension` , `Index`, `Rows` WHERE `Index`.Ind_id =34 AND Rows.Ind_id=`Index`.Ind_id AND Location.Loc_id = Rows.Loc_id AND `Index`.Dim_id = Dimension.Dim_id
<sql-query name="The list of agents (pollutants) considered in the Concentration Database">
SELECT Location, Description, Ind_name, Dim_name, `Index`.Ind_id, Location.Loc_id, Dimension.Dim_id FROM `Location` , `Dimension` , `Index`, `Rows` WHERE `Index`.Ind_id =35 AND Rows.Ind_id=`Index`.Ind_id AND Location.Loc_id = Rows.Loc_id AND `Index`.Dim_id = Dimension.Dim_id
Data sources
Identifier | Abbreviation | Description | Reference |
expolis | EXPOLIS | EXPOLIS is a monitoring study that measured the population exposures to key air pollutants in six European cities | |
study1 | SHIELD | SHIELD study: Outdoor, Indoor, and Personal Exposure to VOCs in Children | Adgate et al., Environ. Health Perspect. 112 (2004), 1386-1392 |
study2 | Exposure to toxic air contaminants in environmental tobacco smoke: An assessment for California based on personal monitoring data. | Miller et al., J. Exposure. Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 8 (1998), 287-311 | |
study3 | The 6-day average personal, indoor, and outdoor VOC exposures in Minnesota Children's Pesticide Exposure Study (MNCPES) | Adgate et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 14, suppl 1. (2004), 4-13 | |
study4 | Ambient, indoor and personal exposure relationships of volatile organic compounds in Mexico City Metropolitan Area | Serrano-Trespalacios et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 14, Suppl 1 (2004), s118-s132 | |
study5 | NHEXAS | National Human Exposure Assessment Survey (NHEXAS): distributions and associations of lead, arsenic, and volatile organic compounds in EPA Region 5 | Clayton et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 9 (1999), 381-392 |
study6 | Personal exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons with 55 persons | Ilgen et al., Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001), 1265-1279 | |
study7 | EXPOLIS | VOC concentrations measured in personal samples and residential indoor, outdoor and workplace microenvironments in EXPOLIS-Helsinki, Finland | Edwards et al., Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001), 4531-4543 |
study8 | MACBETH | MACBETH project: Benzene exposure and the effect of traffic pollution in Copenhagen, Denmark with 50 non-smoking persons | Skov et al., Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001), 2463-2471 |
study9 | TEAM | TEAM study: Variability of environmental exposures to volatile organic compounds in years 1981-1987 | Rappaport and Kupper, J. Exposure. Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 14 (2004), 92-107 |
study10 | GerES | The German Environmental Survey 1990/92 (GerES II): Personal exposures to volatile organic compounds | Hoffman et al., J. Exposure Assessment & Environ. Epidemiology 10 (2000), 115-125 |
study11 | Indoor air and personal exposure to benzene in Athens, Greece in 1997-1998 with 50 non-smoking persons | Chatzis et al., Sci. Total Environ. 349 (2005), 72-80 | |
study12 | TEAM | Personal air concentrations (ug/m3) of benzene measured in TEAM, Valdez and Woodland studies | Wallace, Environ. Health. Perspect. 104, Suppl 6. (1996), 1129-1136 |
study13 | NHEXAS | Tap water concentrations for selected elements in the EPA Region V National Human Exposure Assessment Survey (NHEXAS) | Thomas et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 9, (1999), 402-413 |
study14 | NHEXAS | Evaluations of primary metals from NHEXAS Arizona: distributions and preminary exposures for 179 homes | O'Rourke et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 9 (1999), 435-445 |
study15 | SHIELD; NHANES | SHIELD study: Children`s exposure to volatile organic compounds as determined by longitudinal measurements in blood in 2000-2001 | Sexton et al., Environmental Health Perspectives 113 (2005), 342-349 |
study16 | Blood cadmium concentrations in 334 persons in the general population of Umbria, Central Italy | dell`Omo et al., The Science of The Total Environment 226 (1999), 57-64 | |
study17 | GerES | The German Environmental Survey 1990/92 (GerES II): reference concentrations of selected environmental pollutants in blood, urine, hair, house dust, drinking water and indoor air | Seifert et al., J. Exposure Analysis & Environ. Epidemiology 10 (2000) 552-565 |
study18 | Internal exposure to acrylamide in 72 smoking and non-smoking adults from Germany | Schettgen et al., International Journal of hygiene and environmental health | |
study19 | Aromatic hydrocarbons in indoor and outdoor air and in non-smoking persons blood in Northern Germany in 1995-1997 | Ilgen et al., Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001), 1235-1252 | |
study20 | NHANES | Distribution of personal VOC exposures: A population-based analysis in USA in NHANES study in 1999-2000 | Jia et al., Environmental International, Article in press |
study21 | Personal exposures to volatile organic compounds among 68 outdoor and indoor workers in two mexican cities in 2002 | Tovalin-Ahumada et al.,The Science of The Total Environment 376 (2007), 60-71 | |
study22 | Exposure to fine particulate matter and VOCs between trasport microenvironments in Dublin: Personal exposure and uptake in 2005-2006 | McNabola et al., Atmospheric Environment Article in Press | |
study23 | Determination of volatile organic compounds in 49 smoking and non-smoking homes in 1991 | Heavner et al., Environmental International 21 (1995), 3-21 | |
study24 | Personal exposures among 50 persons and microenvironment concentrations of PM2.5, VOC, NO2 and CO in Oxford, UK in 1998-2000 | Lai et al., Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004), 6399-6410 | |
study26 | Personal exposure of children and adults to airborne benzene in four French cities in 2001-2003 | Gonzalez-Flesca et al. Atmospheric Environment 41 (2007), 2549-2558 | |
study29 | Internal exposure to pollutants measured in blood and urine of 1679 Flemish adolescents in 2003. | Schroijen et al., Chemosphere 71 (2008) 1317-1325 | |
study30 | Environmental exposure to volatile organic compounds among 45 workers in Mexico City in 1996 | Romieu et al., Environmental health perspectives 107 (1999) | |
study32 | Benzene exposure in 67 non-smoking persons residing in a district of Florence, Italy in 2002-2003 | Fondelli et al., Science of the Total Environment (2008), 41-49 | |
study33 | MACBETH | MACBETH programme: Benzene exposure assessment at indoor, outdoor and personal levels of 50 non-smoking persons in France in 1997-1998. | Gonzalez-Flesca et al. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 65 (2000), 59-67. |
study34 | Ambient Air Levels and the Personal Exposure of 98 Children (4 to 12 year old) to Benzene, Toluene, and Xylenes in Denmark in 1995 | Raascho-Nielsen et al., Environmetnal research 75 (1997), 149-159 | |
study35 | Contribution of tobacco smoke to environmental benzene exposure in Germany | Scherer et al., Environmental International 21(1995), 779-789. | |
study36 | Personal exposure to elements in Mexico City air | Riveros-Rosas et al., the Science of the Total Environment (1997), 79-96 | |
study37 | Personal daily exposures to benzo(a)pyrene of taxi drivers in Genoa, Italy | Piccardo et al., Science of the total environment (2004), 39-45 | |
study38 | Personal volatile organic compound (VOC) exposure of children attending elementary schools adjacent to industrial complex | Park et al., Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004), 1303-1312 | |
study39 | Personal carbon monoxide exposures of preschool chilren in Helsinki, Finland: levels and determinants | Alm., Atmospheric Environment (2000), 277-285 | |
study40 | Symposium Overview : Helath risks associated with prenatal metal exposure | Zelikoff et al., Fundamental and applied toxicology (1995), 161-170 | |
study41 | No. 27, WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management an Air Pollution Control, Berlin | Newsletter, WHO Collaborating centre for air qualtiy management and air pollution control at the federal environmental agency |