Climate mitigation and cities
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Climate mitigation and cities is a page that contains materials about cities and their climate actions, and also international efforts to support this work.
- Sweco: Urban Insight [1]
- Upright Project: We quantify the net impact of companies [2]
- Harriet Bulkeley, Vanesa Castán Broto. Government by experiment? Global cities and the governing of climate change. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 10 July 2012.
- D-mat, consulting company for sustainable future (by Michael Lettenmeyer) [3]
- Climaschutz-Planer is a German website about climate action plans [4]
- Oras Tynkkynen. Kaikki puhuvat siitä, mutta tekeekö sitä kukaan? (about novel innovations related to climate change) [5]
- BIOS. Ekologinen jälleenrakennus. Ecological rebuilding. [6]
- Amsterdam Smart City. Livecast major cities talk green recovery [7]
- Sustainable Amsterdam 2050 (Roadmap Amsterdam climate neutral 2050) [8]
- Find bike now (in Helsinki) [9]
- Urban resilience in a context of climate change conference [10]
- Report of Carbon Neutral Cities Allienace [11]
- Sustainability map (avoin map of Finland) [12]
- FCG. Kävelyn ja pyöräilyn edistäminen kepin ja porkkanan välissä: toimenpiteiden priorisointia päätöksenteon tueksi muuttuvassa ympäristössä 2020-2030. (Promoting biking and walking in Finland) [13]
- RTI U.S. Synthetic household population [14]
- New Jersey climate change resilience strategy [15]
- 2020 Year of climate action (COP26 in Glasgow) [16]
- Kestävä kaupunki (sustainable city by the Ministry of Environment, Finland) [17]
- Watershed. Helping businesses cut carbon emissions [18]
- Climate View. We make climate abatement simpler. [19]
- Kiltova-työkalut (tools for impact assessment other than climate emissions caused by climate mitigation) [20]
- Tampere: tender for climate footprint calculator for mobility [21]
- AI4Cities - AI acclerating cities transition to carbon neutrality. [22]