Burden of disease

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How to estimate the disease burden of important risk factors?


⇤--#: . THIS PAGE SHOULD CONTAIN AN OVERVIEW ON HOW TO PERFORM DISEASE BURDEN STUDIES. --Jouni (talk) 16:16, 10 April 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)


Global Burden of Disease Study 2010

Data from the study


  • Download the data from this page as csv
  • Change names of columns: Causes of disease or injury -> Response; Measurement -> Unit; Value -> Result. Move Result to the rightmost column.
  • Upload the csv to Opasnet Base using OpasnetBaseImport to table "GBD by risk factor" and unit "several". (This is for archiving purposes only: the latter tasks may be easier directly from the csv file.)
  • Pick only rows with Unit = DALY per 100000.
  • Sum over causes of disease so that you get one value for each risk factor.
  • Go to Wikidata and suggest that "disease burden" is taken as a new property. When the property is available,
  • go to each Item of the risk factor and add property disease burden to that item. Include qualifiers Global, Both sexes, Year 2013, all ages, all causes. (Find out what properties are available)
  • Make references to the link above, the IHME institute, this article, and secondarily to this Opasnet page. Remember to put date of entry.


These ovariables are used to calculate burden of disease based either on relative or absolute risks, and counted as DALYs. For ovariables that calculate numbers of cases, see Health impact assessment.

Burden of disease estimate for responses that can be calculated based on population attributable fraction (PAF).

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BoDcase calculates burden of disease based on numbers of cases, durations of diseases, and disability weights.

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BoD calculates burden of disease as a combination of burdens of disease based on either PAF or cases. If a response estimate comes from both BoDpaf and BoDcase, one is picked by random for each unique combination, and the source of the estimate is given in a non-marginal index BurdenSource.

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See also



  1. Reference to the Lim Lancet article