Background rates of diseases in Europe

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What are background rates of the most important diseases in Europe?



Diseases with exposures to which everyone is exposed

Health effect Total Population Background Rate of Disease (per year) Age Group Population
Work loss days (WLDs) 450,000 WLDs per 100,000 people aged 15-64 per year

[1] [2] [3]

15-64 Years General Population
Minor Restricted Activity Days (MRADs) 780,000 MRADs per 100,000 people in employment aged 18-64 per year


18-64 Years General Population
Restricted activity days (RADs) 1,900,000 RADs per 100,000 people aged 18-64 per year


18-64 Years General Population
Infant Mortality 145 postneonatal deaths per 100,000 live births


1 month to 1 year General Population
Chronic bronchitis 390 new cases annually per 100,000 adults at risk (adjusted for remission - remission rate of 56.2%)


Adults aged 18 years and older General Population without symptoms (90% of population)


Cardiovascular hospital admissions 723 emergency cardiac admissions per 100,000 population, all ages, per year

[8] [9]

All Ages General Population
Respiratory hospital admissions 617 emergency respiratory hospital admissions per 100,000 population, all ages, per year

[10] [11]

All Ages General Population
Asthma medication use in children with asthma 10% mean daily prevalence of bronchodilaotor usage among children meeting the PEACE criteria

[12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]

5-14 Years Children with Asthma (14.4% of children aged 5-14 in EU27 have asthma)


Bronchodilator usage in adults with asthma Background probability of bronchodilator use of 0.5 of daily usage among adults 20+

[19] [20] [21]

Adults aged 20 years and older Adults with asthma (10.2% of adults aged 20 and older in EU27 have asthma)


Lower respiratory symptoms including cough among children 15% mean daily prevalence rate for LRS including cough (all-year rate) among children

[23] [24] [25]

5-14 Years General Population
Lower respiratory symptoms (including cough) in symptomatic adults 30% mean daily prevalence for LRS including cough in symptomatic adults

[26] [27] [28]

Adults Adults with chronic respiratory symptoms (30% of adults have chronic respiratory symptoms)


Mortality (all cause) 920 deaths per 100,000 population


All Ages General Population
Respiratory hospital admissions 2496 hospitalisations per 100,000 adults aged 65+

[31] [32]

Adults aged 65 years and older General Population
Bronchodilator usage in children 40% mean daily prevalence of bronchodilator useage among asthmatic children. 292,000 (0.8%) days at risk per 100,000 children in the general population

[33] [34] [35]

5-14 Years General Population
Bronchodilator use in adults with asthma Mean daily prevalence of 32% for bronchodilator usage during the summer months

[36] [37]

Adults aged 20 years and older Adults with asthma (10.2% of adults in EU27 have asthma)


Lower respiratory symptoms (LRS) (excluding cough) among children 1.5% mean daily prevalence of LRS excluding cough in general population of children (summer-time rate)


5-14 Years General Population
Cough (days) among children 5.4% mean daily prevalence of cough in general population of children (summer-time rate)


5-14 Years General Population
Minor Restricted Activity Days (MRADs) 780,000 MRADs per 100,000 people in employment aged 18-64 per year


18-64 Years General Population
Cancer Not applicable All Ages General Population
Heat (K)
Summer mortality – all cause (non-violent, all ages) 410 deaths per 100,000 population


All Ages Mediterranean Population (see exposure metric column for specific countries)
Summer mortality – all cause (non-violent, all ages) 440 deaths pre 100,000 population


All Ages North-Continental Population (see exposure metric column for specific countries)
Myocardial Infarction 1.4 hospital admissions per 1,000 population


All Ages General Population

Diseases with exposures to which only a proportion of population is exposed

Health effect Total Population Background Rate of Disease (per year) Unexposed Population Background Rate of Disease (per year) Age Group Population
Radon concentrations
Lung cancer 69.0 lung cancer cases per 100,000 population 68.5 lung cancer cases per 100,000 unexposed adults


Adults Exposed Adults (4.6% of adults are exposed at baseline)
Asthma Incidence 800 new cases of asthma per 100,000 children 797 new cases of asthma per 100,000 unexposed children


Under 16 Years Exposed children (2.0% of children under 16 years are exposed at baseline)
Homes with mould or dampness
Wheeze among children 2% daily prevalence of symptoms in children 1.9% daily prevalence of symptoms in unexposed children


Children under 18 Exposed population (15% of children under 18 are exposed)
Wheeze among adults 8% mean daily prevalence of symptoms in adults 7.6% mean daily prevalence of symptoms in unexposed adults


Adults aged 18 years and older Exposed population (15% of adults aged 18 years and older are exposed)
Asthma Development amoung adults 380 new cases of asthma per 100,000 adults 371 new cases of asthma per 100,000 unexposed adults.

AVERAGE OF: [49] [50] [51] [52] [53]

Adults aged 15 years and older Exposed population (15% of adults aged 15 years and older are exposed)
Asthma Development among children 800 new cases of asthma per 100,000 children 761 new cases of asthma per 100,000 unexposed children


Children 5-14 Exposed population (15% of children aged 5-14 are exposed)


Not defined yet.


See also


Background rate, disease, ICD-10, morbidity


  1. Bergendorff S. (2003). Sickness absence in Europe – a comparative study. Fourth international research conference on social security. Available at: [1]; accessed March 2011.
  2. European Commission (EC), Eurostat Labour market statistics. Available at: [2]; accessed January 2011.
  3. Hurley F, Hunt A, Cowie H, Holland M, Millar B, Pye S and Watkiss P. 2005. Methodology for the Cost-Benefit analysis for CAFE: Volume 2: Health Impact Assessment.
  4. Ostro BD and Rothschild S. (1989). Air pollution and acute respiratory morbidity: An observational study of multiple pollutants. Environ. Res; 50: 238-247.
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  8. APHEIS (Air Pollution and Health: A European Information System; 2004). Health impact assessment of air pollution and communication: Third Year Report, 2002-2003 (Apheis-3). Available at: [3]; accessed January 2010.
  9. Hurley F, Hunt A, Cowie H, Holland M, Millar B, Pye S and Watkiss P. 2005. Methodology for the Cost-Benefit analysis for CAFE: Volume 2: Health Impact Assessment.
  10. APHEIS (Air Pollution and Health: A European Information System; 2004). Health impact assessment of air pollution and communication: Third Year Report, 2002-2003 (Apheis-3). Available at: [4]; accessed January 2010.
  11. Hurley F, Hunt A, Cowie H, Holland M, Millar B, Pye S and Watkiss P. 2005. Methodology for the Cost-Benefit analysis for CAFE: Volume 2: Health Impact Assessment.
  12. Roemer W, Hoek G, Brunekreef B. (1993). Effect of ambient winter air pollution on respiratory health of children with chronic respiratory symptoms. Am Rev Respir Dis; 147: 118-124.
  13. Timonen KL and Pekkanen J. (1997). Air pollution and respiratory health among children with asthmatic or cough symptoms. Am J Resp Crit Care Med; 156: 546-552.
  14. Segala C, Fauroux B, Just J, Pascual L, Grimfeld A and Neukirch F. (1998). Short-term effect of winter air pollution on respiratory health of asthmatic children in Paris. European Respiratory Journal; 11: 677-685.
  15. Gielen MH, van der Zee SC, van Wijnen JH, van Steen CJ, Brunekreef B. (1997). Acute effects of summer air pollution on respiratory health of asthmatic children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 155: 2105-2108.
  16. Tiitanen P, Timonen KL, Ruskanen JJ, Mirme A and Pekkanen J. (1999). Fine particulate air pollution, resuspended road dust and respiratory health among symptomatic children. Eur Respir J; 13: 266-273.
  17. Hurley F, Hunt A, Cowie H, Holland M, Millar B, Pye S and Watkiss P. 2005. Methodology for the Cost-Benefit analysis for CAFE: Volume 2: Health Impact Assessment.
  18. Asher MI, Montefort S, Björkstén B, Lai CKW, Strachan DP, Weiland SK, Williams H, and the ISAAC Phase Three Study Group. 2006. Worldwide time trends in the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in childhood: ISAAC Phases One and Three repeat multicountry cross-sectional surveys. Lancet. 368(9537): 733-743.
  19. Dusseldorp A, Kruize H, Brunekreef B, Hofschreuder P, de Meer G and van Oudvorst AB. (1995). Associations of PM10 and airborne iron with respiratory health of adults near a steel factory. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 152: 1932-1939.
  20. von Klot S, Wolke G, Tuch T, Heinrich J, Dockery DW, Schwartz J, Kreyling WG, Wichmann HE and Peters A. (2002). Increased asthma medication use in association with ambient fine and ultrafine particles. European Respiratory Journal; 20: 691-702.
  21. Hiltermann TJN, Stolk J, van der Zee SC, Brunekreef B, de Bruijne CR, Fischer PH, Ameling CB, Sterk PJ, Heimstra PS and van Bree L. (1998). Asthma severity and susceptibility to air pollution. European Respiratory Journal; 11: 686-693.
  22. WHO survey data centre: World Health Survey (WHS). Geneva, World Health Organization, 2007, Available at: [5], accessed 2010.
  23. van der Zee S, Hoek G, Boezen HM, Schouten JP, van Wijnen JH and Brunekreef B. (1999). Acute effects of urban air pollution on respiratory health of children with and without chronic respiratory symptoms. Occupational and Environmental Medicine; 56: 802-812.
  24. Hoek G and Brunekreef B (1995). Effect of photochemical air pollution on acute respiratory symptoms in children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 151: 27-32.
  25. Hurley F, Hunt A, Cowie H, Holland M, Millar B, Pye S and Watkiss P. 2005. Methodology for the Cost-Benefit analysis for CAFE: Volume 2: Health Impact Assessment.
  26. Neukirch F, Segala C, Le Moullec Y, Korobaeff M and Aubier M. (1998). Short-term effects of low-level winter pollution on respiratory health of asthmatic adults. Archives of Environmental Health; 53: 320-328.
  27. Hiltermann TJN, Stolk J, van der Zee SC, Brunekreef B, de Bruijne CR, Fischer PH, Ameling CB, Sterk PJ, Heimstra PS and van Bree L. (1998). Asthma severity and susceptibility to air pollution. European Respiratory Journal; 11: 686-693.
  28. Dusseldorp A, Kruize H, Brunekreef B, Hofschreuder P, de Meer G and van Oudvorst AB. (1995). Associations of PM10 and airborne iron with respiratory health of adults near a steel factory. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 152: 1932-1939.
  29. ECRHS (1996). European Community Respiratory Health Survey: Variations in the prevalence of respiratory symptoms, self-reported asthma attacks, and use of asthma medication in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS). European Respiratory Journal; 9: 687-695.
  30. European detailed mortality database (DMDB). Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, [2010].
  31. APHEIS (Medina S, Plasència A, Artazcoz L, Quénel P, Katsouyanni K, Mücke H-G, De Saeger E, Krzyzanowsky M, Schwartz J. and the contributing members of the APHEIS group). (2002). APHEIS Health Impact Assessment of Air Pollution in 26 European Cities. Second year report, 2000-2001. Institut de Veille Sanitaire, Saint-Maurice, France. (Apheis-2), Available at: [6].
  32. Hurley F, Hunt A, Cowie H, Holland M, Millar B, Pye S and Watkiss P. 2005. Methodology for the Cost-Benefit analysis for CAFE: Volume 2: Health Impact Assessment.
  33. Just J, Segala C, Sahraoui F, Priol G, Grimfeld A and Neukirch F. (2002). Short-term health effects of particulate and photochemical air pollution in asthmatic children. European Respiratory Journal; 20: 899-906.
  34. Gielen MH, van der Zee SC, van Wijnen JH, van Steen CJ, Brunekreef B. (1997). Acute effects of summer air pollution on respiratory health of asthmatic children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 155: 2105-2108.
  35. Hurley F, Hunt A, Cowie H, Holland M, Millar B, Pye S and Watkiss P. 2005. Methodology for the Cost-Benefit analysis for CAFE: Volume 2: Health Impact Assessment.
  36. Hiltermann TJN, Stolk J, van der Zee SC, Brunekreef B, de Bruijne CR, Fischer PH, Ameling CB, Sterk PJ, Heimstra PS and van Bree L. (1998). Asthma severity and susceptibility to air pollution. European Respiratory Journal; 11: 686-693.
  37. Hurley F, Hunt A, Cowie H, Holland M, Millar B, Pye S and Watkiss P. 2005. Methodology for the Cost-Benefit analysis for CAFE: Volume 2: Health Impact Assessment.
  38. WHO survey data centre: World Health Survey (WHS). Geneva, World Health Organization, 2007, Available at: [7], accessed 2010.
  39. Hoek G and Brunekreef B (1995). Effect of photochemical air pollution on acute respiratory symptoms in children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 151: 27-32.
  40. Hoek G and Brunekreef B (1995). Effect of photochemical air pollution on acute respiratory symptoms in children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 151: 27-32.
  41. Ostro BD and Rothschild S. (1989). Air pollution and acute respiratory morbidity: An observational study of multiple pollutants. Environ. Res; 50: 238-247.
  42. European Commission (EC), Eurostat Population database, Available at: [8] [2010].
  43. European Commission (EC), Eurostat Population database, Available at: [9] [2010].
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  46. Perzanowski MS, Rönmark E, Platts-Mills TAE, Lundbäck. 2002. Effect of Cat and Dog Ownership on Sensititzation and Development of Asthma among Preteenage Children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 166: 696-702.
  47. van der Zee S, Hoek G, Boezen HM, Schouten JP, van Wijnen JH and Brunekreef B. (1999). Acute effects of urban air pollution on respiratory health of children with and without chronic respiratory symptoms. Occupational and Environmental Medicine; 56: 802-812.
  48. van der Zee SC, Hoek G, Boezen MH, Schouten JP, van Wijnen JH and Brunekreef B. 2000. Acute effects of air pollution on respiratory health of 50-70 yr old adults. Eur Respir J. 15: 700-709.
  49. Sama SR, Hunt PR, Cirillo CIHP, Marx A, Rosiello RA, Henneberger PK and Milton DK. 2003. A longitudinal study of adult-onset asthma incidence among HMO members. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source. 2: 10-18.
  50. Eagan TML, Bakke PS, Eide GE and Gulsvik A. 2002. Incidence of asthma and respiratory symptoms by sex, age and smoking in a community study. Eur Respir J. 19: 599-605.
  51. Rönmark E, Lundbäck B, Jönsson E, Jonsson A-C, Lindström M, Sandström T. 1997. Incidence of asthma in adults – report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in Nothern Sweden Study. Allergy. 52: 1071-1078.
  52. McDonnell WF, Abbey DE, Nishino N and Lebowitz MD. 1999. Long-Term Ambient Ozone Concentration and the Incidence of Asthma in Nonsmoking Adults: The Ahsmog Study. Environmental Research. 80(2): 110-121.
  53. Basagaña X, Sunyer J, Zock J-P, Kogevinas M, Urrutia I, Maldonado JA, Almar E, Payo F, Antó JM. 2001. Incidence of Asthma and Its Determinants among Adults in Spain. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 164: 1133-1137.
  54. Perzanowski MS, Rönmark E, Platts-Mills TAE, Lundbäck. 2002. Effect of Cat and Dog Ownership on Sensititzation and Development of Asthma among Preteenage Children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 166: 696-702.

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Background rates of diseases in Europe. Opasnet . [11]. Accessed 07 Mar 2025.