Archive of CEHRA
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The page identifier is Op_en7512 |
Archive of Centre of Excellence of Environmental Health Risk Analysis (CEHRA) is a description of contents produced by CEHRA during its existence in KTL in 2002-2007.
Main subprojects
- Subprojects were numbered with RXX, where XX is a sequential number.
Instructions for archiving
General instructions
During summer 2016, we archive two main data sources: N:/YTO/projects/TCDD and U:/arkisto_kuopio/huippuyksikko. Data and metadata of research will be located in Opasnet and Opasnet Base, and other material well be placed in U:/arkisto_kuopio (?).
- The folders of a team should follow this structure (time of storage in parenthesis):
- Applications: Funding applications (15 a)
- Administration: All administrative documents including project management / projektinhallinta and reports / raportit rahoittajille (10 a?)
- Literature: Articles and documents by others (stored as long as needed; not archived)
- Publications: Articles and documents by the team (final version archived permanently in Julkari; intermediate versions 15 a?)
- Meetings: Material of scientific meetings and project meetings (15 a?)
- Miscellaneous / Oheishommat: Work not directly of scientific interest (10 a?)
- Presentations: Slides and posters produced by the team (15 a?; not archived?)
- Research: research data and metadata (archived permanently)
For printing folders and their content, in Windows use dir command [1], e.g.
dir /ad /b /s > listoffolders.txt
Archiving of reports and journals: items are listed in op_fi:YMALin kirjalista.
- Organohalogen Compounds: 1 copy of each issue is stored in Porrasvarasto.
- Risk Analysis: 1 copy of each issue is stored in Porrasvarasto.
- Doctoral theses of YMTO (and closely related topics): 1 copy is stored in the Reference library (käsikirjasto).
- Reports by own team (YMAL) in the Reference library:
- Less than 3 years old: 10 copies
- Older than 3 years: 3 copies
- Other reports (1 copy):
Todo lists
- Write instructions regarding the S132 notebook
- Write description of experiments S158 and S168 ←--#: . Done. --Jouni (talk) 11:15, 29 August 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
- Vie kaikki tyhjät mapit ja lehtikotelot hieromatuolihuoneesta ja Jounin huoneesta toimistotarvikevarastoon.
- Hakemistosta N:\YTO\Projects\TCDD\JouninPre1999\Motiliteetti luodaan jokaisesta *.fl4-tiedostosta ascii-muotoinen versio *.asc sivulla op_fi:TCDD-koe motiliteetti olevan ohjeen mukaisesti.
- Tehdään uudet versiot hakemistossa N:\YTO\Projects\TCDD\JouninPre1999\S158 Rasvahapot oleville tiedostoille S158 Maksa.xls (17.2.1998 versio!), S158Plasma.xls ja S158Plasma.xls siten, että datan saa tallennettua Opasnet-kantaan. Tarkempi ohje löytyy sivulta op_fi:TCDD-koe rasvahapot.
- Alla olevan priorisoinnin mukaan arkistoidaan TCDD-kokeet.
- Arkistoi sarkoomatutkimus, ainakin kyselylomakkeet ja muukin materiaali jos onnistuu.
- Tee TCDD-kokeet-mallineesta myös englanninkielinen versio ja laita se sivulle TCDD project.
- S209 lisätään Risteytyskoe-sarjaan.
- Tarkistetaan t2b:t "Koe SXXX": jos niissä on rivi Original URL, se poistetaan ja tiedostot siirretään arkistoluetteloon jos ovat olennaisia (URLit korjattava tietysti).
Arkistoinnissa korjattavaa
(Jouni Tuomisto 29.8.2016)
- Kaikissa sarjoissa arkistoluettelossa pitäisi olla myös sähköiset aineistot listattuna kuten TCDD-koe S186:ssa. Puuttuu ainakin Dioksiinien annosvaste, Aivoleesiot, Motiliteetti.
- TCDD-koe S186 / Muuttujat: kuvauksessa latausannosten jälkeisten tietojen kohdalla lukee virheellisesti "...päivää ennen TCDD-latausannosta..." vaikka pitäisi olla "...päivää TCDD-latausannoksen jälkeen.."
- TCDD-koe S186 / Muuttujat: Tunniste alkup. -sarakkeen päivämäärät ovat muuttuneet numeroiksi. Samoin S217 ym,
- Pitää tehdä arkisto-templaatti, johon laitetaan tietoja arkistoitavista yksiköistä. Käykö THS-malline siihen vai tarvitaanko oma?
- Talk:TCDD project
- Pitäisi lisätä sarake Data in Opasnet Base
- Files -> Zip file archived?
- Mitä tarkoittaa T2b taulukossa Talk:TCDD project? Onko se koesuunnitelma? -> Study design
- Data-otsikon alla pitää ottaa kantaa siihen, missä muodoissa dataa on: Base, zip, muita.
- TCDD project / Experiments -taulukkoon pitäisi lisätä linkit kokeiden omalle sivulle, jos sellainen on.
- Kokeen lempinimi eli Experiments-taulukon nimi on lisättävä sivujen alkuun.
- Joka kokeen sivulle voisi laittaa linkin sarjan zip-tiedostoon.
- Lisää S132 koesuunnitelma (ainakin idea) sivulle TCDD-koe altistusreitin vaikutus.
- Biliverdiinikokeiden zip on tekemättä koska siellä oli niin isoja tiedostoja.
- Arkistoluetteloon on listattava, mitkä kaikki kokeet arkistoidussa sarjassa ovat.
- Sarjojen otsikon Kokeet kohdalla listataan kokeiden nimet vaikka koesuunnitelmataulukkoa ei olisi.
Priority list for TCDD experiments
- Eero's semi-archived excel files on U:\arkisto_kuopio\huippuyksikko\Tutkimus\R52_TCDDannosvaste : S217 S217B S226 S227 S228 S243 S243B S250a S250b S251 S252 S253 S254 S261 S262 S264 S263 S269 S270 S278 S280
- Excel sheets: Koe -> a t2b table with name "Koe" on the main page; Muuttujat -> a t2b table with name "Muuttujat" on the main page; Aineisto -> upload to Opasnet Base with name "Data"; Loki: copy to the talk page as text under subheading "Loki".
- See also U:\arkisto_kuopio\huippuyksikko\Tutkimus\R52_TCDDannosvaste\S-sarjan kokeiden arkistointiohje.doc and OhjeKoesuunnitlmatKansioon.doc (texts also copied to R↻ and R↻ ).
- Semi-archived excel file S186 on U:\arkisto_kuopio\huippuyksikko\Tutkimus\R52_TCDDannosvaste.
- Experiments S283 - S326 with owner JTT from N:\YTO\projects\TCDD\KOKEET.
- All experiments in the template op_fi:Malline:TCDD-kokeet.
Book shelf categories
The book shelf is located in Neulanen 3161. Its structure is the following.
- Shelf of the department (in the hall outside the room): Doctoral theses (almost all) and other book-style publications (not full coverage) of the environmental health researchers (previously also YTOS, YMTO, and YTOR)
- Shelf of the unit: Publications of the risk team (previously also YMAL, ILMA, Riskiryhmä, Huippuyksikkö). This shelf may have several copies of publications depending on availability and age.
- Book-style publications: books, reports, doctoral theses.
- Article-style publications: reprints of articles and other short publications.
- Jouni's publications: Personal shelf of own publications and important publications (esp. theses) of others.
- Books by others: Books published by people outside YMAL and YTOS.
- Reports by others: Reports published by people outside YMAL and YTOS. These are organised by publishing year under the following categories.
- Persistent pollutants (e.g. dioxins, heavy metals)
- Air pollution (esp. fine particles)
- Traffic, energy production and housing
- Climate change
- Impact assessment, risk assessment, EIA, modelling
- Environmental health (incl. noise, cancer)
- Public health, decision making, society
THL archive system in Opasnet
Here we describe how to archive materials in Opasnet in accordance with the THL (or previously KTL) archiving instructions.
All materials are listed in the THL archive list. It has the following structure:
- Archiving organisation (typically THL or KTL)
- Department, Unit: See #Organisation history for names and abbreviations of Environmental Health during decades.
- Name: Name and short description of the particular piece of material (also called series).
- Series: Identifier for the series.
- Time: time period when the series was collected.
- Parcels: How many separate boxes or parcels does the series have?
- Type: What type of parcels are used? Typically ko (kotelo), la (laatikko, box)
- Shelfmeters: How many shelf meters does the series take?
- Page: Page of the series in Opasnet. The archive list of the series is found on this page in t2b table "Arkistoluettelo".
Each series has a content list (arkistoluettelo A), which is a t2b table "Arkistoluettelo" on the Opasnet page of the series. The material of a series is packed into parcels (which may also be electronic!), and each parcel contains items that are listed in the content list. ----#: . Note: series is NOT the same as the S### in the name of TCDD experiments. In archiving terminology, a series is a collection of experiments that share the same topic. --Jouni (talk) 08:39, 12 July 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment) It contains the following information for each item (implicit information is not in the table):
- Series: Identifier for the series. (Implicit information, because the Opasnet page tells the series.)
- Name: Name and short description of the particular series. (Implicit information. Can be automatically obtained from the archive list.)
- Site: Storage site of the parcel.
- Number: Ordered number of the parcel within the series.
- Type: What type of parcel is this?
- Year: The year this item applies to? May also be a period, e.g. 1997-1999.
- Specification: Any description to uniquely identify the item or items. E.g. period of observation, diary number, numbers of questionnaire forms etc.
- Notes: Any information that is useful to understand the contents. E.g. if there are missing items in a sequence, it is useful to tell that they are missing and explain reasons here. The purpose is to help people find and understand the contents.
It should be noted that Site, Number and Type are about a parcel, not about an item. Therefore this information is repeated identically from one row to another for all items in a same parcel. To save time, you can fill in the first row, and the system will assume that all empty cells have the same value as on the previous row.
The material of a series is stored in the following places:
- THL archive: paper material
- \\\groups\arkisto_kuopio\ (with necessary subfolders, e.g. YTO\TCDD\): all electronic material of each series, under a folder with the name of the series. For practical reasons, the series folders are under decade folders (1990-1999 etc).
- Opasnet File namespace: all electronic material of each series, zipped in one file with the name of the series and linked to the page of the series.
- Opasnet Base: the original data of a series is stored in Opasnet Base tables of the respective series page.
- Opasnet: metadata about the series to a page with the name of the series.
- Opasnet page op_fi:THL:n arkisto: list of series
How to make cross-references of different storage sites?
- Arkistoluettelo (list of archived parcels and items within them) should also contain each electronic folder or zip file as a separate parcel. The main archive list is on the Opasnet page of the series.
- The most important files in a folder should be listed in the archive list.
- Experiment notebooks (koevihko) are mentioned in the list. If the notebook of an experiment is missing, this is mentioned.
- The experiment design paper is mentioned in the archive list. The experimental design should also be found on the respective Opasnet page as a t2b with a name "Koe SXXX".
- The archive list is produced (using an R code) and copy-pasted on a THL template. It is printed and stored together with the paper material.
- In addition, a print of the Opasnet page(s) of a series are produced and stored in the paper material.
- Both archive list and Opasnet series page are also saved as PDF-A file and stored in the series folder and zip file.
TCDD project experiments
There are several sources of information related to the TCDD project.
- Booklets: They contain daily records of the progress of the experiment. Stored permanently in THL archive.
- Other paper material: Some are documents to be stored permanently. Others are temporary notes and will be discarded.
- N:\YTO\Projects\TCDD\Kokeet: Typical place for electronic material. Final data is stored in Opasnet, all files are moved to N:\YTO\Arkisto (and later on to a permanent achive storage). Other possible sources that are treated similarly:
- N:\YTO\Projects\TCDD\JouninPre1999\
- U:\arkisto_kuopio\huippuyksikko\Tutkimus\R52_TCDDannosvaste\
- White experiment folder: Contains descriptions of experimental designs. Stored permanently with each experiment. Information is copied to the series page in Opasnet.
- TCDD project: Contains the list of all experiments.
- op_fi:Malline:TCDD-kokeet: A list of TCDD series and experiments belonging to each.
Compare these sources of information and make sure that discrepancies are found and corrected.
Organisation history
Organisaation osa | Lyhenne | Toimintavuodet | Edeltäjä | Seuraaja | Ylempi organisaation osa |
Kansanterveyslaitos | KTL | 1979-2008 | Kansanterveyslaboratorio | THL | - |
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos | THL | 2009- | Kansanterveyslaitos | - | - |
Ympäristöhygienian ja toksikologian osasto | YHT | 1982-1991 | - | YTOR | KTL |
Ympäristöterveyden osastoryhmä | YTOR | 1992-2000 | Ympäristöhygienian ja toksikologian osasto | YTOS | KTL |
Ympäristöterveyden osasto | YTOS | 2001-2008 | YTOR | YMTO | KTL |
Ympäristöterveyden osasto | YMTO | 2009-2014 | Ympäristöterveyden osasto (YTOS) | TUSO | THL |
Terveydensuojeluosasto | TUSO | 2015- | Ympäristöterveyden osasto (YTOS) | - | THL |
Toksikologian laboratorio | 1984-1991 | - | YTO | YHT | |
Ympäristölääketieteen osasto | YTO | 1992-2000 | Toksikologian laboratorio | TOKS, YMB | YTOR |
Toksikologian laboratorio | TOKS | 2001-2007 | YTO | ALTA | YTOS |
Altistumistutkimusyksikkö | ALTA | 2008 | TOKS, ILMA | YTOK | YTOS |
Ympäristötoksikologian yksikkö | YTOK | 2009-2013 | ALTA | YKAT | YMTO |
Toksikologian ja kemiallisen altistumisen yksikkö | YKAT | 2014 | YTOK | TUKE | YMTO |
Kemikaalit ja terveys -yksikkö | TUKE | 2015- | YKAT | - | TUSO |
Ympäristöepidemiologian yksikkö | YEP | 1994-2008 | - | YTOS | |
Ympäristöepidemiologian yksikkö | YMEP | 2009-2014 | YEP | TUAS | YMTO |
Asuinympäristö ja terveys -yksikkö | TUAS | 2015- | YMEP, YMIK | - | TUSO |
Ympäristöterveyden riskianalyysin huippuyksikkö | CEHRA | 2002-2007 | - | - | YTOS |
Arviointi ja mallitus -yksikkö | YMAL | 2009-2014 | Riskiryhmä (osa YMEPiä), ILMA (osa ALTAa) | Vaikutusarviointiyksikkö | YMTO |
Vaikutusarviointiyksikkö | 2015- | YMAL + rokotusyksiköitä | - | TUSO | |
Ympäristöhygienian laboratorio | 1984-1991 | - | YHA | YHT | |
Ympäristöhygienian osasto | YHA | 1992-2000 | Ympäristöhygienian laboratorio | KEM, ILMA | YTOR |
Kemian laboratorio | KEM | 2001-2008 | YHA | YKEM | YTOS |
Kemiallisen altistumisen yksikkö | YKEM | 2009-2013 | Toksikologia (osa ALTAa), KEM | YKAT | YMTO |
Ympäristömikrobiologian yksikkö | YMB | 2001-2008 | YTO | YVES, YMIK | YTOS |
Vesiyksikkö | YVES | 2009-2014 | YMB | TUVE | YMTO |
Vesi ja terveys -yksikkö | TUVE | 2015- | YVES | - | TUSO |
Ympäristömikrobiologian yksikkö | YMIK | 2009-2014 | YMB | TUAS | YMTO |
See also
- Archive content of THL.