Immigration assessment

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The content of this page are updated based on the Finnish page op_fi:Maahanmuuttoarviointi. Note that the Finnish page is larger, and this only contains the main points and topics under discussion.
Main message:

This is an open assessment done in collaboration by the ministry of employment and the economy and Yhtakoytta-project. It aims to find actions to better use the local knowledge, networks and know-how of immigrants to help Finnish businesses become more international and increase their exports.


The work is only beginning, and no actions have been yet identified. The assessment began in the beginning of March 2016, and by April we hope to have announced about the work widely enough for open participation to start producing ideas and views on the topic. The work will be completed by the end of June.



What concrete actions should be taken and why to advance those improvement goals listed in the report Innovaatiotalouden maahanmuuttopolitiikka (Raunio, May 2015[1] and that are also presented as a summary on this page under Aspects of innovation economy? Especially, how can the immigrants' local knowledge, networks and know-how be exploited to help Finnish businesses grow, become more international and increase export?


Who are the desired participants for this assessment?
  • Owner of the experiment: Ministry of Employment and the Economy (in charge: Sonja Hämäläinen)
  • Moderator: National Institute for Health and Welfare (in charge: Jouni Tuomisto), Yhtakoytta-project
  • Other desired participants:
    • Economic experts: Tekes the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, Sitra the Finnish Innovation Fund, VATT Institute for Economic Research...
    • In charge of the integration of immigrants: Integration network, reception centre
    • In charge of education: The Ministry of Education and Culture, municipal training consortiums...
    • Yhtakoytta-project (OKFFI, Oxford Research)
    • Prime Minister's Office
    • National Institute for Health and Welfare
    • Anyone can participate since this is an open assessment

Intended use and users

What can the project's results be used for, and by whom?
  • The Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy is the primary user. The goal is for the project's data to be used in choosing the right actions to get the most out of immigration.
    • To better motivate users to participate we should describe different ways to use the data
  • Other uses and users?


How do we narrow down the the project in relation to time, geography, research question etc.?
  • The target of this assessment are Finnish immigrants and their contribution to Finnish companies.
  • Temporally, the focus is on the time before the immigrants are fully integrated to the society.


What criteria can we use in evaluating the usefulness of different political measures?

Effect on:

  • Economy
  • The development and profit of companies
  • Welfare of immigrants
  • Amount of welfare benefits needed
  • ...


  • Timetable: the assessment will be carried out during March-June 2016.
  • Tools: Online workbase Opasnet. Public forum Collaborative writing tool Hackpad.
  • Ease of access: All of the data can be accessed via any of the websites listed above. The main communication will happen through Opasnet on the Finnish page. Widgets are used to link to different sources.
  • Language: The main language of the assessment is Finnish. The main parts of the assessment will be carried out also in English to include as many possible participants as possible. Some content (questionnaires, gallups, etc.) may be only available in Finnish.


There aren't yet any action suggestions. The results will be added here as the work progresses during April.


Contents of action suggestions

A good action suggestion whould include an answer to the questions below. Of course you can also suggest an idea, even if everything wasn't yet known. Rough estimates are allowed, but they should be mentioned to be such.

  • Content of the action: what will be done?
  • Who makes the decision about the action adnwho implements it?
  • What is a realistic schedule for implementing the action?
  • How much will it cost and who will pay?
  • What use is the action to
    • different agents (business, immigrant, economy, customer...)
    • different goals (economical, health related, social, welfare effects..)
  • What research knowledge or reports there are about carrying out the action or its impacts?


At least the following topics should be examined:

  • Foreign students and PhD candidates and getting them to Finland
  • Surveying and using the knowledge and know-how of asylum seekers.
  • Employment of asylum seekers.
  • Using the immigrants' know-how of their to develop their native countries' societies and crisis control through export of innovations.
    • Is there this kind of export currently in Finland? Could there be and what would it be?

Aspects of innovation economy

Quite quickly it was discovered innovation economy is a good topic. The point of view was chosen to be the development of innovation economy and the related question: what concrete actions should be done to further these goals and why? The report Innovaatiotalouden maahanmuuttopolitiikka[1] (Immigration policy of innovation economy) includes the following development goals:

  • The emphasis in the actions of immigration policy is in the immigration of students instead of immediate work-based immigration.
  • Within local development projects and the developer networks created the immigrants are activated to further entrepreneurship and innovation activity and different related communities are put up.
  • The activating of already working immigrant organisations and communities that have the potential to work to strengthen and internationalise local business and innovation activity. Especially the community's knowledge of the markets, culture and networks of their country of origin. Developing the communities and activity is sensible to anchor to already existing development projects and the developers' work.
  • The development of practises with which immigrants are better involved in innovation and business.
  • The search for operation models to involve the immigrant in especially difficult situations (f.ex. asylum seeking youth) in innovation and business.
  • The expansion of multilingual company counselling services especially aimed for immigrants from Helsinki to other cities and the enhancement of the process.
  • The examination of the possibility to create an attractive residence permit program or some other immigration political tool to draw entrepreneurs fo Finland from outsude the EU.
  • The strengthening of the role of business and immigrants representing business in local developer networks.
  • The national development of mentoring and a support network is implemented as part of the local developer networks, which gather together the mentoring programs in the area and furhter develop them.
  • The establishment of an international house including an office with all services available in cooperation with national operators, cities, universities, companies and immigrant organisations (developer network).
  • The composing of national participatory operational program for innovation politics and defining the operators responsible for carrying it out on national and local level.

Choosing the question

Avoimen arvioinnin laadullinen ja määrällinen onnistuminen edellyttää riittävää osallistumismotivaatiota tai -kannustinta. Eduksi on avoimen arvioinnin kohteen eli itse päätöksentekoasian vaikuttavuus ja merkittävyys sekä aito vaikutus- ja osallistumismahdollisuus. Jos arviointi vaikuttaa näennäisosallistamiselta, se voi pysyvästi luoda menetelmälle epäuskottavan leiman. Osallisille voi yksinkertaistetun prosessikaavion kautta selventää miten avoin arviointi kytkeytyy päätöksentekoon.

Yhtäköyttä-hankkeen kannalta on tärkeää kokeilla käytännössä avoimesti toteutettua vaikutusarviointia liittyen monimutkaiseen päätökseen, ja maahanmuutto on oiva aihe. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriölle annettiin iso valta määritellä tutkimuskysymys heitä palvelevaksi. Tärkeitä kriteereitä olivat seuraavat.

  • Vastaukselle täytyy olla kytkentä varsinaiseen päätöksentekoprosessiin, jotta ihmiset motivoituvat osallistumaan.
  • Vastauksen saaminen ja kokeilun toteuttaminen kestää aikansa, joten se pitää kytkeä päätöksentekoprosessissa lähitulevaisuudessa (3-6kk) tulevaan vaiheeseen.
  • Tiedonkeruun näkökulmasta kokeilunomistaja hyötyy sitä enemmän mitä enemmän asiassa on avoimia kysymyksiä, tuntematonta tietoa selvitettäväksi.
  • Hyvä kysymys voi olla niin uudesta asiasta, että hallinnon sisällä ja tunnetuilla sidosryhmillä ei ole helposti saatavaa asiantuntijuutta. Hyvä kysymys voi myös olla niin monitahoisesta ongelmasta, että normaali kuulemis- ja lausuntopyyntömenettely ei välttämättä tavoita kattavasti kaikkia näkökulmia.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Mika Raunio. Innovaatiotalouden maahanmuuttopolitiikka. Kansainvälinen muuttoliike, maahanmuuttajat ja innovaatiopolitiikka. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö 33/2015 ISBN 978-952-227-993-4 (painettu), ISBN 978-952-227-994-1 (sähköinen) [1]

----#: . Add the commenting tool here. --Jouni (talk) 14:23, 21 March 2016 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)